The Necessity for Life!

Friday April 1, 2011

Today's Passage: John 19:1-42
Memory Verse: John 19:30

I was doing an observation the other day in a classroom that had become quite rowdy.  Of the 15 or so students in the room, over half were very disruptive.  They were roaming around the room, talking out, and using profanity.  Amidst all the chaos, one young lady sat near the back of the room quietly.  As a matter of fact, she was so quiet, the disruptive students began to resent her. 

In a world where being "free" is the in thing, morality has seemingly taken a backseat (like the kids in that classroom).  People are taking pride in being able to do whatever they feel is right in their own eyes.  The problem with this concept is there is usually no "code of ethics" being followed.  The right thing to do literally becomes what one "wants" to do instead of what one "should" do.  This is the backdrop for the crucifixion of Jesus.  The people of God had allowed themselves to start living by Roman standards.  They were able to flow within the liberalities of the government as long as they paid their taxes.  When Jesus came, His message of self-control and brotherly love went against the grain.  So they rebelled.  The concept of Jesus being their "King" was a lot to take in.  Even today we cringe when our pastors preach a word that convicts us.  We don't want to come face to face with our weaknesses.  We want to be entertained.  We want to be accomodated and excused.  That's why we're open to making mistakes but put off with making corrections.  If Jesus had just healed everyone and/or made everyone rich, He would've been a hero.  But, He wouldn't have been a savior.  And we needed a savior.  We needed to be free from our selfish/sinful ways.  Truth is, most people would gladly accept Jesus as a hero, very few however would accept Him as Lord. 

In conclusion, we must find ourselves on the right side of the fence because an immoral life is a dangerous life.  It's the very lifestyle into which Satan seeks access.  This lifestyle stands for nothing, so it falls for anything.    Being on right side says "I need a savior".  This lifestyle recognizes that freedom isn't doing whatever you want, freedom is having the authority to say "no" to the things you shouldn't do.  Choose Jesus today and you'll live.  I, I, I, I, I'm free from sin I, I, I, I, I, I win I win (a lil Lecrea for ya)!  You'll be able to recieve life through Him.  As bad as the crucifixion was, it was just as necessary.  

Prayer: Thank You Father for setting me free.  You've shown me that freedom is choosing what You've sacrificed to provide for me.  I recieve Your love as You recieve my brokenness.  By Your grace I will become what You intended.... in Jesus' name. Amen

Truth Worth Living For

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Today's Passage: John chapter 18
Memory Verse(s): John 10:17-18

When I was growing up, I always wondered why the Jews were so badly hated by people all over the world.  Even in Liberia, where people are mostly tolerant of other nationalities and cultures, something came over people around Easter time.  A huge effigy (image) made of cloth was created, and people would parade downtown hitting it with switches.  When I asked my mother why they were doing that, she told me it was an image of Judas, who betrayed Jesus.

But as I came to know the Lord for myself, I realized Judas didn't kill Jesus.  Yes, he was disgruntled about the way Jesus dealt with the government.  He'd thought Jesus' purpose was more political, and the more he realized it wasn't, he decided to take matters into his own hands by forcing Jesus to stand up to the powers that be.  In spite of all that, he was only used to set up Jesus' death.  

Caiaphas, the high priest, had pretty much orchestrated the whole thing.  He and his cohorts hated the way Jesus would teach and wow the people.  They were afraid that He would cause a riot against the Roman government, bringing trouble upon them all.  But basically, they were jealous of the favor Jesus had with people in general..  Still, Caiaphas and his priests were not to be blamed for Jesus' crucifixion.

Was it Peter, then? Although he was always pledging his undying love for Jesus, that love was apparently nowhere to be found when his Friend and Master needed him the most.  Three times, he denied even knowing Jesus while our Lord was being interrogated and abused.  But no earthly or heavenly being caused Jesus to die.  Before the foundation of the world, He laid it down for you and me so that we'd never have to taste death (eternal separation from God).  If you're reading this and are skeptical of so-called absolute truths, this is one you can stake your life on.  Jesus died so we can all live; now that's truth worth living for.

Prayer: Father, How can I say thanks for what You did for me?  Before I even knew I needed You, You made Yourself available to save a wretch like me.  I'll spend the rest of my life proclaiming that You are Lord.  I love You forever, Amen.      

A Special Moment...

Wednesday March 30, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 22:1-46
Memory Verse: Luke 22:16

We meet so many people over a lifetime. Some we meet in passing, others we meet and they stick around for awhile. Then there are those that, in a moment, change our lives forever. Who comes to mind when you think about those who have changed your life for the better? What about them was the deciding factor?

Consider the Last Supper for a moment. It's ironic that what we call the Last Supper between teacher and students, is actually the "first communion" between God and man, but I digress. This moment was special. What made it special was the two-fold exchange that was about to take place. The first exchange was the relationship Jesus had with His discliples. It was literally about to go to another level (one level for another). All the questions about Jesus' purpose was about to be answered. See, some knew He was a King, but what was He a King of, and who was He a King over? Sometimes we misunderstand those we're getting to know for the first time. When that happens, we try to turn them into what they were never meant to be. We turn friends into lovers, spouses into saviors, and fools into teachers. Some wanted Jesus to be king. That's right, with the small k. You know, the crown wearing, loud talking, spoiled little pretty boy. But Jesus was King. His kingdom wasn't made by hands. And His authority wasn't bound by flags and land. The second exchange was the Holy Spirit taking Jesus' place. We have to constantly be open to changes in relationships. Jesus simply could not stay the way He was. No purpose has ever been established through religion and complacency. He had to show us the way to the Father. And being satisfied with old successes wouldn't have done it.

In conclusion, don't take people for granted. The people you meet today may be the ones who'll facilitate your next level tomorrow. Don't assume. Be honest and listen. Jesus spoke clearly about what His next few hours would be like, but they misunderstood Him because of their own ideas of who He was. Keep in mind that every man has a purpose. His purpose is to help point someone else toward their purpose. This is how Jesus wanted to be remembered. He wanted to remember the sacrifice, the selflessness, and the love. You know, He wanted to change lives for the better.

Prayer: Father I thank You for Your sacrifice. You gave Your Son so we can live. Help us to love with this in mind. Help us to have compassion for our neighbor. You changed our lives, and we love You for Jesus' name. Amen

Death, Where Is Your Sting?

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

Today's Passage: John chapter 11
Memory Verse (s): 1 Corinthians 15:54-55

These days, I see a news story or hear of someone's death and casually wonder what it would be like to pass from this life to the next.  But it wasn't always so smooth and carefree for me.  Not too long ago, I actually used to be filled with dread over dying myself, or losing one of my loved ones.

I don't know if this morbid fear was a leftover spirit of oppression from walking through a civil war and seeing death all around me.  I think it became even stronger when my father was killed in 1994.  But wherever it came from, it felt like it was here to stay, especially when my babies were little.  Whenever I thought of what they would be like at their milestone years, this fear would overtake me, filling me with this inner turmoil that I couldn't shake for quite some time.  My thoughts seemed to be consumed by the possibility of not being able to see them grow up, or of having to raise them alone.

Then one day, I really got a revelation of what death was in the spirit realm.  The real meaning of death -- the first death -- was separation from God when the first Adam sinned.  Well, the second Adam fixed that by erasing every curse when He placed Himself on the tree for us.  Now, I walk in the perfect love that drives away every fear of physical death, because it's the only thing standing between me and the Father now.  Everything I live for at this moment in time propels me -- and my loved ones -- into an unavoidable head-on collision with our destiny, which is to never be separated from God again.

