Salvation: So Beautiful!

Wednesday June 1, 2011

Today's Passage: Colossians 3:1-19
Memory Verse: Colossians 3:3

I often think about how salvation really works.  I mean, once we get past the "sinner's prayer", what happens next?  Many believe God writes the person's name in His book, forever sealing them a place in Heaven.  Some others believe it's instant "fire" insurance (if you know what I mean).  Truth is, salvation is a reunion.  It's the created coming back to the Creator.  In a nutshell, the created one releases authority over his life to the Father, and right away, a new life begins.

Question is, why does it seem to work in some, and fail in others?  The process of salvation is the same for all of us.  We confess, then God recieves, thus putting us in our rightful place as sons and daughters of the King.  With that, the opportunity to live lives full of hope and prosperity is given.  What hinders the process is our inability to let go.  One must turn away from the old life and accept God's new way of living.  Combining the two will never work.  Colossians 3:3 says "Your old life is dead.  Your new life, which is your real life--eventhough invisible to spectators, is with Christ in God.  He is your life".  If we believe this, we can no longer speak, think, or respond from out of our old nature.  And that's where we make mistakes.  We recieve God's salvation, but we hold on to our desires.  Imagine if someone offered to buy you new furniture.  After the purchase, they showed up at your house to deliver, but the old furniture was still inside.  Instead of taking the old stuff out, you tell them to sit the new stuff on top of it.  What does your living room look like now?  That's exactly what our lives look like to God.  It resembles a jumbled up mixture of what should be kept and what should be thrown away. 

In conclusion, feel free to accept your new life from the Lord.  God changes lives for the better.  The protection He offers is second to none.  The enemy tries to make us think a life in Christ is so boring and restricting.  What he wants to do is cause you to rebel against God's plan for you.  Truth is, his life is the boring one.  All it consist of is sin, until you die.  So, why die when you can live?  Ultimately, a new life is waiting for you.  And it's called salvation.......   

Prayer:  Thank You Father for welcoming us back to Your heart.  We don't know where we'd be without You.  We now recieve our new lives in You.  Take the lead.  We'll follow.  We love You, and will always be Yours, in Jesus' name. Amen.


Submission: God's Recipe for Order and Blessings

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

Today's Passage: Ephesians chapter 5
Memory Verses: Eph. 5: 22-23

Bishop Ray always taught us to look at the context of a passage in the Word, as there is always a foundation that God sets for the commands given to us on how we should live. If the Word tells us to do or be something, there will be an explanation or admonition beginning with the word "therefore". He would say, "If you ever see the word THEREFORE, you need to ask the question, 'what is it THERE FOR?" It would make us laugh whenever we would read the Word together, but that stuck with me.

In today's passage, I started out just reading the verses given about submission, then was led by the Holy Spirit to go back to the beginning and see the foundation of the command to submit. As I read, it all seemed relevant to me as a believer, but nothing really clicked until I got to verses 15-17. I noticed that the command based on all the things that came before was to walk... not as fools, but as wise, REDEEMING the time because the days are evil. Again, we are admonished to not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Therefore, because God has a plan for everything, which usually involves keeping the enemy defeated in our lives if we will only obey without asking why, as wives we are to submit to our husbands JUST as we would if the Lord were standing right there, asking us to do something. After all, God made them the head, the covering, the "house band", the ones who protect us from the grasp and traps of the evil one.

But we must be aware of the contrary image the world gives us of submission. It is portrayed in movies and popular songs as a derogatory and demeaning thing imposed on women by the church so that we might not be independent and free to be whoever we want to be. Yes, many walk in error by misusing and abusing their authority as husbands. But God has not made a mistake in providing this safe haven for the godly wife. That's why He warns us not to be foolish in allowing ourselves to be swayed by what the world says and does. There is protection, love, and blessings in submitting to God's Word by submitting to our husbands. When God's order is established in our homes, the enemy is defeated. Who wouldn't want that?

Prayer: Father, many times I have ignored Your command to submit as a godly wife, doing exactly the opposite of what Your Word said because of my own rebellion and foolishness. But when I found myself on my own and outside of the covering You were trying to provide for me, I slowly realized how important it was to change my mindset. I now renounce every ounce of the world's influence over my role as a godly wife and my submission. I repent of, and fall completely out of agreement with, the world's ways in this matter, which only brings anarchy and destruction to my family. I grab hold of Your command to be submissive, and open myself up to receive every blessing and favor that You intended when You established this command. May You be glorified in my home, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Get Back to The Plan!

Monday, May 30th, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis 2: 18-25
Memory Verse: Genesis 2:18

God is so awesome. Everything He designed, He did with a definite plan and purpose. The uniting of man and woman is no different. In reading this passage, I found that God's original design for marriage was to provide one who corresponded to him. When I looked up that word, I found other words like helpmate, companion, compatible, agree, check, fit, marry, match up to, have accord, adhere, align, answer, bear out, befit, conform to, correlate to, harmonize, suit, support, and meet.

What an attractive list of words! But upon considering how detailed and in-depth God was in designing this u ity between male and female, I also asked an obvious question. Why are a majority of marriages the exact opposite of God's plan? The answer is found in the very words themselves.

First and foremost, God's design was never for man to be alone. He provided a way for woman to supply the answer to every need inside of him. However, the entire attitude of women entering a relationship which would ultimately result in a marriage is different from God's plan. The society (again, the devil's playground) pushes independent thinking among women as the new age woman's character. Rather than conforming ourselves to God's image of who we are, we bought into the idea that we had to do everything on our own.

So while we were busy playing into those foreign ideas, the enemy was inserting resentment, indifference, self-rationalization and selfishness into our attitudes towards our husbands. And wherever these emotions are, bitterness is not far behind. Pretty soon, the unity and harmony originally intended is gone. How do we begin to get it back? We get back under the covering of God and follow His ways with no reservations.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for always having a plan to fix what the enemy destroyed. In order to be victorious, I must be obedient to Your Perfect will in my marriage. Help me make that commitment at any cost. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Prayers That Prevail

Sunday, May 29th, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 6: 27-36
Memory Verse: Lk 6: 32

Father, many who began the journey of following Your principles have turned away because they find them too burdensome to walk out.  But as for me and my house, we shall serve You.   Is it a challenge to love those who are set on our downfall?  Yes, by all means.  But You reassure us that by Your Spirit we can accomplish anything, so we will depend on You.

I have found that many times we give up trying to do things Your way because it's no longer the popular thing to do.  Our society calls us weak- minded and pushovers because we dare to heed Your commands.  But the heart of the matter is that we give up because we don't receive any praise from man for our acts of love.  They shy away from us when we give glory to Your name for giving us the grace to love the unloveable.

Furthermore, I realize that the enemy wants to discourage us from loving Your way because it gets the attention off of us and puts it on You.  Although they hate to admit it, true manifestation of Your love through us, Your children, gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to draw the very ones -- those who have made themselves our enemies and those who despitefully use us -- to You.

So this morning, as I arise to prepare myself to go to Your house, I ask You to consecrate me.  Please forgive me for the times I forget to ask for Your grace to love.  Holy Spirit, fill me now with Your strength and wisdom to see beyond what I'm looking at.  I love You, and will continue to strive to love wholeheartedly.  For Your glory, and in Jesus' Name, Amen. 

His Yoke is Easy

Saturday, May 28th, 2011

Today's Passage: Amos chapters 3 & 4
Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 30:19

The more I read about the history of Israel, the more I see a parallel between the children of Israel and Liberia, my native land. I became aware of the tyranny from the government when I was about twelve years old or so. A military government had overthrown the democracy of the 1970's, and the dictatorship was evident to all. Journalists who dared speak out against the oppression would disappear and never be seen again.

