Renew Your Mind

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

Today's Passage: Philippians 4:6-8
Memory Verses: Romans 12:2

I was watching "The Wiz" the other night. I've never seen it all the way from the beginning, so the part with the scarecrow and the crows really caught my attention. I noticed that the crows were having the time of their lives convincing the scarecrow that he'd never be able to get down off of the post he was on. Everytime he tried to speak up about his dream of getting down, their voices became louder than his, and they even got him to rehearse what they thought about him by making him sing a song they called their anthem: "You Can't Win". It wasn't until Dorothy came along and drove the crows away that the scarecrow was able to believe he could actually be successful and get down.

This scene reminded me of the message entitled "The Peace of God" ministered by Pastors Chad and Nette. It basically described the voices of "protest" assigned to us by the enemy to keep repeating our failures and inability to be what God has already said we can and will be. Everytime we get ready to focus on the promises God has for us, the devil's imps are going to come and chirp in our ears, sometimes even getting us to rehearse all the reasons why we CAN'T accomplish our dreams. But here's where the movie differs from our reality as the children of the Most High God.

As soon as we begin to hear those voices speak the opposite of what God has said, we are given authority in today's passage to get rid of all anxious thoughts and begin to pray. Defeat the enemy's words with the Word of God, thanking Him for what He's promised, and for what is coming to pass in your life. As we do this, something miraculous will take place; the spirit of peace will put a devil-proof shield between us and those imps, and their voices will be silenced. But we're the only ones who can keep those voices from being heard again. We must keep our minds stayed only on what is truth (from God's Word), lovely, just, pure, noble, and of good report.

You see, those crows knew they could not stop the scarecrow from getting down if he thought he could. Their only ammunition was to plant thoughts of failure and insecurity in his mind. All the enemy can do is try to get us to THINK we can't be successful Christians who are also financially secure AND have marriages that are happy AS WELL AS children who love the Lord with all their hearts. My Bible says I can have all that if I delight myself in Him. So the only thing standing in my way is my own mind. I'm ready to be and do everything God says I can be and do, aren't you? All we need to do is renew our minds and conform our will to that of the Father. I can't wait to see God perform it in us!

Prayer: Thank You, Daddy, for being so faithful to make provision for us to defeat the enemy through our relationship with You. Give me the grace today to hear only Your Voice tell me who I am in You. As I renew my mind, may my life always make You famous. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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