I believe that when Jesus cried for Lazarus, it was out of frustration that he would have to be subjected to tasting the physical death.  But when He raised him up three days after Lazarus had been dead and embalmed, He was teaching us that this type of death is only temporary.  Like a teeny prick of a needle when it enters your skin, the pain fades and is replaced by healing.  As I go through the process of re-training my soul to once again long for the things of heaven, I'm beginning to look forward to leaving the constraints of this earth and plunging headfirst into my promise of everlasting promise with my God.

Prayer: Father, nothing can compare with seeing Your face and being forever with You.  For too long, I was deceived by the enemy into thinking that this life was all about what I could have and experience down here.  Now I've caught a glimpse of Your glory, and my heart is beginning to long for Your Presence.  May I never again take Your presence for granted, but look forward to being embraced by Your beauty.  What an awesome time of worship that will be!  I truly can't wait!  In Jesus ' Name, Amen.  

Let the Signs Follow Us Again!!!

Monday, March 28th, 2011

Today's Passage: Mark 5: 1-20
Memory Verse(s): Mark 16:17

In our world today, we've seen some very crafty moves by the enemy to put to sleep what should be a vital part of our churches.  Even in spirit-filled churches, the idea of casting out demons and dealing with demonic possession seems to have become politically incorrect.  Somehow, we have come to a place where we're simply only comfortable with great services, even if no-one leaves delivered.

But in a study of the gospels, it is evident that Jesus' ministry includes deliverance.  He is concerned about the spiritual well-being of His people.  This means that we should be, also.  Here's what I think are key things to be sensitive about when desiring to have a vibrant deliverance ministry.  First and foremost, we must be willing to accept the spiritual fact that there are demonic forces at work all around us.  They use generational curses passed on through families to enter the spirit of an unsuspecting person, oppressing and eventually controlling that person's will.

Secondly, we must be mindful of things in the lives of God's people that don't line up with who they are in Christ-even if it's in our own lives.  In the passage, here was a man who was living in a place no human being should be: among the dead.  The Bible says he had an unclean spirit among others.  He also had a spirit that manifested itself through shouting out and cutting--do we see any parallels here?  Many of the inconsistencies that should not be a part of our lives has been quietly categorized as "illnesses" in our society.  Addictions, sicknesses in which people have fits of rage and profanity, self- mutilation-- the list goes on and on.

In addition to acknowledging the issues that breed spiritual oppression, we must be willing to walk in the same power of the spirit that Jesus did.  How do we do that?  Keep our lives free of the sin that tries to weigh US down.  Acknowledge, expose it by confessing it to the Lord and to one another, and fall out of agreement with it.  Then, when we come into contact with demonic oppression in any form, we will be able to stand and command those spirits to come out in the name of our resurrected Jesus.  This power is available to ALL who call ourselves BELIEVERS.  Let's ask for the signs to begin to follow us again.

Prayer: Father, we repent of having our understanding darkened by the many distractions and other things that may have stood in our way before.  But now that we have seen a closer glimpse of Who You are and what Your church should look like, we deeply desire to walk in the anointing to cast out demons.  You are alive and well in us, and so we declare that we shall walk in ALL the power of Your Spirit.  May we be sensitive, ready, and waiting for the signs to follow us like never before.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.   

Prayers That Prevail

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Today's Passage: John  chapter 9
Memory Verse(s): John 9:39

Father, Your Son Jesus made the statement that it was for judgement that He came into the world, in order for those who were blind to be made to see, and so that those who claimed to be blind would lose their sight.  When I read this, I realize that it all has to do with faith.

In this world, Satan has made it really easy for our human eyes to focus on and put stock in natural things.  But when it comes to supernatural things, we struggle to accept it.  Today, I rejoice because You gave us back all that when You sent Jesus to redeem us.  We were re-instated as spiritual beings FIRST.  

Because of that, I repent of walking in spiritual blindness to the things You've laid out for me to see-- not just because I chose not to see them, but because I tried to discredit whoever claimed that it came from You.  Just because I don't necessarily understand HOW You choose to do something doesn't make it any less a miracle.  Whether it was really You or not is between You and the men and women who claimed to have been sent and used by You.  My place is to continue to believe and worship YOU.

As I prepare to enter Your house, I ask You to put Your spiritual salve on my eyes as well as the eyes of all those who are going to be there.  By the power of Your Holy Spirit, help us to see You as You really are -- full of glory, mercy and grace towards us.  May we open our hearts to the signs and wonders that You are willing and able to perform among us in these last days.  And may every miracle-- large or small-- remind Your children that You are real, that You love us, and that You are coming again.  In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen!

Walkin' On Water... ALL the way!

Saturday, March 26th, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 14:22-36
Memory Verse(s): James 1:2-8 

There's a song by Christian rap artist Lecrae entitled, "Walking on Water".  It's an awesome reminder to the body of Christ of who we are and what Jesus has done for us by giving up His life on the cross.  Part of the chorus goes, "When I see a problem, when it gets tough, I won't get soft and I ain't givin' up.  There's no turnin' back, cuz I'm [gonna] stay strong.  It's time to go hard or it's time to go home, so I'm walkin' on water...". I never understood the full purpose of storms until I realized how much stronger I am now that I've made it through so many of them.

In the passage, the disciples had just been part of what you'd consider a mountaintop experience.  They had just witnessed their Lord multiply three loaves and two fish for five thousand plus people to eat.  This was the perfect time for them to be "walking on water".  But it's also the time that God knows the enemy is lurking and seeking whom he can trip up and defeat.  So, you'll notice Jesus sent them across the river by themselves.  

It was literally a setup.  Jesus knew the storm was coming, and He used it as an opportunity to teach them dependence on Him.  God does the same thing to us today.  He places His children in a situation where only He can deliver us.  It forces us to choose one of two things: will we trust the Father, acknowledging our weaknesses and renouncing every quick-fix method we've ever known?  Or will we lapse back into our old ways of solving problems if Jesus doesn't come through for us in our time?

The disciples partly got the message.  They were terrified, about to give up until they saw Jesus coming.  Immediately, Peter asked Him to command him to come if he was really the Christ.  Of course, Jesus responds to faith, so He did exactly that.  What does what happened next tell you about who's to blame when our "walking on water" experience fails?  God is not limited to the natural, but we limit Him when we don't trust Him all the way.  This is where storms gain their importance: the more we go through tests and trials, the stronger our faith gets until we really DO learn to walk on water ALL the way.

Prayer: Father, I just want to thank You for every storm.  It didn't feel good while I was walking through it, but now I understand that each ounce of pain had its purpose.  I'm so strong now that I will be able to walk in victory no matter what comes my way.  May all my brothers and sisters also be able to say, "I'm going hard, not home, cuz I'm walkin' on water.". In Jesus ' Name, Amen. 

The God Who's FOR Us

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 9: 1-36
Memory Verse(s): Luke 9:16-17

Three words that stand out to me in today's passage are, "YOU feed them".  Why are they so important?  Because they are spoken by Jesus, Who is in the process of teaching His disciples something new about the kingdom.  After hanging out with the people all day, the disciples were ready to send them away.  But Jesus' response reveals something about His heart that all believers must adopt into theirs.

The first thing we can learn from this event is that Jesus CARES.  He's not just consumed with talking, demanding that people listen but having no idea that they have needs.  Not only is He concerned with the needs of people, but He passes this responsibility on to His disciples as well.  He expects us to be sensitive to the needs of people in much the same way.  We can't just put demands on them but ignore what concerns them-- physical as well as spiritual.

Next, Jesus shows us that we can use the resources that we already have to meet these needs. At ALM over the last few weeks, we've seen financial and physical resources come in as part of preparation for the storehouse the Lord has commanded us to open up.  All those who've brought their money and supplies get to participate in blessing others without experiencing the strain of having to do it alone.  In the passage, Jesus used one little boy's meal because He wanted to show us that any one person CAN make a difference, especially if we all do it together.

