Get ASSEMBLED: The Necessity of the Church

Week of April 29th> Get ASSEMBLED: The Necessity of the Church

Monday, April 29th> Acts 2: 1-4; John 20: 19-28

1.  In what way is the mindset of many believers regarding going to church a sign that the church is under attack?

Tuesday, April 30th> Acts 1: 4-26; Acts 2: 41-47

2.  What IS the purpose of the church, and how have YOU benefitted from the existence of your local church?

Wednesday, May 1st> Acts 11: 19-30; Matthew 16: 18

3.  Because God intended the church to be the MOST POWERFUL ENTITY on earth, what IMPACT does she have the potential to make on the laws that are being passed?

Thursday, May 2nd> 2 Corinthians 10: 3-6; Ephesians 4: 1- 16

4.  How does the church go about advancing the kingdom and being effective in the harvest?

Friday, May 3rd> Acts 15: 1-21; 1Corinthians 1:10

5.  What causes the church --an entity so strong and empowered by an EXTREME God-- to lose ground to a much lesser force?

Saturday, May 4th> Exodus 12: 50-51; Exodus   13: 17-18; Numbers 2: 1-2

6.  How does this passage show that God intends for His body to function through the UNITED assembly of ranks?

Sunday, May 5th>  1 Corinthians 12: 7-11; Romans 12: 3-8; Ephesians 4: 11-16

7.  How does the revelation that EVERYONE in the body has a gifting and a place in the ranks encourage you to get/stay ASSEMBLED?


Week of April 22nd> Our EXTREME GOD

Monday, April 22nd > Genesis chapter 1

1. In what way does the Creation show the EXTREME nature of God (going beyond reason, convention, and what is usual)?

Tuesday, April 23rd> Exodus chapter 14

2. Because God is an EXTREME God, what is His purpose for placing us in situations that defy the natural?

Wednesday, April 24th> Psalm chapter 145 (MESSAGE)

3. What should our praise look and sound like in order to reflect the EXTREME nature of our God?

Thursday, April 25th> Psalm chapter 103

4. Due to the LIMITLESS nature of God's mercy, what should our attitude be towards those who are lost or backslidden ?

Friday, April 26th> Job chapter 26 (MESSAGE)

5. Armed with the knowledge of how AWESOME our God is, how should we respond to dire circumstances?

Saturday, April 27th> Ephesians 3: 14-21; Acts 4: 23-31

6. What part will the revelation that we have God's EXTREME power working IN US play in the 110?

Sunday, April 28th> Isaiah chapter 40; Matthew 22: 34-40

7. Because of God's EXTREME LOVE, and the fact that He is FOR US, how should we live our lives for Him?

PREPARATION: The Principle of TEAM

(From the week of April 15)

Week of April 15th> PREPARATION: The Principle of TEAM

Monday, April 15th> Proverbs 30: 27; Joel 2:2-8

1. What can the body of Christ learn from the locusts in terms of their ORDER?

Tuesday, April 16th> Joel 2: 2-8; Ephesians 6: 10-18

2. In what way can the church position herself to do the most DAMAGE to the kingdom of darkness?

Wednesday, April 17th> Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12; 1 Corinthians 12: 12-27

3. What is the single most powerful ATTITUDE each member of the local church body must possess in order to advance God's kingdom?

Thursday, April 18th> Nehemiah chapter 3

4. How does this passage demonstrate God's plan for RESTORATION using the principle of TEAM?

Friday, April 19th> Proverbs 30: 28; Esther chapter 2

5. What lesson in WISDOM do these passages teach the body of Christ concerning the VALUE we should place on "the least of these"?

Saturday, April 20th> Genesis chapter 41

6. What is one of the most important aspects of our relationship with God that is REQUIRED for promotion into places of authority?

Sunday, April 21st> Acts chapters 25 and 26

7. What role will our determination to be STEADFAST, even in the midst of persecution, play in how high God exalts us to make Him famous?


