Lazarus, Come Forth!

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

Today's Passage: Ezekiel 37:1-14
Memory Verse: John 11:43-44

Since the beginning of this year, there has been a promise of God's release of His anointing and favor on our lives through giftings and talents. I believe He's laying the foundation that will prepare us for the Master's use by making sure we're growing in our relationship with Him. During praise and worship this past week, a word was released through our senior pastors to begin bearing down and pushing the destiny that's been placed on the inside of each of us. So for many, this was confirmation that it's only a matter of time before that destiny will be manifested in our lives.

But for others, the idea of walking in your calling or doing what we were put on this earth to do might as well be nonexistent. Due to earthly distractions, trials and disappontments, your dreams begin to fade away. Pretty soon it's as if they were never there in the first place. Today, the word of the Lord is coming to you through the prophet Ezekiel. God told him to prophesy to the bones -- a heap of skeletal remains with no apparent purpose except to be a reminder of how nothing on this earth lasts forever. So he spoke God's words, not his own. He told the bones to live, but he didn't stop there. Even though they came together, there was still no sign of the essence of God. So he prophesied that the breath of God come from the four winds, so the bones may live.

Today, I speak to the dry bones in your life. I say that no matter how long those dreams have been in the ground, may the breath of God revive them again. Lazarus, I speak with the same authority Jesus used. I say, "Come forth!" Every promise that God has made to you shall live and bring God glory in the name of Jesus. Rise up, man of God! Arise, daughter of Zion! The Lord of the Harvest has need of you. I declare that the breath of God's anointing is coming from the four winds to blow restoration into every part of your life.

For those of you who've already experienced God's life-changing anointing, speak this into the life of someone else. Don't sit by another day while the dreams of friends and loved ones die slowly. God has given us the authority to speak things that are not as though they already were. The end-time harvest is here; can all these dry bones live again? Can all those Lazaruses come out of the grave and accomplish the will of God? Let's loose them with our mouths and our faith, and release them -- and ultimately ourselves --to be everything God has destined us to be.

Prayer: Father, accomplish Your word in the lives of those around us. Let all these dry bones live again. May we never be moved by what we see, but continue to declare life into loved ones, families, churches, neighborhoods, and this nation. For Your glory alone, we pray this in Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

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