Finally, we need to understand that there will NEVER be lack when we're doing God's will.  Jesus multiplied what had been brought to Him, showing us that He is ready and able to bless what He's calling us to do for His broken.  Even those who make sacrifices to bring in those resources will have more than enough.  Like never before, more people at our ministry are walking in a place of increase in our homes -- just because we were willing to obey those three words, "YOU feed them".

Prayer: Father, Your Word is true.  When we give, You cause men to give back into our bosoms, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.  May we never be selfish again, only concerned with our own needs while others go without.  Thank You for showing us that nothing escapes You or goes beyond Your reach.  You truly are the God Who's FOR US.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.    

The Main Thing

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke chapter 15
Memory Verse(s): Matt. 9:13

If I could sum up in one or two words what the entire purpose of the kingdom is according to God's Word, it would be LOST SOULS.  There it is.  Forget about all the other items on our mental checklists when we're thinking about and preparing for our services every week.  God's heart has always been, and will always be, for those who are lost.  So no problem, right?  Obviously what's important to our Father is top priority to us.  Or... Is it?

If we really want to get down to the bare bones of what we tend to focus on in our churches, it's simple.  We have meetings on how we can improve the physical appearance of our buildings; the choirs work really hard to learn the right songs that might "move" the people.  Even in charismatic or "spirit-filled" churches, our concern seems to be setting the right atmosphere for the people who decide to walk in our buildings.  Why?  

Because, i'm afraid, we've become pre-occupied with filling the seats with warm bodies.  Are we doing so in order to earn some sort of recognition for how many members one church can draw?  I don't really know.  All I know is if racking up a body count isn't our main objective, why is it so easy to move on when a brother or sister happens to fall into temptation?  Why aren't our hearts more grieved when they come once or twice, then don't show up anymore?

Watch how Jesus describes the great lengths His father will go for the lost sheep.  He leaves no stone unturned to find them and lead them to our doorsteps; no matter how lost they are, He draws them with lovingkindness until their hearts overflow with joy that He loves them.  He will leave the 99 untended just to go after the one that can't find his or her way.  But once God leads them to us, we HAVE to keep the main thing the main thing.  We can't focus more on laying down a set of laws on what they should wear, which doctrine is right, and how soon they can start "working for God".  Our main concern should be how quickly we can get them to encounter the  Father for themselves.  The rest will fall into place.  Let's ask God to give us the right focus for His kingdom.

Prayer: Father, please forgive me for being more concerned about the outer man than his soul.  You came and found me, so my whole life will be spent in helping Others come face- to-face with You.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

H.U.M.P. Day!!!!!

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 10:25-37
Memory Verse(s): Matt. 25:40

In a day when religious rules were followed to the letter, Jesus teaches a lesson in response to the question, "Who REALLY is my neighbor?". We see three people who have the opportunity to show love and kindness to a total stranger: a priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan.  You know the story, and no doubt remember what each one did or failed to do concerning the man in need.  The part that really gets me is not so much that only the Samaritan responded; it's the fact that the other two who didn't, nevertheless felt justified in not caring.

Before we even think about getting up on our self-righteous high horses, how many times have we stopped to help someone in distress?  The priest in the parable was no doubt on his way to service; how many instances have we ever stopped to help someone on our way to church?  As for the Levite, maybe he was too bogged down with the demands of his ministry to notice the man in need.  What about us?  Those of us who consider ourselves to be a part of T.D. Nation are much concerned with making sure every 'i' is dotted and every 't' crossed so that our ministry is not without reproach.  But what about the heart of the matter?

As we go about making sure that we cover all bases, God will have us remember that PEOPLE come FIRST. No amount of rules ought to take precedence over God's broken.  As a matter of fact, He is so serious about us being His hands and feet that this is the only commandment about which He warns us of missing heaven if we miss the opportunity to touch and bless them.  

Our challenge today, then, is to find ways to touch our neighbors -- not just the one(s) that we like, but the ones whom we know are not deserving of our compassion.  God has given us so much undeserved love that He expects us to reciprocate just that much back to His children-- no matter what our opinion of them may be.  If you're like me, it'll be quite easy to find ones fitting the description.  Now all that's needed are the hearts to carry it out.

Prayer: Father, we have asked You to show us how we can be a living sacrifice to You. Please help us respond by giving us hearts like Yours filled with love -- just like Yours-- to carry out Your will.  Even if we perform outward acts of service without the key element --love-- it will still be unacceptable to You.  So please begin to give us hearts like Yours, for only through You can we begin to truly love.  Our ultimate goal and purpose is still to give glory to You.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

Move In Ready!

Tuesday March 22, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 13:1-58
Memory Verse: Matthew 13:13

Ever tried to buy a house? There's so much red tape involved it makes you're head spin. You'd have to find the right house in the right neighborhood, and more than that, you'd the right real estate agent to help you bring it all together.

Today's passage finds Jesus wearing His real estate agent hat (so to speak). His first priority was convincing His clients that where they currently live is not enough. He wants them (us) to know that this place is not fit for us to call home. You see, Jesus has inspected this house. In doing so, He discovered the foundation is not stable. It's built on sand. Sand folds when the storms of life come. A house built on sand will also cave when contrary winds blow. Another thing Jesus discovered is the roof on this house is sub par. It's not an adequate covering for you. This roof leaves you exposed to the elements. It's drafty when you need warmth, and the cracks provide access to pests.

"I go to prepare a place for you". That's right. Jesus found you a home. That home is called the Kingdom of Heaven. This home is so vast, so massive, mere words can't describe it. So, Jesus is resolved to tell you what its "like". "The Kingdom of Heaven is like seed that falls on good ground". This statement means your new house has the power to grow and prosper. Also, the foundation of this house can withstand any storm or wind. Jesus then said the Kingdom of Heaven is like weeds in the grass. That's right Baby. You get free lawn care. He said God will allow the weeds to grow with the grass. Then, He'll separate the two with expert precision.

Finally, your new neighborhood doesn't have to be the biggest or the brightest. It's like the mustard seed. On the surface, it's the least significant of all the others, but once it's harvested, it's becomes the most precious herb in the garden. Don't you want to move there? Where we live now pales in comparison. The good news is, you don't even have to worry about financing because JESUS PAID IT ALL!!!! All you have to do is decide you want to be a resident. After reading this devotional, I hope you and I can be neighbors.

Prayer: Father Im thankful for the parables You gave. There's no confusion in what You want us to know; no secrets. Thank You for letting us see You clearly through the light of Your word. I am so ready to move in with You, in Jesus' name. Amen.

He's Got It All!

Monday March 21, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 6:5-7:29
Memory Verse: Matthew 6:25

Jesus is probably the most influential person ever to walk the earth. The things He did still influence our society in one way or the other. Likewise, what He said also has a profound effect on the way we live. What do you think made what Jesus said/did so influential? Relevance. He took being relevant to new levels. Noone in the history of mankind could do it the way He did.

I'm amazed by Jesus' ability to see beyond the generations. When He was on earth, there were no SUV's, cell phones, video games, shopping malls, internet connections, or Air Jordans. Yet, He was able to tell people truths that apply in a day when these things do exist. Can you imagine Jesus standing in the middle of the mall saying "You don't need these things. Live within the means in which the Father has given you. That's where peace lies. Stop worrying about what you're going eat or wear. If God feeds the birds, who doesn't have a 9 to 5, why wouldn't He feed you"? As mall security attempts to escort Him out of the mall (you know how it is), I can imagine Him saying "Storing treasures for everyone to see here on Earth will get you nowhere. All they bring is debt and more debt. You should keep treasures where they really matter. They really matter Heaven". I get the feeling Jesus wasn't into a lot of showmanship. Bling bling and being seen wasn't His thing. He even told us to pray privately. Why? I think it's because a loud voice and a gang of words means nothing if character doesn't go with it. Also, the body of Christ wasn't established to bring attention to itself, it was established to bring attention to the needs of the people it serves.

