Daddy's House

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm 122
Memory Verse: Hebrews 11:6

Imagine you had a father who was one of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world. Everytime you went to visit him, he always had expensive gifts to give away. It didn't matter how many times you went. All he required you to do each time was tell him how awesome he is, and declare your love for him. How many of us would give anything to be in your dad's presence? No sacrifice would be too great to make it there. And when you got there, you wouldn't hesitate to tell him exactly what he needed to hear.

Well, you don't need to imagine any more. Your Father is THE wealthiest and most powerful Being in the Universe. And everytime you go to His house (which you are welcome to do whenever you desire to), He's prepared priceless gifts for you that no earthly money can buy -- peace, love, joy, His grace, and forgiveness for the times when you fall short. But that's not all. In His presence, He gives you a glimpse of every promise you've been given about your destiny, as well as the things you desire to have on this earth. All He wants is your devotion, and your declaration that nothing will ever separate you from Him.

This morning, as you prepare to go to Daddy's house, will you make a commitment to give Him the best praise you can? Would you go with your offering of thanksgiving, which is the fruit of your lips? Meditate on the benefits of serving Him -- blessings you've received just from being associated with the God we serve. Praise Him out of the gratitude of knowing that every promise He makes, He keeps. And then watch Him shower His awesome love on not just you, but every other one of His children who come with the same mindset to touch and be touched by Him.

Are you excited yet? I'm filled with anticipation of what will happen as we give our all just to be in Daddy's house.

Prayer: Daddy, praise waits for You in Zion. You have shown Yourself faithful to me and my family. Before I even realized I needed You, You were always there because of Your great love for me. May no sacrifice ever be too great for me to make, because the prize is seeing You in all Your glory and majesty. I love You forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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