Once, the public school students decided to stage a demonstration to let the government know they, too, wanted change. Almost immediately upon their taking to the streets, the soldiers arrived and began to chase them down, flogging whoever wasn't fast enough to run. I'll never forget the image of a young girl about my age trying in vain to flee from one soldier, who overtook her as she attempted to take refuge in our yard.

Horrified, I watched as he caught up with her and began to beat her with no mercy. Later on, we heard similar horror stories, some about young people who had been killed that day. The iron fist of Samuel Doe had reared its ugly head again. Things got progressively worse until the civil war in 1989 in which millions lost their lives. The underlying message was that God was speaking to us about the condition of our hearts, but our people reverted back to the non- repentant ways as soon as the war began to subside.

Like Israel, our people complained about what God allowed to happen to them and their children. And yet, when the worst was over, their sinful ways revealed they had no intention of heeding God's warnings. In spite of it all, He continues to reach out to all His children, showing mercy by sending prophets to warn us of the devastation to come. Wherever there is devastation, we must not only see God's wrath but understand His heart. He loves His people, but needs them to live under His covering, which requires obedience rather than lip service. God IS a jealous God, but His yoke is easy and His burden light. We can choose rebellion and death, or obedience and peace. The choice is ours, and so are the consequences.

We Love Our Pastors!!!

Friday May 27, 2011

Today's Passage:  Jeremiah 23
Memory Verse: Jeremiah 23:1

Geez!  I used to hear all these people talk about their ambitions to pastor a church and think "Cool".  You know how it is.  You walk into a beautiful sanctuary where the energy is flowing, the praise team and band are hittin', and everything is right.  Then you look over and see the Pastors.  From where you're sitting, it looks like they're glowing.  They're clean cut, well dressed, and looking every bit the part of spiritual leaders.  And for just a moment you think "I can do that".

Hey, snap out of it!  Don't let the smooth look fool you.  A lot of blood, sweat, and tears (yes, many tears), have gone into what you see.  Pastors have hard jobs.  They have all the responsibilty of church members, with the extra job of leadership.  On top of that, they are the only people in the church with the responsibility of communicating what God has spoken.  You got  a headache today?  They do too.  You need a vacation?  So do they.  Oh, here's a good one.  You want to miss church because the finances are low?  Theirs was tapped out a week ago.  But yet, they press on.  Subsequently, the accountability in pastoring is a huge undertaking in itself.  It's not always easy to live in a glass house.  Every mishap is placed on frontstreet for everybody's judgement.  Then, like today's passage describes, the accountability to God is huge.  God says in Jeremiah 23:1 "Doom to the shepherd leaders who butcher and scatter my sheep".  Whoa!  And you think you have to watch what you say.  God holds Pastors accountable for every thing they do.  They can't just grab a mic and say what they want.  Being a pastor is similar to being a parent.  Parents have to guard their tongues.  They can't (or they shouldn't) say whatever they want, even if it's warranted.  Also, being a role model is the norm.  A parent has to be able to demonstrate the life skills they teach a child, so should a pastor when it comes to his/her members.  No matter what they do, God is watching.  No matter what they say, God is listening.

Now before you go off thinking you got it made, remember to watch yourself around these people.  They deserve the utmost respect and honor.  God's word says "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel".  That verse means pastors (or shepherds) have His heart, and He's got their backs.  How do I know?  I know because God warned us to "Touch not His anointed, and do His prophet no harm".  So think about it before getting on that phone and bad-mouthing your Pastor.  Think again if you want to call a meeting to talk about them behind their backs.  And rebellion?  Don't even think about that.  Take it from me, submission is the only way.

In conclusion, pray for your Pastor(s).  Ask God to empower them to carry on the vision He placed in them.  Understand that they go through the same things we do, but they still show up to serve us.  Therefore, we should show up to appreciate them.  Don't take advantage of who they are.  They are the very voice of God in our lives.  Support your ministry through time, service, and financial giving.  That's very important as well.  Always remember you are there to serve and grow, not to look over their shoulders.  They don't need you to do that.  Afterall, according to Jeremiah 23, God's doing that quite well don't you think?

Prayer:  Father, I thank You for everything You've done for me.  Today, I'm thankful for my Pastors.  Bless them today in a special way.  Strengthen them with Your mighty hand and rebuke the devourer from off their lives.  Call us into submission so we can hear from You.  We love them and love Jesus' name. Amen.        

Justice: The Right Call!

Thursday May 26, 2011

Today's Passage: Jeremiah 21 & 22
Memory Verse: Jeremiah 22:17

Usually, I don't let things that happen at work get to me.  I pride myself on remaining balanced, knowing that ugly things can be said or done at the drop of a hat.  But something happened the other day that got to me.  The event was literally a travesty of justice.  I tried not to be upset about it, but I just couldn't let it go.

How does God feel about justice?  How should we feel about it?  Jeremiah 22:17 says "But you're blind and brainless.  All you think about is yourself, taking advantage of the weak, bulldozing your way, bullying victims".  According to God's word, we should be moved by injustice.  It should bother us to know that children in our neighborhoods go hungry.  It should matter to us that people are broken and neglected.  God's people need justice.  Back in the day, people used to say 'God doesn't need policemen' when they feel like they're being judged.  In that aspect, they're right.  However, God does need social workers.  He does need people who have the heart to meet the needs of other people.  What about those being beat up spiritually?  Where's the justice for them?  Someone needs to praying, serving, nurturing, and supporting them.  In today's text, God was angry with His people because they had turned away from His statutes.  They took advantage of each other, and ignored Him.  So, He sent Jeremiah to rebuke them.  He wanted to remind them of how much He loved justice.  Because of justice, they were no longer in Egypt.  Because of justice, they were fed in the desert.  And because of justice, they were victorious in many battles.  What is the evidence of God's justice in your life?  In what ways has He been there for you?  I'm sure your answer is similar to many others.  What makes me so sure?  I'm sure because God is the God of justice.  And not only that, He wants us to bring justice to someone's life, just as He brought it to ours.  God bless you...Have a great day!

Prayer:  Father I thank You for having compassion.  You could have left me to die in my sin, but Your love wouldn't allow it.  The enemy of my soul had proved my guilt, and he was ready to assign my punishment.  But, You brought justice by way of the blood of Jesus.  I'm so thankful.  Now, I want to share that love with my neighbors.  Let me bring justice to them, so that You can recieve the Jesus' name. Amen          

H.U.M.P. Day: Obedience

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalms 36
Memory Verse: John 14: 15

Being in the store on any given night can be quite entertaining if you're open-minded enough.  You see all kinds of people and things.  And children!  They say and do some funny things.  Then there's the one kid you'd like to give a good 'you-know-what'.  Ugh!  They treat their mothers so badly.  It's like they relish any opportunity to embarrass their family.  How can anyone love a kid after he behaves like that?

The person to pose that question to is God.  Yes, God.  Why?  It's because He has far too many bad kids to count.  Some of His kids are sexually immoral, disobedient, abusive, selfish, and mean.  In verse 2 of Psalms 36, it says 'he has smooth-talked himself into believing his evil will never be noticed'.  That means God sees everything we do, and He hears everything we say.  We can't hide from Him.  With all that being said, we awaken everyday to God's unfailing love.  Verse 5 of our text says God's love is meteoric, His loyalty astronomic.  You can't do enough to make Him stop loving You.  His love is simply out of this world!  Who else is going to love you like that?  After all, we're all like the unruly kid in the store.  We've all grieved Him in some way. 

The challenge for the day is obedience.  Whatever God has told you to do, do it.  Show Him your love and devotion.  His Word says if we love Him, we'll keep His commandments.    This might mean you need to smile at that person who's always mean-looking on your job.  Or, you may actually be required to stop and have a conversation with some "unpleasant" co-worker whom you usually avoid.  Ah!  Here's another one.  How about taking a moment to pray for someone whom you're having a misunderstanding with at the moment.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to remove the scales from both your eyes that you may see what the Father's will is in the situation, and restore your relationship.   Are you ready?  Then, Happy H.U.M.P. Day. 