By the world's standard, these are very controversial messages. Nobody wants to talk about how they spend or save, yet 3 out of 5 people in the US struggle with debt. As for the church, tithing is taboo for some, but department stores receive their monthly contributions like clockwork. Ironically, some of the very things we extend ourselves for, God freely gives. What's funny is that was not even the point of His message. The point of Jesus' message was self- control. He also wanted us to have faith in God. So, take His message to heart. Learn to live within who and what you need, not under what you want. God is our provider and our source. We must remember that more is a quantitative term reserved for only Him, not material things. Live this way and you'll have a great life.

Prayer: Father You are my source and provider. Everything I need rests in Your hands. You got it all, God. So I look to You. Forgive me for being greedy and selfish. I realize I need to depend more on You. Validate me Lord. I no longer want validation from material things. I only want You, in Jesus' name. Amen

Prayers that Prevail

Sunday, March 20th, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 5-6:6
Memory Verse(s):Matt. 5:48

Father, if I ever get confused concerning what You want me to do and how You want me to live, I'll remember this passage. Many call it the Beatitudes, but I call it my Guide to Living Abundantly. You are so faithful in wanting to see Your children prosper in all things that You sent Jesus to lay it out for us exactly the way You've always intended for us to live for You.

Today, as I prepare to go to Your house, I just want to take a moment to thank You for showing me Your heart and reminding me of what You're looking for when You see my life. You're looking for a believer who is content to follow and serve You with total devotion-- even when everything doesn't always turn out exactly the way I think it should. You expect me to be the one to walk in peace and love everywhere I go -- no matter who else isn't.

You especially expect me to walk with joy and dignity in the midst of persecution rather than fall apart, for this is the same conduct You expected from Your prophets and other ministers who walked this earth before me. On top of all that, You have called me to SHINE brightly in this world of darkness, where many who carry the name "believer" give in to the temptation to please self first, and present a life of compromise to those who are watching us.

Finally, Father, You sent Jesus to make crystal clear to the world that Your law is not to be ignored or taken for granted. You expect us to follow It, but in the spirit of which it was intended, not only when we think someone may be watching us. You expect us to walk in love at ALL times, keeping in mind that it was love that was extended to us because of the blood of Jesus. What a HIGH standard You have set for Your children! But through Your Holy Spirit, I will accomplish living it out. Thank You for showing me how much I need You. In Jesus' Name,

You Can Beat It!

Saturday March 19, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 3:13-4:17
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:13

In your opinion, what may be the single most difficult thing to have success in as a Christian? Ah yes, being tempted. That was my choice too. Many, and I do mean many, have fallen to temptation. The important thing to do is find out what tools God has given us to keep us from falling again.

Let's face it folks, if the devil brings temptation it means two things: he knows who you are, and he knows what you desire. In today's passage, Jesus had been fasting for 40 days. The Bible said the fast left His body in a state of extreme hunger. His fleshed craved to be nourished, and time was of the essence. The devil played upon this. He knew Jesus' flesh was weak. So, the first temptation of course, was bread. My friends, the body of Christ cannot afford to draw its strength from the desires of the flesh(get it?). Think about it for a moment. If Jesus had fallen into that temptation, the example He would've set would've have launched us into flesh mode for everything we do. I mean, gosh, don't we have enough flesh issues already? Jesus would've sent a clear message that flesh comes first. Feed it, consult it, give in to it, do whatever is necessary to "feel" better and you'll have power. But Jesus knew better. He knew investing that much into the flesh would be like giving your life savings to a teenager. It's not going to last.... It's The Word of God that sustains us. It's the ONLY thing that provides like a savings account with interest!!! Secondly, the devil tempted Jesus with the use of Gods power. We can't use Gods power to mock Him. Satan knew that suicide was the fastest way to destruction. One step off that cliff and it would've been over. Consequently, you'd have no need to read this devotional because we'd all be in Hell. But, Jesus knew better. He knew we shouldn't have the authority to decide whether we should live or die. Those decisions are God's. Test passed. Third, the devil tempted Jesus with love of self. This is a hard one. Even people who struggle with love have no problems loving themselves. The devil showed Jesus all the Earth's kingdoms and told Him He could have it all if He'd only worship him. Now, for ME, I would've said to myself "Self", myself would've said "huh", and I would've said that's a lot of stuff. And stuff makes us feel good. Houses, property, money, power, all if it would've been mine. But thank You Jesus for knowing better. First of all, what the devil was offering wasn't even his to give. It's mind-boggling how we cut deals with Satan about stuff that belongs to God. If we'll just ask the Father and wait, we won't have to pay the devil's prices for things we've acquired with our health and emotions.

Finally my Friends, God has given a way of escape for every temptation the devil brings. For practical ways to escape, follow these instructions. One, keep your priorities in order. Let God's will be the most important thing in your life. Remember, when we covet, it gives the devil access. Two, fall head-over-heals in love with The Word. Let it nourish you. Loving the Word will reduce the things of the world to being the next seed for sowing. Following these instructions will assure your escape when faced with temptation. Jesus set the example. So if He can do it, so can we.

Prayer: Father, You have given me a way out of everything. If I follow You, I can have victory over the enemy's traps. Let my eyes see what Yours see. Let wisdom be my utmost desire. When I'm in You, the devil doesn't stand a chance. You are the Most Jesus' name. Amen

The Gospel of Love

Friday, March 18th, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 3:1-20
Memory Verse(s): Luke 3: 11-12

At least every other day in the news, we hear of some bombing, hijacking, or other terrorist attack carried out by people from other religions claiming to be devout believers in their god.   They take delight in being called "religious extremists".  But there is something about a person who comes out with totally radical statements and actions stemming simply from love.

John-- remember him?  He's the one who couldn't wait to get out of his mother's womb when Jesus and His mama came near.  Even before birth, he was purposed to serve the Lord of Hosts.  But you've got to understand the context in which his message was preached.  Imagine always worshipping God one way, then being told that you needed to do it differently.Since Abraham's initial sacrifice, God's people were required to bring their best animals as a sacrifice to Him as atonement for their sin.  

Then John came along and introduced a whole new gospel: one that presented Christ as The Way to God.  No more animal sacrifices-- just us!  Not only did God want relationship with us, but demanded that we DEMONSTRATE His love through our actions!  What a novel -- and scary -- idea!  No wonder there are still some who don't accept it today.  But knowing what we know about the kingdom of God, and how much God is willing to give up just so we can have His love, I can see why John didn't care if he lived or died, just as long as he was sharing that gospel of love.  So if you'd consider him a religious extremist, count me as one, too.

  If it means I get to hear the Father's voice and communicate His love, then I, too, choose to live in the wilderness and touch no perverted thing.  And what wouldn't I give to see people step out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of His dear Son?  All of it!  The time has come for the prophets of the Most High to once again declare, "Prepare the way of the Lord!" for the kingdom of God is near.  If we're extreme, it's because we're preaching a gospel of Love.  And no-one who receives it will be turned away.

Prayer: Father, we Your servants and handmaidens are poised and ready to preach Your love.  We must eat it, sleep it, walk it, and live it.  And in order to reproduce Your heart, nothing can be more important to us than being rooted and grounded in Your love.  Help us represent You well, and bring glory to Your Name.  In Jesus' Name and for His glory, Amen.      

Manger- Or Kingdom-Minded?