(From the week of April 8)

Week of April 8th> PREPARATION

Monday, April 8th> Matthew 24: 6-8; Romans 8: 18-23

1. What is the spiritual cause of the "birth pains" manifested in the calamities the world is experiencing?

Tuesday, April 9th> Matthew 24: 36-44

2. To whom is the Word referring when it declares that they will "know nothing" until the day of judgment appears?

Wednesday, April 10th> Hebrews 11:7; 1 Corinthians 2: 6- 16

3. What do these passages confirm about what God will show those whose lives are devoted to Him?

Thursday, April 11th> Proverbs 7: 1-5; John chapter 14

4. What will God have our response be in order for us not to make fear-driven decisions in these perilous times?

Friday, April 12th> 1 Timothy 4: 1-2; 2 Timothy 4: 3; Jude 1: 16-18

5. What will wisdom and understanding KEEP us from in this season?

Saturday, April 13th> Proverbs 30: 24-28; Numbers 13: 30-33; Proverbs 6: 6-8

6. What can we learn from the diligence of ants in terms of the way they PREPARE?

Sunday, April 14th> Proverbs 30: 24-28; Psalm 71: 1-14

7. What can the rock badger teach us about the type of foundation God wants us to have for our FAITH, our FAMILIES, and our very LIVES?

The Significance of the Passover

(From the week of April 1)

Week of April 1st> The Significance of the Passover

Monday, April 1st> Genesis chapter 15

1. What does this chapter reveal about the covenant-keeping nature of God?

Tuesday, April 2nd> Genesis 15:16; Matthew 23: 30-33; 1 Thessalonians 2:16

2. In answer to the world's question "What kind of God would do this?", what is the REAL heart of our JUST JUDGE?

Wednesday, April 3rd> Genesis 15: 16-21; Exodus 6: 1-8

3. In what way is God's plan to deliver the children of Israel a FORESHADOWING of OUR deliverance?

Thursday, April 4th> Exodus chapter 9; Exodus 11: 1-7

4. What confidence can the people of God have in Him when the time of judgment against the ungodly arrives?

Friday, April 5th> John 8: 34; Exodus 12: 1-13

5. How do our lives parallel those of the children of Israel when they were in Egypt?

Saturday, April 6th> Exodus 12: 1-5; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1: 18-19; Revelation 5:12

6. In what way is God's awesome plan of redemption revealed in the description of the Lamb, and what happens when it goes from being "a Lamb" and "the Lamb" to "YOUR LAMB"?

Sunday, April 7th> Exodus 12: 12-13; Exodus 12: 21-28; John 1:12

7. What is the ONLY WAY we can have access to the provision of redemption and deliverance made available to us?

Let's Break the Law of Average!

(From the week of March 25)

Week of March 25th> let's Break the Law of Average!

Monday, March 25th> Mark 2: 1-12; Matthew 8: 1-4

1. In what way does Jesus teach us to defy the natural things in order to see the supernatural?

Tuesday, March 26th > Matthew 9: 9-13; Matthew 18: 10-14

2. How should our hearts mirror that of God's heart towards those who are lost?

Wednesday, March 27th> Matthew 16: 13-20

3. If someone were to ask you Who Jesus is, what would you tell them?

Thursday, March 28th> Isaiah chapter 61

4. In what way does this passage show God's blueprint for living an above average life in the 110?

Friday, March 29th> Luke 11:37-54

5. Why did the Pharisees have such a hard time accepting Jesus as the Christ, and why do people do that today?

Saturday, March 30th> John chapter 11

6. What would the outcome have been for Lazarus and for us all if Jesus had succumbed to the Law of Average?

Sunday, March 31st > John chapter 13

7. In what way is Jesus' sacrifice a shining example of the exceptional life we are called to live?

Breaking Free from the Law of Average

(From the week of March 18)

Week of March 18th: Breaking Free from the Law of Average

Monday, March 18th> Daniel chapter 2

1. How does Daniel's ability to stand out from the wise men of Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom teach us about our call to be exceptional?

