Signs of Devotion

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

Today's Passage: Mark 16:15-20
Memory Verses: Mk 16:17, 18, 20

Something else that struck me about the word this past Sunday was the awesome signs and wonders God worked in the lives of His faithful. He looked to and fro, and found those who were willing to forsake all to obey and follow Him. Just in case we read those accounts and become tempted to think people like Noah, Daniel, Ezekiel and the apostles have something special going for them, look more closely. They all have one major thing in common: their devotion to God.

To tell you the truth, we tend to approach our walk with God in the same "to-do list"-type manner we appoach everything else. So when you ask yourself the tough question ("Am I REALLY devoted to God?"), don't forget to focus on the ATTITUDE or HEART God is looking for. When God chose Noah to save the world from water, would He have gone through with His choice if Noah had constantly complained about how much work he had cut out for him on building a boat to protect them from rain no-one had ever seen? I can promise you He wouldn't have.

I guess our challenge for today is really to keep our hearts pure from negativity and doubt if we truly want God to use ordinary folks like us in extraordinary ways. The passage talks of signs that will follow those who BELIEVE. If we believe what God's word says is true, we will carry ourselves with an expectancy to see His hand move in the lives of those around us. We will not have time to entertain double-minded people who want to serve God only when it's convenient for them. Our sole purpose will be to remain DEVOTED to God's ways and plans for our lives as well as others.

What an amazing thing to be next in line for God's signs and wonders! As we concentrate more on following and loving Him, those signs will follow like a magnet -- just like they did for every saint from the Bible days.

Prayer: Father, You have proven time and time again that You are no respector of persons. You love me just as much as any of your children. Hear my heart say today that I want to be close to You as well as used by You to show the world that Nothing shall be impossible. Get the glory out of my life for as long as You desire. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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