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 2
Memory Verse(s): Lk 2:11-12

Where does purpose lie?  Does it lie in the way you start, or in the way you finish?  To be purposed means to have a reason for which something exists; to intend, aim or set as a goal.  So  many times, we look at the way something was started and use that as a predictor of how it will be finished.

For instance, what do you predict the end would be for a child born to parents who didn't have the means to get to a hospital?  Could a housekeeper mother and a carpenter father produce a king?  What about you?  What have YOU heard about your beginnings?  Does that beginning really have any bearing on what God is creating in you right now?

Vincent Van Gogh started a painting inspired by a loved one that he couldn't even finish.  At the time, the painting was considered to be a waste.  Art dealers struggled to find an owner for quite some time.  Today, that same portrait is worth a fortune.  That being said, we can no longer let what happened in our past determine how we will live out our future.

Why did God allow a king to be born in a manger?  The answer is because the king may have been in the manger, but the manger wasn't in the king. Jesus remained kingdom- minded throughout His life, not manger- minded.  Most of us would have used being born that way as an excuse.  As a matter of fact, many still do.  However, if we remain kingdom- minded, the barn we were born in will lead straight to the palace.

Prayer: Father, once and for all I accept that You have chosen me to point others to You.  In spite of my humble beginnings, I recognize my destiny is tied to Your purpose for my life.  May every intention for which You brought me into existence be manifested in my life. In Jesus' Name

What God is Doing

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke chapter 1
Memory Verse: Lk 1:67-70

Wow!  Imagine going about your business when you are interrupted by a heavenly being who subsequently tells you what God says will happen in your life in a short time.  Naturally, something so supernatural would inspire a healthy fear, as it did in the hearts of Zechariah, Mary, and other people in the Word.  But although we may not claim to have seen or spoken to angels, we have this gift in earthen vessels that God uses to communicate His heart towards us everyday.

I distinctly remember a college friend of mine sharing with me a dream she'd had of me standing on a large stage singing, with a little boy  holding onto my legs.  Those of you who know me now may not find anything special about this, until I tell you that my life back then looked nothing like it does now.  Not only was I NOT a mother at that time, but I also possessed none of the fire and passion for God that I walk in now.

Another incident that I consider supernatural was when a close friend of Pastor Nette's came to visit and ministered to our praise team.  During her ministry, I found myself being so overwhelmed with God's Spirit as she imparted to me the desire to seek Him.  She kept saying, "Seek Him, and you shall see".  Little did I know that I would literally SEE melodies and words that the Holy Spirit wanted me to speak into the lives of others ( what I now know to be the spirit of prophecy).

Our H.U.M.P. Day challenge in light of all this is that we ALL have a gift to speak life into others.  Whether it is something the Lord will use to bring someone to Him, or if we're encouraging others, the point is that God's plans will come into fruition as we seek His face, and each life will be forever changed.  Take some time to seek God about those around you.  He will make you sensitive and speak through you to the multitudes.  Now more than ever before, God's presence is coming to dwell on the earth in these last days.  Are you ready?

Prayer: Father, in the words of those in the Bible, I say be it unto me according to Your Word.  I want Your complete will, and I won't settle for less until it's manifested in my life.  Thank You  for the grace to see Your love and patience overflow in and through me.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

What Do You Believe?

We were studying God's Word one night when my youngest asked where Jesus came from.  He was confused because we were studying Jesus' birth, and, as you know, the scripture didn't specifically say who Jesus' dad was (in Landon's eyes).  Oddly enough, many people still believe the manger was Jesus' origin.  However, John chapter 1 tells us something totally different.

In John chapter 1, we're introduced to Jesus by His original name: The Word.  And guess what?  He was already with God when the world was created.  That's right.  As a matter of fact, it was through Him everything was created.  I get excited when I hear that.  It makes me feel good to know that every beautiful thing I see was created by God and His Son for me to enjoy.  Even I was created because Jesus wanted me to be here.  Is that a morale booster or what?  I don't need to wonder if my life has purpose or not.  Also, I can live with confidence in the fact that no matter what conditions I was born in, I AM NOT A MISTAKE!  So, what do you believe about Jesus?  Most of us will say we believe He's God's son.  Will we say however, we believe He's the source by which everything was established?  If so, then this must be a concept by which we live:  Everything was created by Him...for Him.  Aha!  Purpose personified.  Everything we are and everything we have was established to glorify Him.

Finally, I believe there are two types of people: those who believe in Jesus, and those who believe Jesus.  I'd like to think we not only believe in Jesus, but we also believe Jesus.  If we believe Jesus, we'll spend our lives living out the example He set.  As we believe He is the manifested Word of God, we must learn to spiritually create by Him just as God did.  Is depression trying to come into your life?  Create peace through Jesus.  Are you being betrayed or persecuted?  Create a friendship in Jesus.  All you have to do is believe.  If you believe Him, you'll be set free from everything that holds you back.  We must live to function for Him.

Prayer: Father, as long as I live I'll never be able to fully understand why You subjected Your Son to the ugliness of humanity just so He could take my place.  But I guess that's what it's all about: not deserving what You did, but yielding my own life to be subjected to persecution and service for others.  Not another day will I be confused about why I'm here.  You created everything to bring You glory... so here I am.  I'll always be Yours.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Day of Judgement

Monday, March 14th, 2011

Today's Passage: Malachi 1, 2, 3, and 4
Memory Verse(s): Malachi 1:6

If I've ever doubted that there is an enemy of our souls, or that God's judgment is fast approaching, the events that are taking place all around us erase every uncertainty.  In spite of the warning signs, there are some who are as unaware of how loudly He is speaking as if there were a huge soundproof wall between us and Him.

The basic foundation of our place on this earth is that we were created to provide fellowship for the Father.  But because of sin, every divine intention was twisted and perverted so as to render it null and void.  Basically, what people, even some leaders in our churches, are missing is that God's laws do not change just because we do.  Just because we have decided to recreate our societies with no place for Him does not mean we don't still need Him, or that there will be no consequences for misleading others about His ways.

While the deceiver is manipulating and misrepresenting everything that has to do with God, he's making it really easy for us to ignore the Father Himself.  He's standing right there with His arms outstretched, calling for us.  He only wants relationship with us so that His calling on our lives is a burden we WANT to carry.  But instead, those who want to live contrary to His ways and the path He has set for us only focus on the aspect of "judgment" that they say Christians are shooting at them.

I admit that sometimes we as believers who are passionate about living a totally devoted life for the Lord tend to be over-zealous and neglect to show the loving, broken heart of the Father towards ALL sin.  But inasmuch as He doesn't want us to condemn the sinner, He is even MORE displeased when we try to cover up the way He really feels about ANY act or thought that goes against His will for our lives.  So is there going to be a day of judgement?  Yes, absolutely!  Is God allowing catastrophic events to bring people to the realization that He is the only way?  Without a doubt!  So those of us who are part of the REAL Td Nation must keep our eyes to the sky, our hearts right, and our spiritual bags packed.  For the Lord is sure to come again.

Prayer: Father, here I am today, the first to say that I have not always responded in love to the willful sin I see all around me.  I repent for lack of compassion, and for turning the wayward away rather than drawing them to You.  But You would have me maintain the standard of holiness and righteousness no matter how much they may not want to hear it.  As I await with anticipation the coming of Your Son, may your love compel me to show them Who You really are.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.             

Prayers That Prevail

Sunday, March 13th, 2011

Today's Passage: The Book of Jonah
Memory Verse(s): Jonah 4:10-11 

Father, as I read today's passage, I am convinced that You are a merciful God.  Not only do You pity us because You realize how frail and fragile we are, but You also remember that we never see the whole picture when You assign us a task.  My prayer today is that You impart to me the spirit of divine obedience.