No more Loopholes!!!!!

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Chronicles 21
Memory Verse: 1 Chron. 21:24

As a teacher, if I had a penny for every time I heard one of my students say, "I'm sorry", I promise I'd be a millionaire at least. The more aware they are of the rules, the more liberties they take in pushing the limits on how cleverly they can break them. Even the best rewards I could come up with don't seem enough to motivate a select few to follow the established directions.

It always amazes me, though, when the consequences are presented to them, how upset they become. It's almost as if they never knew those end results would be there when they made their choices in the first place. Funny how the same thing happens in the spirit realm. God has established His rules and laid them out for us to follow. The Holy Spirit does His part to remind us of the consequences that will come up when we disobey. And yet, we choose to do wrong, expecting different results every time.

Have you ever asked yourself what would happen if there were no consequences for our actions? If all we had to do was put on a sincere look and blame someone else for our mistake,and see no sign of our sin, can you imagine how much more of a mess our world would be? I love David's attitude, however. When he did something to break God's heart, he confessed his sin and accepted his punishment with a contrite spirit. To walk away from this process while rationalizing and trying to get out of the consequences prematurely breaks God's heart even more.

To answer the question of why God doesn't just forgive sin without giving us consequences, our Father knows the condition of our hearts. If we knew we could get away with si once, twice, even multiple time with no consequences, we would trample over the sacrifices God made to grant us that privilege. And pretty soon, the enemy of our souls would have us so far bound in that place of the reprobate mind that God wouldn't be able to save us. That's why we need a healthy fear and reverence for our God. It's only because He loves us that He gives us consequences--to keep us realizing we need His mercy covering us, and stay connected to Him rather than trying to find loopholes around obedience. No more loopholes!

Prayer: Father, I've been pretty callous in my attitude about Your response to my sin. Please forgive me and purge me so that I'm no longer so quick to disregard the warnings. I will obey, for in obedience there is peace. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

God's Amazing Compassion

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Today's Passage: Genesis chapters 8 & 9
Memory Verses: Romans 5: 8-10a

I'm reading a novel by Christian author, Randy Alcorn, called Deadline. In this book, two best friends die. One was a believer and goes to heaven. The other one did everything he could to reject Christ, so of course he ends up in hell. The author describes hell as a place where the other friend finds himself completely alone, replaying the missed opportunities he was given to change his mind and accept Christ.

The thing that stood out to me the most in this part of the novel was how unrepentant the man is. Even after realizing how wrong he was about the existence of God, rather than allowing himself to be filled with regret over making the wrong choices, he begins to accuse God of being cruel. There was no way a loving God would have created such a horrible place for those He created. He totally ignores the fact that HE, not God, spent his entire life wanting nothing to do with this God.

In conversations with people who choose a life of lawlessness rather than submission, the very same opinions come up. How could God claim to love us but send us to hell? How could He condemn His very own creation in today's passage to destruction? These people, just like the man in the novel, are ignoring some important facts. God saw the evil and addressed it by sending Noah to warn them to repent. How many years was Noah building that humongous boat again? For about 140 years, which gave them plenty of time to recognize how serious God was about wanting to save them.

As if that length of time weren't enough to show God's compassion, get this: those same people who were destroyed in the flood were given yet another opportunity to accept salvation. Don't believe me? The Bible says Jesus went to hell and preached to all those who had died in their sin. And do you know some of them STILL wouldn't repent and accept that free gift? What more would God have to do to show His compassion? Here it is: He promised that He would never again use water to destroy His creation. Not only that, but He gave His Only Son as a sacrifice so that we would never have to die that spiritual death. If you have not yet accepted this wonderful gift, please let Christ in today. If you already have, tell someone who may be clueless about the Father's amazing compassion.

Prayer: Father, You are so loving. I know this because when You called out to me, I ignored You and kept sinning right in Your face. Yet You went to great lengths to find and woo me. I shouldn't be alive today, but for Your great compassion. May I never be ashamed to declare this message so that someone else can receive what I did. I love You forever, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Master Gardener!

Sunday May 22, 2011

Today's Passage: John 15
Memory Verse: John 15:5

Okay, these guys must make big money to keep these bushes and shrubs looking this way.  I wish I could give you a glimpse of the meticulous approach they are using to make a $5 bush look good.  Me?  I'd just cut it off at the top and be done with it.

Thank God for not being me, right?  Anyway, this landscaping thing is kind of the focus for today's devotional, so I'll just go with it.  Jesus said "I am the Vine, and my Father is the Gardener.  Those who refuse to stay attached to Me, He'll cut off.  And those who remain attached to Me, He'll prune back so they can produce".  God is prone to spiritual yard work.  So, if you wonder why you're in a season where you feel "cut-off", check your "Vine status".  God wants you to produce after Him.  Your fruit should be rich and ripe for His picking.  When someone is in need of Him, they should be able to access Him through your fruit.  It should nourish them with the sweetness of His Word.  That sweetness makes them want more and more.  However, if your fruit is bittered by unforgiveness, disobedience, and selfishness, they either will refuse to take another bite, or you'll reproduce that bitterness in their fruit.   That's when God'll have to prune you back a bit.  You may be in a place where new nourishment is needed.  I mean, you're attached to the Vine, but you're starting to wilt under the pressure.  Let God cut you back to where He first nourished you.  You need to get back to that "sapling" faith where you believed Him for EVERYTHING.  He loved it when you were like that.  So, stay attched to the Vine.  You'll never accomplish anything by being disconnected.  You'll just be like those live Christmas trees, pretty from the outside, but dying inside everyday.  Be rooted and grounded in His love.  That way, His life will become your life, and His work will become your reward. 

Prayer: Father, I thank You for Your love and grace.  I'm amazed at how detailed You are in caring for me.  As I enter into worship today, meet me at the point of love.  Take lead of me and give me a glimpse of Your glory.  I can't wait to see You today.  You'll here my praise and see my worship for Jesus' name. Amen. 

One Love!

Saturday May 21, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 John 4:7-21
Memory Verse: 1 John 4:19

C'mon, just pick one already!  That's the feeling I had one day while behind this kid at Dairy Queen.  I know I need to do better when it comes to patience, but that's another devotional.  This devotional is about this 'flavor of the week' mentality we have when it comes to love.  God's word tells us exactly what love is in 1 Corinthians 13, but we keep trying to redefine it.  See, love is not the flavor of the week.  It's the character over a lifetime. 

Our scripture reference today describes God's love.  It also tells us He wants us to move away from our situational love, and come into agreement with the way He demonstrated it.  That being said, should we love those who mistreat us?  He does.  Should we love those who don't love us?  He does.  And should we love those who don't love Him?  Again, He does.  And just HOW do we love?  I've heard some say love is an action word, but how do you DO it?   First, we have to be patient.  "My" definition of patience is waiting with mercy until the right thing happens.  Then you rejoice over that right thing.  For example, remember when your child began to experiment with walking?  The process was funny, scary, and rewarding all at the same time.  In that however, you didn't give up on, or punish your baby the first time they attempted and failed.  You were "patient".  In fact, you even rejoiced with them in their failure by physically picking them up.  As long as they made attempts to get it right, you were good.  Then, it happened.  One step led to another, then another, and then another.  What a moment!  Let's get the camera!  When it finally happened the right way, you didn't hesitate to FORGET ALL THE FAILED ATTEMPTS, and rejoice over the successful one.  That's how patience works.    Someone may have mistreated you.  But, have patience.  See it as another failed attempt.  Go "pick them up", and be encouraged that they'll get it right one day.  And when they do, you'll be there to rejoice with them.  Seocond, we have to go from being "needy", to being "need-meeters".  I've got a riddle for you:  If the love in all of us filled the needs of all of us, who would be in need, and who wouldn't be in love? 

