A Mother's Love

Monday, May 3,2010

Today's Passage: 1 Samuel 1
Memory Verses: 1 Sam. 1:11

This week, as we prepare to celebrate Mother's Day, we'll be studying the lives of mothers in the Bible. One example of a mother's strong love is found in today's passage, in the life of a woman named Hannah. As most of you may already know, Hannah was a barren woman who petitioned God for a child. What amazes me about Hannah is not so much that she received her heart's desire (of course, our God is a prayer-answering God). I'd like to think that God's heart was drawn to the request she made.

Imagine desiring something for a long time, then promising to give it up if you could only have it. You and I probably have been known to make a promise or two if we thought that would influence God to give it to us. But Hannah did not make an idle promise; the moment she bore that child (who became Samuel, one of Israel's most powerful judges), she set about doing exactly as she had promised God she would. She gave him to the priests at the temple to be raised as God's servant all the days of his life.

Now is the moment of truth for me. I find myself wondering how it's possible to want a child so badly, then just give him up forever -- especially after nursing him. Any woman who's had a child knows how deep the maternal bond becomes between a mother and her child after spending countless hours together. How did she do it? Was there some prophecy God gave her about how great her son would be that we don't read about in the Bible? How was she able to just walk away from him? Would I have been able to do this? Would I even have made a promise of this nature to God?

What drew God's attention when Hannah prayed was her willingness to give up that which meant the most to her as a sacrifice to the One Who made her dream possible. Isn't that what serving God is all about? She realized that her life was not her own, and somehow knew that her child's future in God's hands would end in a much greater way than it could ever be in the hands of her or her husband. So what lesson do we learn from this story? Unselfishly let God have your child/children. What He can do with their lives will totally exceed what you can ever do. For He knows the plans He has for them. As you pray for your children, don't be afraid to declare that they stay in His perfect will. It's one prayer you'll never regret you prayed.

Prayer: Father, You've shown me yet another example of how in order to receive something from You, I must give something that's a sacrifice.I give You my children today. May they fulfill every plan You intended for them. Help me recognize their anointing and not hold them back from You in a selfish attempt to keep them for myself. Use them for Your glory forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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