You've ordained deliverance for many nations that have sinned against You.  All You require are willing vessels to take that message of love and restoration.  I desire to be one of those vessels in these last days.  But I also am aware that the "I" must die in order for this message to be received.  Before I even get there, You've shown me over and over again that You prepare the listeners with a heart to hear and accept Your Word.

Even this morning, as we prepare to go to Your house, I ask You to consecrate my eyes, ears, and heart.  Let me hear with the spirit of wisdom and understanding what You have to say to Your people.  Then, when I am saturated with the words I heard, let them overflow from my lips like a mighty river into the hearts of Your beloved.  I declare that I shall only walk in Your love towards them, remembering the mercy You extended to me before I accepted Your Son.

Thank You for this wonderful opportunity to publish the glad tidings of Your love and grace.  May I obey without wrath or doubting.  May I harbor no resentment or malice towards Your people.  Let love cover a multitude of sins in my life and theirs.  In Jesus' awesome Name, Amen.

Which P's Will You PURSUE?

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

Today's Passage: Daniel 6
Memory Verse(s): Dan. 6: 26-27

It's a word that we should be well familiar with, especially since it has been around since the fall of man.  And yet, it seems to be the word we're the least comfortable with: PERSECUTION.  Because of who we are, and who Christ is in our lives, persecution is bound to occur towards us on some level.  Daniel's life is an example of not only what to expect, but also how to handle it.

First and foremost, we ought to know that because we fear and honor the God of the universe, His favor upon us is guaranteed to the point where we will receive PROMOTIONS that will require us to be in leadership positions in whatsoever situation we find ourselves.  Remember, Daniel and his friends were among the servants who had been taken as slaves of Babylon because of Israel's sin, but instead of throwing PITY PARTIES, he asks God to allow Him to walk in such excellence that he would stand out and make Him famous.

And that's exactly what happens.  Daniel ends up making a huge impact on the king of Babylon, who promotes him.  The result?  Of course, he draws unwanted attention from those who cannot stand him, and who could care even less about His God.  Here's something we're seeing happen even now, thousands of years later.  What lengths do people go to who resent having to acknowledge a God Who is righteous?  They resolve to seek out the largest loophole they can find that will allow them not to honor God if they can help it.  They PLOT and PLAN to get rid of the righteous by using their faith against them.

Here's where we can all learn from Daniel's example.  As soon as the PROCLAMATION has been made to change the PRECEPTS (laws) to PROSECUTE believers who choose not to compromise, Daniel begins to PRAY and PETITION God to intervene on behalf of His people.  Again, he has no time for seeking PITY, only PASSION to see God's will be done.  And that's where the difference is made.  Daniel gets God's attention and the rest, as they say, is PRESERVED in God's Word.  Which P's will you PURSUE?  I'll take PERSECUTION as long as I have the Lord's PRESENCE, PROTECTION, and PROVISION.

Prayer: Like Daniel, Father, I am aware that there are those who are PLOTTING to eliminate believers of the One True God.  May my PRAISE of You never cease, but may I continue to PROCLAIM that You are Sovereign over all for the rest of my days, no matter the PERSECUTION.  You remind me that even if I have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I must fear no evil, for You are with me.  You prepare a feast for me even while my enemies PLOT against me. Therefore, I choose to live a life of PRAYER and PRAISE.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.   

It Ain't Where You Start...

Friday March 11, 2011

Today's Passage: Jeremiah 1:1-3:5
Memory Verse: Jeremiah 1:5

Everybody's got a story about their beginning.  Some have had rough upbringings.  Others have had really hard "I shouldn't even be here" type experiences.  But thanks be to God for where He's brought us.  I mean, if you're blessed enough to read this devotional, it means you are probably among the top 10 to 20 percent of the world's income bracket.  Don't believe me?  Here's proof.  You're obviously reading this devotional from a fancy cell phone, or a nice laptop or desktop computer.   Whatever you're using, you bought with the increase God gave, or someone who loves you gifted it to you.  So yes my friend, you're blessed.

God told Jeremiah He knew him before He formed him in the womb.  And before he was born, God sanctified him.  To me, that says God has a purpose and a plan for all of us.  He doesn't let anyone come into this world without a calling or direction.  When I was a kid, I'd often ask people how, with so many people in the world,  God took care of everyone.  I know now.  He purposed us to be the ministry of all of us.  Okay, that was a little confusing.  I meant, He sent us to be extensions of His hands; to bear each others' burdens.  His intentions was for there to be so much love in the Earth, nobody would lack anything.  Jeremiah chose to yield himself to the will of the Lord.  If all of us followed his example, noone would have to live a life without God.  I must have been a little frightening for a young boy to stand in the presence of a great God, but Jeremiah trusted Him.  He knew he was in the best of hands.  Speaking of trust, I'm also thankful that my shortcomings didn't disqualify me.  He told Jeremiah not to say he's a youth because he'd be used by Him regardless of his age.  I'm glad I don't have to wait until my shortcomings are gone for Him to love me.  I don't have to have money to serve Him.  I don't have to wait until people accept me to be called His.  I can serve Him right now.  His love qualifies me, and His grace makes me eligible for His purpose.

Finally, I don't have to be afraid this mission.  I know there'll be times when people won't want to hear me.  There'll also be times I feel I'm on this journey alone.  Truth is, He'll guide me every step of the way.  I'm never alone.  He'll be with me just like He was with Jeremiah.  So, rest assured Saints of God.  How you start is never a factor in how you finish.  As a matter of fact, God loves to use us "late bloomers".  You know who you are.  The I'll-never-talk-in-a-crowd, I'll-just-stay-in-the-back people.  God's looking for you.  He has something He wants you to do.  And guess what.......YOU CAN DO IT!   

Prayer: father thank You for Your unchanging love.  I'm so important to You, You chose me before I was even born.  So I can't this walk for granted.  I can't sleep on my time here.  I must take advantage of every waking moment.  I have to maximize who I am in You.  Send me, use me, launch me into Your purpose.  And I'll give You praise, in Jesus' name. Amen

Nobody Greater!

Thursday March 10, 2011

Today's Passage: Isaiah 51:1-53:12
Memory Verse: Isaiah 51:3

Who is like the Lord?  Who is like our God? NOBODY!  A praise just sprang up in my spirit.  Hang on, let me let it out (you can join me if you'd like, I mean.....if He's worthy)! 

Okay, I'm back.  Reading today's passages caused me to reflect on the goodness of our God.  He's good yall!  I'm not talking about that "gotten everything I want" good.  I'm talking about that "thank You for everything You've done" good.  Cause it ain't about what I want.  It's about who He is.  He's Gracious, Loving, Kind, Faithful, Merciful, Beautiful, Awesome, All That, Holy, Righteous, and Perfect.  He's resistant to strife; impervious to failure.  He's the remedy for death, and the source of all life.  He gets my back WHILE He walks out front.  He redeems every debt I rack up.  He picks up the tab on everything I owe.  When I drop the ball, He still lets me score.  And when I feel alone, He brings His whole kingdom to keep me company.  And that ain't all..........

He was wounded for my transgressions, bruised for my inquities.  The chastisement for my peace was upon Him, and by His stripes........Yall ain't praisin' with me yet?!!!!!!!! I'm healed from what I could've been.  I'm delivered from what I almost was.  My mind is sound.  My body's activated.  My will's submitted.  If I can't praise, I can't live.  Praising Him quickens me.  It motivates me.  It catapults me from a heart of love into the light of His presence.  I have the best life ever.  I'm addicted to what I can have at a premium.  I'm in love with who's heart beats for my affections.  It's You, God!  It's You.  Let me stay with You forever....then add 1000 years!  I love You now, more than ever before.  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

The Oracle (Word)!