Tuesday, March 19th> Daniel chapter 3

2. In what way do the Hebrew boys' defiance of the king's decree exemplify the mentality required of believers who desire to break away from the world's system?

Wednesday, March 20th> 1 John 5: 18-21; Ephesians 6: 10-18

3. How should we respond to the way the world seems to support those who belong to the kingdom of darkness?

Thursday, March 21st> Daniel chapter 6; John 15: 18-27

4. To what extent should we be prepared to REBEL AGAINST the world's expectation to remain low-profile, even to the point of persecution?

Friday, March 22nd> John 16:33; John 1: 1-5; Matthew chapter 2

5. How should our daily lives be impacted by the truth that the darkness will NEVER overpower the Light?

Saturday, March 23rd> 1 John 5: 1-15

6. Because being born into sin subjected us to the law of average, what is the only thing that will disconnect us from that law?

Sunday, March 24th> 2 Timothy 1: 5-6; Colossians 3: 1-3; Philippians 3: 12-21

7. Given the possibility of LIVING ON EARTH WITH ALL OF HEAVEN'S RESOURCES that Christ purchased for us, how should we pursue this abundant life?

Judges, Kings, and Priests: ARISE!!!

(from the week of March 11)

Week of March 11th Judges, Kings, and Priests: ARISE!!!

Monday, March 11th; Joshua chapter 6

1. How important is it for us to follow God's directions TO THE LETTER if we want to see walls fall down?

Tuesday, March 12th; Judges chapter 16

2. What does Samson's disobedience teach us about what sleeping with the enemy will cost us?

Wednesday, March 13th; 1 Samuel chapters 13and 15

3. In what way is God's heart revealed about what He looks for in a spiritual leader? You will obey whom you fear.

Thursday, March 14th; 1 Samuel chapter 17

4. What will the outcome of our battles ALWAYS be if we approach them with TOTAL dependence on God?

Friday, March 15th; Leviticus 20: 7-8; 1 Peter 2: 1-12

5. Because God is calling us to be removed from the realm of the ordinary, what attitude should we have as priests while in the 110?

Saturday, March 16th; 1 Kings 8: 6-11; 1 Corinthians 3: 16-23; 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18

6. Since God has moved His Presence from physical buildings into our temples, what can we do to make room for His glory?

Sunday, March 17th; Romans 12:1; Romans 6:13; Hebrews 13: 14-16; Ephesians 5: 18-21

7. How does God expect us to use our bodies, our praise, and our possessions as a sacrifice to Him?

"In the Beginning" and "The Exodus"

(From the week of March 4)

Week of March 4th> "In the Beginning" and "The Exodus"

Monday, March 4th> Genesis chapter 6; Matthew 24: 36-44

1. Just as in the days of Noah, when everyone is going about the business of life, what attitude does God want us to have towards preparing others for the coming of His Son?

Tuesday, March 5th> Genesis chapter 22

2. What is the purpose of tests in which God asks us to put to death the very things He promised us?

Wednesday, March 6th> Exodus 2: 1-15

3. In what ways do we "disqualify" ourselves from being used by God when we use our own devices?

Thursday, March 7th> Exodus chapter 3

4. Why does God stack the odds against us, seeming even to side with our enemies, when we stand before the CONTRADICTION?

Friday, March 8th> Exodus chapter 14

5. How important is it to be able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit (Our Guide), especially when those around us are speaking doubt and unbelief?

Saturday, March 9th> Exodus chapter 20

6. In our society, where God's commands are portrayed by many as "outdated", what do you say to someone who wants to know why they are STILL relevant?

Sunday, March 10th> Joshua chapter 2; 1 Corinthians 2: 9-12

7. What is the ONLY way to know exactly how to pursue our promise without walking in confusion?

FORERUNNERS: The Value of Our Birthright

(From the week of February 25)

Week of February 25th> FORERUNNERS: The Value of Our Birthright

Monday, February 25th> Galatians 4:4-6; Rom. 8:15-17

1. In what way should we approach the inheritance God has given us? If we know we ARE already heirs, this will change the way we relate to others.