In conclusion, we can't fool God with conterfeit love.  The kid at Dairy Queen knew what he wanted.  That's why he balked at his mother's attempts to sell him on the "other" flavors.  God knows what He wants.  Therefore, He, like the kid, is unmoved by love that's not pure.  He knows we can't love Him if we don't love each other.  And, He knows we can't love Him if we're not keeping His commandments.  You wouldn't feel loved by someone who constantly disobeyed you either (ouch!).  So, let's get passed all the failed attempts and put some genuine steps toward love together.  You can do it.  And what you can't seem to do, the Holy Spirit will be your guide, if you yield to His voice and direction.  God bless..... 

Prayer:  I love You, forever; with all my heart.  I love You, forever.  Forever You're my King!
             I'll serve You, forever; with all my heart.  I'll serve You forever.  Forever You're my King!
             I'll praise You, forever; with all my heart.  I'll praise You forever. Forever You're my King!
             You are so awesome, God.  And we love Jesus' name. Amen!


Just Hush and Listen!

Friday, May 20th, 2011

Today's Passage: James 1: 19-27
Memory Verse(s): James 1: 19-20

There's a young man in my class who absolutely fascinates me. In an environment where most of the young people I teach are clamoring for attention and doing their best to build a reputation of who's the biggest and baddest, the way he carries himself is the total opposite. While they're pouring all their energy into competing with one another to see who can talk the loudest and get the most words in, he barely speaks at all.

In an effort to figure out what makes this little guy tick, I started to observe him more closely. Although he doesn't say much, he's as sharp as a blade. He watches everything I do, and watches the interaction of the others without seeming to notice them at all. Even more impressive is the way he handles himself when conflict threatens to arise. Whenever a kid bent on making trouble comes around him, he simply ignores him or her. It's almost as if he goes to a place inside himself that he can focus on rather than the undesirable situation around him.

While retreating into ourselves is definitely not the way to handle conflict as adults or as believers, for that matter, there's something we can learn from this child. He chooses not to speak unless absolutely necessary (when I make him say something just so I can hear his voice and let him know he's a part of us rather than invisible). Because the enemy thrives on confusion, which leads to strife, we must learn to choose our words carefully when we interact with one another. We must spend time doing more listening than speaking, which gives us an opportunity to truly assess the situation and see it for what it really is -- not what the enemy wants us to think it is.

It seems like such a simple thing, but being quick to listen and slow to speak is far from easy. It requires discipline, obedience, humility, and an open heart -- things we all need more of. If you really want to know what's at the bottom of every problem in our relationships, it's the unwillingness to just hush and listen for a moment. If we don't do this, we find ourselves becoming emotional over something that is not as important as we thought. The end result is having to say a thousand apologies that could have been avoided. Interestingly enough, I feared my student would be a target for bullying because he's so quiet, unlike the others. But you know what? He gets along fine with everyone. Go figure, huh?

Prayer: Father, Your Word is true. When You ask us to be quiet and listen before speaking, You're asking us to leave room for Your Spirit to move. You're reminding us to put YOU in charge rather than our emotions, which are so unstable. You're requiring us to give the enemy no place. We trust You, so we will obey. We pray now for Your Spirit to settle and establish Himself in our hearts so that we can bring glory only to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

A New Day!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today's Passage: Hebrews 10:1-16
Memory Verse: Hebrews 10:19

What a great time to be alive! I mean, this generation is made for us. Can you imagine having to live the way the previous generations had to? Having to go in the backyard for the bathroom or to get water, or warm your food without a microwave are just some of the things that would drive us nuts. Oh, and don't forget that whole no cell phones thing. Whew! Anyway, the people who lived in the generation before us have our respect. We don't know how they did it, but they got through it.

Let's go way back and talk about Christian life. Before Christ came to Earth, Christian life consisted of people trying to follow a "cazillion" (yes, I made that up) rules. Don't do this. Don't do that. Do this on this particular day, or, don't do that on that day. Just thinking about it is confusing. Now, I'm sure God had a reason for all that. Throughout the Old Testament, you can see the Children of Israel struggling with that "o" word: Obedience. So I'm sure He had to use certain things to separate them from other nations, and solidify their obedience to Him. That being said, the saints of that day would probably trade places with us in a heartbeat. Why? Let's compare.

First of all, offerings had to be brought at exactly the same time. This had to be done with extreme consistency. There was no room for "oops, I forgot my checkbook", or "I'm a little short this week". Also, praise and worship would be the bloodiest event ever. Think about it. Folks would have to bring their own lamb or cow and kill it on the altar (sorry church cleaning team). The animal would have to be sliced just right so the blood can flow on the altar correctly. In contrast, folks get to sing beautiful songs of worship, pouring their hearts out to the Lord in earnest (which is a smidge less bloody). Also, we get to wait until after payday to tithe. The good news is God knew all those religious motions couldn't atone for sin. When people just go through motions, where's the opportunity for relationship? So, He sent Jesus. Jesus became the last bloody sacrifice ever having to be made. He took us from religion to relationship by opening the door for us to come to the Father for ourselves. Not only that, we have the internet. And with Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter at our disposal, we can do from our living rooms what the disciples had to travel thousands of miles to do. Also, we can e-mail examples of Jesus' love, or text someone a prayer.

In conclusion, living in this "easy-access" generation should eliminate all excuses. If the Christians in the Bible can carry out God's message and purpose, we certainly should be able to. Of all the things left in yesteryear, there's one we should have brought to the present with us. That's passion. We need to get back to the passion and faith of old. I shouldn't even say "of old", because God never told us to have less passion or faith. In fact, if we had grown across the generations as we should have, this generation would have nothing to do but prepare for Jesus' arrival, instead of learning to love, give, and all the other things taught in earlier days. So, let's get to work. Let's use all the wonderful resources and tools of this generation to fulfill the call. After all, we have everything we need....and then some.

Prayer: God we thank You for making this generation so easy to live in. We pray for strength to maximize all the opportunity it gives. Give us the passion it takes to follow You. Then, give us the grace to identify with You. We desire to provide a platform for generations to come, as a platform was provided for us. And no matter the generation, all the glory will be given to You, in Jesus' name. Amen

H.U.M.P Day!!!!!

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Today's Passage: Ecclesiastes 4: 7-12
Memory Verse: Ecc. 4: 9-10

Every now and then, I like to look back over my life and praise God to see how far the Lord has brought me in my spiritual journey. One of the most awesome things that I KNOW is the Lord's doing is the way He has given me the grace to become connected with brothers and sisters in the kingdom -- really connected. I remember a time when this was NOT the case, however.

Early in my time on the ALM praise team, I was very much in my own world. I didn't really understand the spiritual impact of a team like ours being on one accord as much as possible, until our pastors began to teach how our individual destinies are linked. It took a few more years for me to apply this principle to my life, but now that the Lord has continued to shine the light on this issue through our current pastors, Chad and Nette Willis, I am so glad I didn't give up on trying.

The point of all this is that I spent so much time allowing the enemy to keep me separated from my brothers and sisters in the Lord -- time that I could have been solidifying relationships with them and standing against the enemy. The more there are of us -- together, the more victorious we are. The more we get to know and love each other, the less the enemy can keep us defeated.

Our challenge for this week is this: CONNECT WITH ONE ANOTHER! If our church should pattern itself after the early church, we should be getting used to so many new people that we don't have time to keep grudges or wonder about what others are saying about us. God is calling us to love one another, and this means getting to know each other. Here's a perfect opportunity: find a way to attend one of the fellowship activities that are being held weekly. Come around and meet others you've never talked to. Stop for a minute after church on Wednesday night and talk to a member or two that you've never met. Stretch yourself a little... God expects this of ALL His children. If you start doing this, pretty soon you'll hardly recognize yourself as the person you think you are today. Get connected and see God's kingdom come to this earth.