Wednesday March 9, 2011

Today's Passage: Proverbs 16:1-18:24
Memory Verse: Psalms 25:5

Okay, I was watching TV the other day when they showed 'The Matrix'.  Remember that movie?  It basically brought computerized movie making and digital enhancement to new levels.  Anyway, you know how I like to find God in everything I see, right?  Well, His influence jumped out at me in several areas of this movie, and one of them is related to today's devotional.

Throughout the movie, Anderson (Keanu Reeves' character) was in search of what everyone was calling 'The Matrix'.  It was as though everyone he asked had a different answer.  However, when he really needed good information, he went to this lady called the 'Oracle'.  Listen, everybody's got an oracle in their family.  I hope and pray you had a chance in your lifetime to meet and spend time with yours.  For me, it was my Great Grandmother.  Big Mama, we called her.  Now before you laugh because your mind just went to the Martin Lawrence movie, know that this lady was so full of wisdom, it was incredible.  She couldn't have a conversation with you without laying a proverb on you.  She didn't always say it the way it was written in the Bible, but you knew it was in there somewhere.   For example, If someone were mad at another family member, "a soft answer turns away wrath", she'd say.  Anyway, God has a special way of getting His truths to your life.  He knows the more we walk in wisdom, the more it becomes a shield around us; keeping us out of the enemy's traps.

Flashing back to the movie, as Anderson searched for truth, the Oracle spoke parable after parable into him.  Most of them didn't make since at the time, but he held on to them.  Then, in the midst of his greatest adversity, the truths he held on to began to manifest in him.  He began to believe he was who she'd said he was.  Remind you of someone?  Sometimes it's not until you're faced with your greatest obstacle that you remember the truth: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".  Then you begin to believe you can do the impossible.  And in due season, you'd accomplish it. 

By definition, oracle means "divine information".  So, that means the oracle wasn't the "lady", it was the words she encouraged Anderson to live by.    It's important that we learn to live by the "Word".  We can't live by what we feel, or who we like.  Our direction has to be inspired by the word of God. And that, my friends,  is what takes you to new the Matrix!  

Prayer: Father, I am so grateful that You love me.  Lead me.  Let me walk in Your truth.  Living by my own means destroyed everything I touched.  But through You, everything is brought back to life again.  I'll be nourished by Your word everyday I live, in Jesus' name. Amen

Wisdom: Get Connected

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Today's Passage: Proverbs chapters 1-4 (E-100 Reading)
Memory Verse (s): Prov. 2:6-8

Wisdom is such a vast entity, but one of the most necessary for the existence of humanity as a whole.  Walking in it literally means the difference between life and death.  But I guess that's why the enemy works so hard to keep us distracted and making choices based on our emotions rather than from the place of wisdom.

Wisdom is like operating an electrically powered appliance such as a vacuum cleaner.  You can go far from the primary source of electricity, and may even feel independent by using an extension cord, but you can never break away from that source.  As a matter of fact, the minute you step outside of the enclosure of safety, you cease to exist as the one who gets to receive that protective covering.  Power is no longer applied to your life, and you fall prey to every trap of the enemy.

Why is this message of being filled with wisdom so important to our God that He would flood the life of His servant Solomon with the desire to acquire it?  Because even those who consider themselves "knowledgeable" cannot outsmart the craftiness of the evil one, whose ultimate goal is to destroy us all.  No wonder Solomon urges us to search for wisdom daily, binding it to us like a well-worn cloak.  When we desire to have it more than even silver or gold, we will come under the protection of the Father and escape the wrath reserved for those who choose to ignore it.

Wisdom is the antidote to our "quick-fix" way of living.  It's God's way of getting us to slow down, trust Him, and learn to wait for what's truly worth it in our lives.  Without it, we 'd miss out on every opportunity to have the Lord's best in every area.  Wisdom is the opposite of "I want it, and I want it NOW!!", a mentality that has destroyed the fabric of our society.  Without it, we have no way of getting on the same page with God.  But with It, the possibilities of abundant living couldn't be more real.

Prayer: Father, I have spent many wasted moments choosing the foolish things of this world over Your wisdom.  Many times I've chosen the temporary pleasures over long-lasting fulfillment in You.  Please forgive me and cleanse me of my sinful desires.  I want to see Your kingdom come and the enemy's kingdom destroyed.  I fall out of agreement with his plan to take me out, and get on one accord with You.  May I walk in ever- increasing wisdom for Your glory.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.    

Have a "BENE-FIT"!

Monday, March 7th, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalm 103
Memory Verse(s):Ps. 103:1-2

As a worship leader,  it often puzzles me greatly that many people find it so hard to praise God. Since giving my life to the Lord, I automatically knew that I had stepped into something new that would change my life forever.  But even in times when we can't physically see how much of a blessing the Lord is, this passage has more than enough reminders to keep a praise on our lips.  It's actually a passage that inspired Pastor Nette's expression, having a "BENE-FIT" by praising the Lord.

Who wouldn't want to praise a God like this?  People who may not know our God need only ask the question, "What's in it for you?"  to get the answer: EVERYTHING!  He is a God Who is concerned about everything that concerns us.  When we come to Him filled with sin, He forgives us.  When we're sick, He's right there, singing healing over us just like a parent would do.  Because of Him, we'll never have to taste the second death, which is total separation from Him.

As for what some of our benefits are on a day-to-day basis, I only need look around me at so many unhappy people --even those who may have all their physical needs met -- to realize that I am extremely blessed.  From the time I wake up in the morning until I go to sleep, the Father provides an unlimited supply of every spiritual blessing needed to walk in victory every single second of the day.  I especially love how I can see my life being enriched inside and out because of Him.  Even in this corruptible body, I'm experiencing youthfulness rather than being washed-out from living for selfish desires.

Convinced yet?  I haven't even scratched the surface of all the things our God does that are praiseworthy.  I haven't even begun to boast about His faithfulness, His compassion, and His generational blessings.  And what about His love?  Oh, how awesome is the Father's love!  It extends high and reaches low to get us.  It never lets us go, but goes to the greatest extent for us.  Keep reading.  You'll find even more endless reasons to have a "BENE-FIT"!

Prayer:   Father, I am so grateful to You for keeping me blessed.  I will never stop praising You because You never stop loving me.  Just as You've gone all out to remind me that I'm Yours, I'll spend the rest of my days giving You exuberant praise.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.    

Prayers That Prevail

Sunday March 6, 2011

Father, I am content in having You as my God.  I don't want anything or anyone else to take Your place.  Why?  Because noone can love me the way You do.  Being generous in love, You gave grace, and being huge in mercy, You wiped away my bad record.  Your loved scrubbed away my guilt and washed me clean.  I am ever indebted to You. 

Lord, I know what I have to do.  I have to give You what You're after.  You want truth from the inside out.  So, live inside of me.  Make a new, true life in me.  Make a fresh start in me, Lord.  Breathe holiness into me.  Bring me back from my place of sin and complacency, and put fresh wind into my sails.  Allow me to teach the lost Your ways so they can find their way home.  Let me be real before You.  Going through the motions will never be enough.  I want that connection.  I want that encounter.  Remaining the same person I was yesterday is not an option for me any longer.  As far as church is concerned, make Zion (ALM) a place You delight in.  Repair our broken down walls.  Then You'll get real worship from us, acts of worship that signify our unwavering devotion; for now and Jesus' name. Amen 

You Are My Every_____!

Saturday March 5, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalms 23:1-6
Memory Verse: Pslams 23:1

What an awesome God we serve!  Has He ever let us down?  I love the song our praise team sings that says 'there's not a day that I live You've ever failed to come through'.  No words are truer, especially in these difficult economic times.  So, I've gotta take my hat off to You God.  I'm feelin' David in Psalms 23.  With You as my God and King, I don't want nuthin'!!!!