Tuesday, February 26th> Gen. 25: 29-34; Heb. 12:16-17

2. How does the way we view our daily "needs"show the VALUE we place on our birthright? When we put our daily needs above God's will

Wednesday, February 27th> Luke chapter 4

3. Because having a birthright doesn't exonerate us from wilderness experiences, what is God's purpose for these experiences?

Thursday, February 28th> Matt. 6:24; Genesis 25:29-34

4. What are some things we may be tempted to trade our birthright for? "Quick fix" situations tempt us to step out of our place as God's

Friday, March 1st> John 16:1-15 ;Ezekiel 36:27 ; Romans 8:7-11

5. The Will of the Father states that, as we are led by the Spirit of God, we are the sons of God with FULL RIGHTS. In spite of this, how do we view the Will as a "wish book" ?

Saturday, March 2nd> Exodus 31: 1-10; Isaiah 11:2-3

6. What is one reason God's heirs should NEVER see themselves as inadequate because of the Guide we've been given?

Sunday, March 3rd> Matthew 10: 18-20; Luke 12: 8-12

7. What is another GIFT the Holy Spirit leads us into as we go into the 110?

True Repentance​: Don't Fight the MORPH!

(From the week of February 18)

Week of February 18th> True Repentance: Don't Fight the MORPH!

Monday, February 18th> Malachi 3: 1- 12

Tuesday, February 19th> Matthew 3: 1-12

Wednesday, February 20th> Luke 19: 1-10

Thursday, February 21st> Job chapter 42

Friday, February 22> Romans 8: 28-39

Saturday, February 23rd> 2 Corinthians 3: 7-18; Matthew 13: 1-23

Sunday, February 24th> Malachi 3: 16-18; Matthew 3: 12; Matthew 25: 31-46

1. In order to be effective in the 110, what mindset concerning repentance has to change among believers?

2. In what ways does the fruit of a truly repentant person's life manifest differently than someone merely walking in regret? True repentance brings a freedom that leads to confidence in God's acceptance of us.

3. What does the ATTITUDE with which we hasten to make amends say about our level of repentance?

4. How does God respond when we repent with ABHORRENCE (turning from our past sins with hate and disgust)?

5. Because God has PREDESTINED (Pre-set, Pre-ordained) us to be conformed to His Son's image, what do we as forerunners say to those who are afraid to bring their past to Him?

6. How does true repentance prepare the SOIL of God's children's hearts, and how does this process bring about the MORPHING that He has prepared?

7. Why is it extremely necessary to resist the urge to fight the morphing process?

Operating in the 110: Who Will Be God's Forerunner​s?

(From the week of February

The CONTRADICTION: Operating in Prayer, the Prophetic, and Power

(From the Week of February 4)

Week of February 4th> The CONTRADICTION: Operating in Prayer, the Prophetic, and Power

Monday, February 4th> Joshua 6: 1-10

Tuesday, February 5th> Joshua 6: 11- 27; Numbers 23: 19

Wednesday, February 6th> Hebrews chapter 11

Thursday, February 7th > James 2: 14-26

Friday, February 8th> Judges 6: 1-16; Judges chapter 17

Saturday, February 9th> 1 Corinthians 1: 18-31

Sunday, February 10th> Acts 19: 11-20

1. At a time when we are poised to take the city, what does being faced with the CONTRADICTION ( the opposite of what God has spoken) force us to realize?

2. In spite of the contradiction, what should we NEVER forget about God's promise?

3. What is the difference between being filled with a "Godly fear" in the face of the contradiction, and simply walking in fear?

4. In order to position ourselves to see the contradiction miraculously changed, what MUST accompany our faith?

5. What important principle must we remember about God and His perspective of contradictions in order to be victorious?

6. In what ways do we tap into the power to take the city for God when we focus on God's way of looking at natural circumstances rather than the world's?