Covenant Relationships... By Any Means Necessary

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 2
Memory Verse: 2 Kings 2:9

There's a side to total devotion that many don't even like to think about, let alone accept. It's the side that more often than not requires us to establish ties with people who are not our family members. For a season, we may even be separated from our loved ones due to the calling on our lives. As a matter of fact, our unwillingness to make the separation happen means the difference between stepping into our destiny, or remaining where we are for the rest of our lives.

In today's passage, it was evident that Elijah had hit a place in his ministry where he needed someone to bear him up, support him, and be his companion as well as glean from him in preparation for the next level. After all the miraculous things he had accomplished, God showed him that he could not spend the rest of his time as a lone ranger. But watch how, although God gave him the name of the person who would be his servant and companion, it was up to Elisha to accept this calling.

Elisha represents us in this passage. When he meets Elijah, and hears that God has need of him, he immediately wants to step back into the familiar. "Let me go home and see about my parents," or "let me go get all my business in order first" is a familiar expression made by many of us who are informed that God has need of us. Not understanding the urgency with which God needed him to take Elijah's place, he hesitated. But the prophet recognized his hesitation for what it was, and would not let him procrastinate.

As ministers of the gospel, we, too, have an urgency to pass on what God has placed inside of us. When we recognize the anointing in others as pointed out to us by the Father, we must be equally relentless in pulling it out of them. There can be no putting anything or anyone else before the call of God -- especially if they require us to choose them or Him. Our alliance must be with those whom God has chosen to walk with us down the path to our destiny, at all cost. The anointing is worth it.

Prayer: Father, in these last days You're calling us to to be more vigilant than ever before about staying on the path of obedience You have chosen for us. Open now doors that lead to the people You've ordained us to be in covenant with; and when they come before us, make us ready to respond so that You can get all the glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

True Friends Last Forever!

Monday May 16, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Samuel 18, 19, & 20
Memory Verse: 1 Samuel 18:3

My homie, my sista,  my Dawg, my BFF, my Ace, my girl, my wingman, my friend.  All these terms directly describe someone we'd be in covenant relationship with.  Bestowing this title on someone means they've been there for you in a special way.  They may even know things about you that close family members don't.  You know what I mean.  Some people come into your life for a particular season, or a particular reason.  However, the relationship you have with a best friend transcends all seasons, and surpasses every reason. 

Our passage today talks about David and Jonathan.  When it comes to being best friends, these guys took the cake.  Do you think it's important to have friends?  Is it helpful to be in covenant relationship with someone?  Many people have life experiences that consist of betrayal, neglect, loneliness, or rejection.  Because of that, they struggle with forming meaningful relationships even after getting saved.  That's why it takes the Holy Spirit to uproot past mindsets.  Having Him live inside will offer a constant reminder that God desires unity and love within His body.  Speaking of love, consider the love Jonathan had for David.  Not only was Saul king, he was Jonathan's father.  Still, he knew there was something in David that was bigger than his father's authority.  He recognized David's anointing.  Do your friends recognize your anointing?  Do they respect the call of God on your life, or do they constantly offer you reasons to miss church or do worldly things?  Listen, if someone is a TRUE friend, they'll never ask you to comprimise who you are in Christ.  In fact, like Jonathan, they'd be there to offer information that will help you escape the pitfalls of life.  Jonathan went against the wishes of his own father in order to protect David.  Now that's a friend!  That's not usually a normal thing, but Jonathan knew the evil in his father's heart, and therefore protected David from it. 

In conclusion, I pray you find covenant relationships throughout the body of Christ.  Understanding first that Jesus is the ultimate friend.  There's no greater love than a man laying down his life for a friend.  Jesus laid down His life for us all.  Always remember that.  Also, we must remember in order to make a friend, we must first be one.  Make a point to reach out to members of the body.  Connecting with the people you worship with is the very heart of the Father.  If you really want to get through life's ups and downs, find a covenant partner who'll pray for you and with you.  It'll be the best move you ever made.

Prayer:  There's no friend like You.  I'm thankful for this intimate relationship I have with You.  It's a blessing to know I have friends in the body I can call on.  Give me the strength to be there for them.  Let me walk in unity with them.  I desire to be that friend You created in me, in Jesus' name. Amen.        

Prayers That Prevail

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Today's Passage: Acts 16:11-40
Memory Verse: Acts 16:26

Father, I heard Your Word not too many days ago concerning Your heart. Your desire is for us to get to a place where our prayers and praise are SELFLESS. Like Paul and Silas, make us so consumed with Your will that, even in the midst of great trials, we want Your will to be done in the lives of the people around us. In spite of the fact that there are many who may persecute us because of the power on the inside of us, may we be more concerned about their salvation than about how we feel. You are calling us to be selfless, and I pray that we will be sensitive to Your Voice.

The selflessness is what drew You to the jail cell of two believers, who, though they had every reason to moan and complain for having been beaten, prayed instead for their persecutors. It's what caused them to be filled with praises for You instead of bitterness. And THAT is what caused You to be so moved that You shook the very foundation of where they were, releasing their chains so that EVERYONE'S bands were loosed.

May we, too, begin to pray for the salvation and deliverance of the very ones who seek our downfall. When we find ourselves in situations where only bondage resides, may we sing praises to You in such a way that everyone's bands come loose, and we are all set free. In the Name of Jesus, we declare that deliverance is coming to the city of Palatka, Putnam County, and the surrounding areas. You alone are Lord over all, and You deserve our worship. Be lifted up in our praise as we adore You corporately, and may all Your enemies be scattered. In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen.

The Power of Prayer and Fasting

Friday, May 13th, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 4: 1-11
Memory Verse: Matt. 4: 10-11 

Today is Friday the 13th.  It is a day that many people will stop the regular pattern of their everyday lives and stay home out of fear that something evil will occur.  The number 13 is associated with so much crippling fear that is widely shared by American society, that today's topic is necessary.  The general population seems to put more stock into superstitious tales and urban legends than in the Word of God, which tells about a God Who has nothing but love for His creation.  The enemy has woven a spell of mysticism and fear in everything except the God of the Universe over our nation.

So what could possibly be done to reverse this problem?  How can a nation, which has forsaken the Truth for things that bring nothing but curses and death, ever be turned to the Truth again?  The answer is found in prayer and fasting.  Jesus Himself, our Role Model for life as God intended in the kingdom, showed us how to walk in supernatural power.  In order to fight against and overcome forces of evil, we must be willing to deny our flesh.

A question that occurred to me while reading this passage was this: why did Jesus, Who was in all ways God as well as man, need to spend so many days in prayer and fasting before going into His ministry?  A powerful man of God by the name of Mahesh Chavda, author of the book "The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting", explains why in his book.  Jesus was modeling that first, we need to nullify and reduce the power of our own flesh to be used AGAINST us by causing us to obey the voice of the enemy rather than God, as we see in the passage.  Secondly, we need the POWER of the Spirit to operate in us for an extended time.    

Once and for all, God is calling us to understand that He has equipped us with what we need to stand against the forces of darkness.  Combining fasting with prayer will train us to walk in power to discern what God needs of us in these last days.  And not only that, but it will silence the voice of the enemy in our homes, churches, and neighborhoods, and open the windows of heaven with signs and wonders following-- just like it did with Jesus.  I'm ready to see God's power manifested in such a way that His glory truly covers the earth.

Prayer: Father, I immediately realize how short I've fallen of Your glory in this area.  Many times, I've looked after my own desires rather than Yours, when You've been calling me all along to submit to You so that You can give me more power.  I now ask that You will fill me with the desire to please You and humble myself through prayer and fasting that Your glory and power may flow through me like a river.  May I yield to You completely, and see the enemy destroyed. In Jesus' powerful Name, Amen.

Prayer Is The Key!

Saturday, May 14th, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 18:1-14
Memory Verse: Luke 18:7

How many times have you heard the statement 'communication is the key'?  Communication is a very important ingredient to any relationship.  How do you know where to go, or what to do?  How do others know how you feel, or what you know?  These questions can only be answered with one word: Communication.

God is the author of communication.  After all, He gave us the most elite form of it.  It's called prayer.  Prayer, by definition, is communion with God.  Its motivation is intimate contact with the Father for the privilege of receiving instruction, worship and thanksgiving, petition, and intercession.  What makes prayer different from all other modes of communication is its infallability.  Phone lines can be cut, internet sites can crash, and voices can be silenced, but prayer cannot be hijacked in such ways.  God has a sophisticated system of communication that we can use anytime we want or need.  But are we using it?  And if not, why not?  How can we say we're in relationship with someone we don't talk to?  Don't think you need it?  Listen to these examples: David prayed before winning battles, Jesus prayed before raising Lazarus, Moses prayed before leading a nation, Elijah prayed before seeing miracles, and Joshua prayed before conquering nations. 

What will your story be?  As Christians, we know we should be praying.  But why do some of us find it so difficult to do with regularity?  Here's why.  Prayer is rarely a quick-fix thing.  We can't have an ATM or slot machine mentality when we do it.  When we pray, we have to do it fervently (with great intensity), and habitually.  Don't give up on your prayers.  Just because you don't get an answer the first time you pray, doesn't mean God said no.  So stay with it.  The enemy will steal your prayers if he knows you aren't committed.  What if you met or knew someone who didn't believe prayer worked?  What would you tell them?  How would you convince them otherwise?  If you're going to talk about God answering prayer, you're going to have to know what you're talking about.  So pray without ceasing.  There's always a need to pray.  Pray for your family, pray for the broken, pray for your ministry, and for stronger faith.  Either way, God desires to hear from you.  He also wants to speak into you.  Therefore, you HAVE to allow access to Him.  Prayer is that access.  Use it!  

Prayer (no pun intended!): Father, in a world where so many miss out on the wonderful opportunity to speak to and hear from You, I relish this chance as a privilege.  Thank You so much for desiring to hear from me, and calling me to Your side through prayer.  As I allow You to show me more of Yourself, please help me show others how awesome it is to know and live for You each day that I live.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.       


Fasting to Live

Thursday May 12, 2011

Today's Passage: Joel 1 & 2
Memory Verse: Joel 2:12

Should corporate fasting still be a regular occurence in ministry, or was it just something the "old church" had to do?  How would it affect the life of the church as a whole?  The answer to these questions lie in this question: How much of God's power does the church really want?  Without question, fasting is as new to the chuirch as prayer.   God has instructed the church to "sanctify itself" since the great exodus.  But as the question stated, should it still be done today?

In the book of Joel, God called the nation of Israel to fast because worship had "left the church".  Seems to me, God instituted fasting as a means to communicate with Him, and/or seperate ourselves from the influences of the flesh.  Therefore, we shouldn't relegate fasting to the old testament church.  As a matter of fact, we should look to fasting more today.  If we ever needed the Lord before, we definitely need Him now.  Our world is full of violence and abuse, pain and neglect.  To survive in it, and recieve our marching orders, fasting and prayer are essential.  To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.  That's not just a reference to passing away, it's a description of what a strong and committed fast will do.  To get closer to God, we must distance ourselves from the pleasure/will of the flesh.  Fasting is a strategic way to put the flesh "in its place".  So, what if corporate fasting were a regular practice?  If it were, hearing God's voice in our services would be a regular occurence.  Also, healings and other signs and wonders would happen at a normal rate.  I personally have found fasting to be a powerful weapon for seeing into the spirit realm.  When I need direction, refreshing, or just more of God, fasting for a season of time proves to be just what I've needed.  I know it'll work for you.

Prayer: Father I'm so glad You desire to be close to us.  It's not hard for us to come before You and we value that.  Lord, we need to corporately come to You.  You made us a holy nation; a peculiar people.  What makes us peculiar is our intimacy with You.  You are always with us.  You're not a statue on our tables, or a trinkett on our necklaces.  You live, move, and exist within us.  And we want to keep it that Jesus' name. Amen    

H. U. M. P. Day!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Today's Passage: Daniel 2: 1-30
Memory Verses: Dan. 2: 20-22

The Word tells us over and over how important prayer is. The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much, it tells us. This means that every little prayer prayed has great impact in the spirit realm. This truth is powerfully seen in the book of Daniel. In today's passage, Daniel and his friends are about to be executed with all the magicians and astrologers of the land of Babylon, but something Daniel does keeps this terrible thing from taking place.

He calls for corporate prayer, and the Word says that the same night, God answers. But I believe something else is going on here that is not mentioned in this particular chapter. Yes, prayer is powerful in and of itself. But even Jesus tells us that some demonic strongholds cannot be removed except the prayer is accompanied by -- you guessed it: fasting.

Daniel and his friends had already committed themselves to consecration by not eating the rich foods of Babylon. So they were in a state of readiness and openness to miracles because of their state of self-denial. That is why it was so easy for them to petition God and get their prayers answered. Our challenge for this H.U.M.P. day is to come together in a time of fasting and prayer. The more of us there are in agreement, the more powerful the results will be.

Today's fast can be anything the Lord lays on your heart. By that, I mean you may fast some type of food or another kind of activity that you really love to do. Do your best to go for at least 12 hours, and set aside some time for prayer as well. For some of us, our mid-week church service is on Wednesday. For others, it may be Thursday. But whichever day it is, our focus needs to be for God to reveal Himself to us in a deeper way. Let's pray and ask God to miraculously show Himself to us like He never has before, and that the hearts of His people will be arrested for Him. Then, go to church expecting Him to do exactly what we've prayed and believed for, remembering that we shall have everything we believe we'll receive. Those who seek Him are never disappointed. So, happy seeking, TD Nation! And may the Father get all the glory.

No Show Ponies!!!

Today's Passage: Matthew 6:16-18
Memory Verse(s): Isaiah 58

Oh my gosh! More show ponies? This circus seems to be full of them. They're prancing around in all their colorful array, doing their best to convince the kids they're actually doing something to make the circus better. Now, I'm not hating on innocent animals. I'm just using them to point out a fact. That fact is, not everything that glitters is gold.

The ponies in the circus can't actually do tricks or death-defying feats. That's why they have to dress them up so much. They have to make them look like they can do the same things the trained animals can do. Anyway, this coincides with today's lesson. God tells us in His Word to keep it on the down low (ok I'm paraphrasing) when we fast. He doesn't want us to be show ponies. "Wash your face, brush your teeth, and don't look like you're weak when you fast". As a matter of fact, fast days should be our strongest days. It should excite us to be on a quest to have God's power revealed in us. Our flesh is often used by the enemy to keep us away from God. Therefore, we have to have a weapon that will take our flesh out of the equation. Denying our flesh gives us access to God in ways normal church attending can't. In light of that, we must make sure our hearts are pure. We can't do things in order to receive credit from man. Fasting in order to please or get a response from man is like not fasting at all. Fasting should be a personal endeavor (unless called corporately by your Pastor). Also, we sometimes fall into the habit of fasting secretly, but complaining openly. In Isaiah 58, God tells us this type of fasting is not fruitful. It's one of the main reasons why our prayers don't get answered. When we fast, our character should line up with what we're trying to do spiritually. We shouldn't complain about the very person we're asking to save us.

In conclusion, I encourage you to enjoy your time with the Lord through fasting and prayer. He has so much to tell you. Likewise, the vision and clarity you'll receive will change your life forever. Just don't make it a show. You don't need that. All you need is a heart that seeks to be one with the Father. So, let the show ponies gallop around in circles. You do it the way God says, and you'll be the one making it happen for real.