7. Because God is a God of order, establishing things FIRST in the natural before they can become spiritual law, what things must we allow God to accomplish in our lives BEFORE we can see things change in others?

Operating in Prayer, the Prophetic, and Power

(From the Week of January 28)

Week of January 28th> Operating in Prayer, the Prophetic, and Power

Monday, January 28th> 1 Corinthians 15: 45-49

Tuesday, January 29th> Matthew 4: 12-25

Wednesday, January 30th> John 6: 48-71

Thursday, January 31st> Exodus chapter 33

Friday, February 1st> 1st Corinthians 12: 1-11

Saturday, February 2nd> Ezekiel 37: 1-14; Romans 4: 17

Sunday, February 3rd> 1Corinthians 14: 1-5; Acts 2: 1-21

1. How do we as born-again believers identify MORE with the SECOND Adam ( Life-giving Spirit) than with the FIRST Adam (Living being) to see change around us?

2. In what way does the mindset of today's church need to shift to what God always intended "the work of the kingdom" to be?

3. What about God's perspective of the "multitudes" should we exemplify in our approach to ministry?

4. What is the SINGLE most important thing we can do to see God's power in operation in our lives like never before?

5. Contrary to what we have believed, why is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit given as a gift?

6. Because the gift of prophecy sets things in motion and calls things that do not yet exist into existence, what should our attitude be towards it?

7. What does God intend for prophecy to accomplish when it is released, and is it limited to only a few?

Exercising Restraint in Godliness Training

(From the week of January 14)

Week of January 14th> PTS: Exercising Restraint in Godliness Training

Monday, January 14th> Matthew 5: 1-16

Tuesday, January 15th> Exodus chapter 32

Wednesday, January 16th> Romans chapter 7

Thursday, January 17th> Numbers chapter 12

Friday, January 18th> Hebrews 6:9-15; James 1: 1-8

Saturday, January 19th> Hebrews 10: 32-39; James 1: 12-20

Sunday, January 20th> 2 Peter 1:1- 15; Proverbs 16:32

1. Although we are more than conquerors, what are examples of times when we allow ourselves to lose?

2. Even when we are making progress in our walk, how does a lack of restraint affect our witness?

3. Because the enemy is our adversary, in what ways does he provoke us to commit penalties (holding, unnecessary roughness, personal fouls, offsides), resulting in loss of yardage?

4. Since God has designed us to win as a team in every area, how can we POSITIVELY affect our team by being responsible for our conduct?

5. Because it is God's desire for us to win, what purpose does He accomplish in us through Patience?

6. How does Temperance prepare us to participate in the win as part of the team?

7. In a world where "freedom" is advertised as being able to do whatever you want, in what ways does Self-control preserve us?

From the Week of January 7th

Week of January 7th, 2013> Training for Godliness: WE WIN!

Monday, January 7th> Philippians 3:4-21

Tuesday, January 8th> 1 Corinthians 9: 19-27

Wednesday, January 9th> 1 Corinthians 4:7; 1 Peter 2: 1-10

Thursday, January 10th> Hebrews chapter 11; Heb. 12:1

Friday, January 11th> Romans 8: 26-39

Saturday, January 12th> Revelation chapter 1; 2 Corinthians chapter 4

Sunday, January 13th> Hebrews 10: 19-39

1. Since our spiritual walk mirrors that of all the great athletes we have known, how important is having spiritual goals in the training process? What are YOUR spiritual goals?

2. What does the life of a spiritual athlete look like, and why is it so necessary to train for Godliness ON PURPOSE?

3. What role does recognizing our exceptionality and excellence in Christ play in our attitude towards training?

4. Since God has established a stadium full of spiritual spectators rooting for us to win, how should this impact our motivation to SEE THE WIN ourselves?

5. Although God’s Word declares that WE WIN, what are some things that we allow to knock us out of the race?

6. How should knowing that we’re on the side that causes us to SURPASS victory affect our ENDURANCE?

7. In what way will remembering the many trials we’ve already endured help us to hold fast to our CONFIDENCE and FAITH in God?