Prayer: Father, I desire to be closer to you. I know that's where I should be. Give me more of You, Lord. I want to grow in You everyday You give me life. I want this relationship to be real and fruitful. I don't want it to be what man says it should be. I want it to be what pleases You. Let us be one together always; in Jesus' name. Amen.

The Beautiful Simplicity of Prayer

Monday, May 9th, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 6: 5-15
Memory Verse(s): Matt. 6:6

One of the most awesome things I've learned as a believer over the past few years is never to put God in a box.  I'm discovering more and more that He really does have a special path laid out just for me that He wants me to walk.  This path is unlike anybody else's path, and will not work for anyone else if they tried it.  I say this to make the point about prayer.  For many agonizing years, I struggled with the concept of waking up at a certain time to pray, and failed miserably at it until finally I gave up altogether.

Now that I know myself -- and the Lord -- much better, I have come to understand that prayer is, as everything else, about relationship with Him.  If we confine it to rules and regulations, we will find it to be boring, tedious, and undesirable.  But if we allow God to breathe  His breath of life into it, and look forward to moments spending time in His Presence rather than fulfilling some religious quota out of guilt, it will become one of the most rewarding things we could ever do.

With that in mind, consider Jesus' words on the matter.  Today's passage reminds us never to use prayer as a means of attempting to look holier or more spiritually deep than others.  First of all, prayer is a very personal thing.  It's an intimate act between us and the Father, with the Holy Spirit translating so that we can truly understand His heart.  If we even think about doing it for attention and not for the purpose of hearing from Him, we can forget about ever getting anywhere in our relationship with Him.

The next aspect of prayer that really amazes me is that our "prayer closet" can literally be anywhere.  I'm beginning to look for those moments when I may be doing something completely ordinary, and He interrupts me with something that lets me know He wants my attention.  Now, I could be about to doze off, or doing housework (I think He knows He can ALWAYS interrupt me then), and even in the shower.  But one thing I know is this: if I yield to time with Him, I never lose a thing.  I always come away refreshed, more whole than I was before, and always closer to Him than I was before.  And that is the most important indicator that I am successful at prayer.

Prayer:  Father, my ultimate goal is to know You.  I want Your thoughts to be my thoughts, and Your ways my ways.  I'm asking You today to draw me ever closer to You.  Strip away every need to please others more than You.  Show me Your truths on an even greater level, as I learn to obey when You call.  I love You more today than I ever did before.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Prayers that Prevail

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 20: 27-47
Memory Verse: Lk. 20: 47

Father, today I just want to say how grateful I am that You loved me enough to sacrifice Your very own Child for me.  As a parent, I know I would never have been able to conceive of the idea.  It broke Your heart to see Him crushed, but You had such a brilliant plan to obtain more children.  So here I am, washed and restored to Your heart.  

In Your Word today, I receive Your warning not to become more concerned with the arguments and technicalities of what life will be like in the New kingdom.  All You want me to be is concerned with the hope of walking in close relationship with You just like it was in the garden of Eden.  As a believer first, I hold fast to the profession of my faith, which is that You love me, You made provision for me to live abundantly in this life and the next, and that I will bring You glory every day that I live.

Thank You for reminding us that the focus of Your kingdom will not be marrying, and giving in marriage, but love, joy, peace, and fellowshipping with You.  May we enjoy the relationships with our spouses and children that You have given us NOW, while we have them on this earth. May we pour into them only good and not evil all our days.

I renounce and reject every shred of religious attitudes, pretense, or false piety concerning my place in Your kingdom.  I declare that I walk only in the humility that causes me to be sensitive to Your Spirit, concerning myself with pleasing You only and not man.  This day, as I prepare to worship in Your house, I truly thank You for the godly parents You gave us, those who've gone on to be with You, and those who are still with us.  Raise us up to be the godly parents that will point our children to Your heart.

May this and every day be blessed and bring You all the glory.  In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.   

The Parable of the Sculptor

Saturday, May 7th, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 20: 9-26
Memory Verse(s):Lk. 20:17

Jesus was an amazing storyteller. If I may, I'd like to translate what He was communicating in our terms. This story is about a Sculptor Who shaped and loved a lump of marble into a magnificent statue of a man. He breathed into it the breath from His being, and the statue took on a life of its own. The Master Sculptor placed His creation in a beautiful garden, where He gave him the freedom to enjoy the other living things He had created.

Pretty soon the man grew a little restless. But because he loved his Master, he didn't reveal this to Him. Nevertheless, the Sculptor, Who knows all things, created a partner for the man, and the two became one flesh. A jealous and not-very-talented blacksmith who lived nearby saw this interchange between them and decided to destroy the special bond between the Master Sculptor and His creation. He managed to insert doubt and suspicion in the heart of the former statues so that they would rebel against their Beloved Creator.

For a while, the plan seemed to be working. Everytime the Creator came near to spend some time with them they pushed Him away. They wanted the blessing of playing in and enjoying His garden with no connection to the One Who provided it. With a deep sadness, the Sculptor closed His garden, never to let any other created ones occupy that space. Until the Sculptor's Apprentice, Who had learned everything He knew from His Master, cried out to Him. "Let me go win the hearts of Your created ones back to You," He suggested.

"But You don't understand; they will not receive You.". Still the Apprentice insisted every sacrifice would be worth it. He fought His way until He got to the land of fear and disenchantment, where the blacksmith lived. There, He wrestled with this evil tyrant who had been holding the former statues hostage with the heavy chains he had created. Immediately, some statues felt drawn back to the One Who created and loved them. But for others, time spent away from that garden had proven detrimental. They ignored, cursed and told Him to leave them alone. But to this day the Master Sculptor calls to us. His ultimate desire is to draw us all back to His heart. And one day He will destroy the works of the blacksmith, and nothing will be left of him.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The God Kind of Faith

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Today's Passage: Mark 11: 12-33
Memory Verse(s): Mk. 11:22-24

We see it everyday. Children witness their parents destroy their lives with alcohol and vow never to touch a drop of the stuff. A young girl coming from a home of abuse no doubt grows up with no intentions of allowing it to ever come near her again. And yet, despite their attempts to get away from it, they end up walking in that same path. How can this be?

Jesus gives us the key in today's passage. It's called faith. Not only did He tell His disciples,"Have faith IN God, but He was also saying, "Have the God- kind of faith", or the same kind of faith that God used to create everything that we see, and even that which we do not see. How was Jesus able to speak to a tree and cause it to wither and die? Because faith can be used for negative as well as positive things. Jesus was teaching His disciples about a spiritual principle that so many miss.

It's true that the power of life and death are in the tongue. But it's mostly because of the faith behind the words we speak. Whatever we're speaking over ourselves and those we love, that is exactly what will come to pass. Inside of each and every person who breathes air is this same anointing to transform everything around us... By faith in our declarations. If Jesus could cause an innocent tree to wither and die, how much more have we done the same?

I believe that we can all begin to see a turnaround in our homes, our finances, and most of all our relationships with God. Everytime we speak, we're praying. So the next time you open your mouth, be very careful what you say. Words spoken with passion are a sure sign of our faith in God. So not only should this earth realm be filled with the greatest manifestation of God's will (since we love Him and live in His image), but the kingdom of darkness should also be void and bankrupt-- cursed and incapable of operating because of our words. But we must have the God kind of faith, and keep our hearts from strife. We will see ANY mountain removed.

Prayer: Father, thank You for making every promise available to me through Your Son. I walk under the conditions, and declare that my children's children will love, honor and obey Your Will. I vow to reverence and bring glory to Your Name every day of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Topsy-Turvy Kingdom

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Today's Passage: John 12: 20-50
Memory Verse(s):John 12:24

No matter how many times I ponder it, I just can't seem to come to grips with how topsy-turvy the kingdom of Light is from the kingdom of darkness. Everything works the exact opposite. If you want to receive, you must give-- and not grudgingly, but out of the depths and fulness of your heart. If you plan on being great, you must serve first. In the same manner, if you want to live fully and abundantly, you must die. Jesus explained to His disciples that self-denial and the killing of our personal desires has to be in operation in our lives before we can truly see the purpose of God unfold.

I guess that's why it's so easy for some to reject the Gospel-- even those who once believed it and did all within their power to walk it out. The enemy plays on the temporary nature of the world we live in as well as the things around us. He does a very good job of distracting us with earthly possessions. If we are not careful to wrap ourselves in the whole armor with constant prayer and a renewing of our minds in the Word, we will be deceived into only setting our sights on goals we can see.

We'll always be pressing towards that mark of more money to get the bigger house and the nicer car-- just like the world. The problem with not following the rules of the kingdom is a very simple one. If we become too afraid of dying and choose instead to hold onto our lives, WE'RE GOING TO DIE ANYWAY. Nothing we run after will last. It will disappear like smoke right before our eyes, and fill us with an emptiness that no earthly treasure can satisfy, no matter how beautiful. This is part of the "fine print" in the devil's contract that he doesn't share with us until it's too late.

As we pray over ourselves today, I challenge us to remember to declare that EVERYTHING God intended for us to produce is coming to pass. Ler us strive to be more like Christ in that He knew His Father was requiring Him to suffer and die, but He was still determined to carry it out because of the multitude of fruit that would be produced AFTER His death. If we only knew how many other believers were coming after us to carry on this great destiny, we wouldn't waste time worrying over what we're going to lose. So you see, our Father's topsy-turvey plan to accomplish His will on this earth seems crazy... But it's the most brilliant answer to the enemy's schemes. Partner with the Potter. You will never be disappointed.

Prayer: Father, I choose to lay down my life in order to see fruit produced in me. I am no longer afraid of what I might lose in this sad, temporary world -- not even my life. After all, Jesus' death insures that I will live forever anyway. I love the win-win situation Your Son has placed me in. May I spend the rest of my days showing You exactly how grateful I am. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

H.U.M.P. Day!!!!!

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

Today's Passage: Romans 5:1-11
Memory Verse(s):Rom. 5:8

As a mom,I can truly say that it brings me joy to do things for my family. I like having clean underclothes and socks for them to wear. I love it when they say, "That was the best food I ever tasted!" But let's face it-- every now and then, the body gets a little tired, and we make it about us. We think the expectations placed upon us are too high, and we become tempted to have a little pity party.

Thanks to God's mighty grace, this feeling never lasts long. But what DOES last is the feeling of being appreciated. Which brings us to this week's H.U.M.P. Day challenge. Wherever you may find yourself, whether at work, at home, or at school, there's a lady who has made a difference in your life. Show her a little appreciation this week by taking a bit of the load off her shoulders.

I'm sure many mothers would agree with me that the flowers and candy are nice, but the thing that truly goes far is showing us how much we mean by washing the dishes, or keeping the front room clean. Maybe you could give Mom, Auntie or Nana a back rub. If you ask Him, I'm sure God will give you a creative way to be a blessing. Believe me when I say, what you could bless a lady with this week cannot be bought or sold in a store. Be blessed this week, TD Nation, as you give the love of God away to moms everywhere.

House Hunters!

Tuesday May 3, 2011

Today's Passage: Revelations 21:1-22:21
Memory Verse: John 14:2

Ever watch 'House Hunters' on HGTV?  Yas and I love that show.  If you've never seen it, it follows everyday people as they walk through the process of buying a home.  I know, I know.  It's not exactly the show of the week, but it's good for those who are interested in buying a home one day.  House Hunters (in a way) gives Yas and I something to look forward to.  You see, we are believing God for a new home.  I like to take her to the model homes and listen to her response.  "I can't wait" she often says.  She's so funny.  Anyway, there's nothing wrong with a little house hunting right?  Afterall, the place we're in now is not our home. 

Jesus said there are many mansions in His Father's house.  He also said He's going to prepare that place for us.  If we believe what He said, why are we "dropping anchor" here?  Why are we investing everything we have and everything we are into this life?  Our reading today gives us a glimpse into what God calls a new Heaven and a new Earth.  "New"!  What a glorious idea.  That means God is re-creating everything.  Not only that, He's "sin-proofing" the whole thing.  No pain, no anger, no abuse, no addiction, no sickness, or anything like that will exist there.  So, are you ready?  You have to understand that Earth, the way it exists now, is not your home.  It's a rental.  In the new kingdom, everything will be yours. 

I like the thought of God renewing everything.  This world is so full or hurt and pain, it's hard to find a good place to settle down or raise kids.  People have become so cold and segregated.  The word neighbor has become more of an ideal than what it's meant to be.  That won't be the case in God's new Jerusalem.  Everyone's going to be living, loving, laughing and praising.  The exciting thing is God Himself is going to move in.  Yes!  He'll be living among us.  So you'd better keep your house in order (no pun intended).  He'll be doing what He intended to do since Eden: walk among His people.  He wants us to be in His presence.  It's so important to Him He's willing to re-create everything to make it happen.  All you have to do is make sure you're there to move in.  Don't get caught investing in the world.  It's never a good idea to invest in temporal things.  I mean, you have to "live" here until He comes back, but don't get emotionally attached.  Don't allow earthly things (or the lack thereof) to define you or become your treasure.  God's word says to store your treasures in Heaven.  He wants us to keep our eyes on things eternal.  He'll take care of the rest.  With that being said, anyone for some house hunting?

Prayer:  Thank You Jesus for preparing that special place for us.  The thought of living with You is exciting.  As You prepare that place for us, we'll prepare our hearts for You.  We'll be ready for what You have for us, in Jesus' name. Amen   

The Case for the Judgment

Monday, May 3rd, 2011

Today's Passage: Revelation chapters 19 & 20
Memory Verse(s): Rev. 20: 11 & 12

Ever wonder why holidays in every other religion are celebrated exactly the way they originated?  Over the years, no Santas and trees or bunnies and eggs have replaced the traditions of any other faith.  And yet, this phenomenon has occurred in the Christian faith.  And not only that, but laws are being written as we speak to prevent anyone in the public sector from hearing about the Jesus of the Bible.  Strange?  Definitely.

But if you look a little closer, especially after reading today's passage, you'll see that these events have been very cleverly orchestrated by the Antichrist spirit that has been released on the earth.  First, the enemy has spent a great deal of resources to block Christianity from our schools.  Why?  Because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  So that young people can somehow live without hearing about this God Who loves them so much that He would give His only Son as a sacrifice for them.

And why is this important?  Because if people don't know about the love of God, they will have a very hard time accepting the judgment of God which is seen in this passage. And so, the campaign to block this message from being spread in public settings has been very powerful. The true message of Christmas and Easter has very cleverly been overshadowed by other symbols for this purpose.  Second, the spirit of deception has been introduced concerning the Great White Throne Judgment so that the spirit of conviction would not take over those who hear about it.

But no matter what method they use, they will not be able to shut out or lessen the power of the love of God, which is seen in His entire plan of salvation.  If I were the enemy, I would want to do the same so that I wouldn't be exposed.  I therefore implore those who've been told Jesus is simply a myth: hear the truth.  The devil had tricked us into disobeying God, but He found a way (before we even failed Him) to bring deliverance to us.  As a result of the huge sacrifice He made,  He asks all of us to choose good rather than evil.  One day, He's coming back to judge all those who've made this choice, as well as Satan himself for deceiving us.  And we shall live forever with Him.

Prayer: Father, I believe that You are coming again.  For me, it doesn't have to be in the form of scientific evidence.  Your love lives inside me.  My prayer is that I will spread the truth about this love all my days.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.