As I look around, I seemingly see places and things I could easily complain about.  But, my true assessment of those things reveal they're not that bad.  In all actuality, God has actually bedded me down in lush meadows, and given me quiet pools to drink from.  The crazy thing is, I realize I'm being set up.  God's set me up to praise Him.  See, He knows I can't take the credit for where I am.  So, He's blessed me in ways that I have to acknowledge  Him.  His fingerprints are on my spouse (blessing), my kids (blessing), home (blessing), job (blessing), ministry.....well, you know what I'm trying to say, but I could literally go on and on.  Yeah David, I'm starting to know what you mean.  You (David) were in a place where you had to totally depend on God, and He didn't disappoint.  Even when the path where He leads takes us through death's valley, we don't have to fear because we know God's with us.  We don't doubt or question His power to save.  Nothing can happen to us without His permissive will.  So, all we have to do is stay at His side.  Many people make the mistake of running away from Him when they get frightened.  They feel, all of a sudden, that He is powerless to bring them out of the situation.  What they forget is when they run "from" Him, they run away from their last line of defense.  It is in that place they are more vulnerable than ever! 

Seasons change and times won't last, but You are my every___, clouds will come and they will pass, but You are every___; face to face with only You, I will not be moved cause I know You're my every____!  Those words sum up today's passage of scripture.  I don't have to worry about the changing times and circumstances.  Why, because I have a Rock.  I have EVERYthing I need; and what I need is You, Lord; only You.....

Prayer: Father, You are all I need.  I declare in Jesus' name, that I will not lean on or put my trust in man.  I will not depend on worldly things to do what only You can do.  My faith is rising to meet Your promise right now.  I am convinced that You have confirmed all the things You said; all the appointments You made.  I position myself for stretching and increase.  I present myself for teaching and equipping.  I'm ready for You, in Jesus' name. Amen 

Is it Morning Yet?

Friday March 4, 2011

Today's Passage: 2 Kings 25:1-30
Memory Verse: Psalms 30:5

Of all the messages I get from God's word, being able to endure is the one that sticks out most.  God puts His people in some really harsh positions sometimes.  In fact, if one wasn't in a place where they fully understood His love, they'd think He was mad at them or something.  I think it's that "this is gonna hurt me more than it's gonna hurt you" thing.  Anyway, God's assignment sometimes leads us into places that are uncomfortable.  We may even lose friends and loved-ones in thse places.  But those seasons are planned by God to get us back on track.  He simply loves us too much to let our purposes go unfulfilled.

Today's text is hard to stomach.  While reading it, you can't help but think the children of Israel had taken all they could stand.  And is it just me, or were they always outnumbered?  Do you feel like you're always outnumbered.  It seems no matter what you do, the deck is always stacked against you.  Everything you try to do the right way seems to turn out wrong.  It makes you want to give up, doesn't it?  Zedekiah wanted to give up I'll bet.  Having your army desert you and then your children executed (just before they blind you) will make you want to do that.  But God always has a plan.  Let's face it, we're in a battle; a war even.  And there are things that will be lost in this battle.  Jesus told His disciples they'd be persecuted because of Him.  He even said he was sending them out as lambs to the slaughter.  But, they weren't slaughtered, were they?  They went through some trying times, but God was with them all the way.  You see, weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come up in the morning.

I know things looked bad in our passgae today, but please remember, God knows what He's doing.  And He'll do anything to get our attention.  We can't just live lives that disobey Him.  He's really jealous for us, you know.  I don't mean jealous in the way we think.  Our jealousy stems from coveting what another person has.  God, of course, doesn't need anything we have.  His jealousy, however, stems from wanting from us what's ALREADY HIS.  Which means He doesn't want us giving our love, devotion, and adoration to other people or things.  Those are tools of worship.  And our worship belongs to Him.  The children of Israel were in this position because they had become notorious for turning away from God.  So God often showed them what the life of a Godless nation was like.  Oppression and violence are the expectancy of a Godless nation.  Pain and heartache are the expectancy of a Godless nation.  What areas of your life can use more of Him?  I'll bet they're the areas where you experience the most pain and failure.  They are essentially the enemy's open access into your life. 

Finally, every season has an end.  If you'll just turn back to what God's original plan was for your life, you'll start seeing the sun again.  You'll immediately realize where you went wrong.  You're not meant to live a Godless life.  You need Him.  The good thing is, he wants You too.

Prayer:  Lord, carry me through these troubled times.  I give myself to You.  I yield to Your will.  Forgive me for going against Your holy Word.  This desire in me to please my flesh can only be supressed by Your presence.  So, give me more of You.  Give me more of Your heart.  I need You now more than Jesus' name. Amen 

Somebody's Gotta Do It!

Thursday March 3, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Kings 16:29-19:18
Memory Verse: 1 Kings 18:38-39

The call of God is not always an easy thing to uphold .  I mean, it's not exactly the thing you tell your high school guidance counselor you're striving for.  It can put you in some difficult situations from time to time.  On the flipside, it comes with perks that outweigh other things.  For instance, it's exciting to get sneak previews of God's impending move.  And whereas its not always easy to be the messenger, it does bring "humble security"  to know you're chosen to carry it.  Am I just talking to preachers, teachers, evangelists, or prophets?  No.  I talking to all of us.   

If we believe we're living in a world that is losing its moral standard, what do we do about it?  What is our role?  In our passage, the children of Israel were living in a land where the leaders had become Godless and sin-sick.  They seemingly went out of their way to defy God's statutes.  One after the other, each of them defiled God's holy place in his own diffirent way.  Flash forward!  What has happened to our society?  It seems moral things are negative in today's rationale.  What used to be wrong is now considered the norm.  People are throwing caution to the wind all for the sake of "freedom & liberty".  So now, if one were to make a stand for morality, they would be called a biggot or extremist.  Well, allow me to introduce Elijah, the extremist.  He went to Ahab, a Godless king, and told him there'd be no rain until he said so.  The meaning of this came in two ways.  One, God wanted to send a message to Ahab.  He wanted him to know that all his land, power, and wealth was nothing without God.  And nothing proves that that kills everything.  You want to destroy a nation of people?  Cut off  their water supply.  They'll be dead in months.  Two, God wanted Ahab to know how serious He was about holiness.  He wants us to know it too.  Listen Friends, if God can't get His glory out of it, you shouldn't put anything into it.    God can't get His glory out of selfishness, so don't put anything into being selfish, or prideful, or unforgiving.  Don't put anything into material things that God can't be glorified with.  Ahab had gotten so bad, he even began to worship idols.  He'd forgotten that the purpose for his kingship was to glorify God.  So, God sent Elijah to set the record straight.

That's us my friends.  We're here to set the record straight.  I know that kind of God-call is not always popular, but it's necessary.  We have to be that voice in the darkness.  We're to be proof that not everyone agrees with this everybody-do-what-you-want style of living.  There has to be boundaries.  So, our lifestyles should be reminders that there's still a moral code.  There are still certain things we shouldn't say or do.  When Elijah challenged the priests of Baal, it wasn't to a fistfight or a footrace.  It wasn't to see who had more possessions.  He challenged them to see if their god was more powerful than the Most High.  When they lost, King Ahab was on his face worshipping God.  That's where we need our leaders to be in order to get our land healed.  When God saw what He was looking for, the rains were on their way, thus ending the drought.  Is there a drought in some area of your life?  If there is, find you way back to God's heart.  Ask Him to rain on your land.  Stand up for what God is calling you to. Know that in the end, God's power in you will be the thing left standing.

Prayer:  Father, I see all the sadness in this world.  Everyone seems to doing what they want.  Noone cares about what You've said.  But there's a remnant.  Lord, some of us here still know You are God.  And we want to show Your love as we uphold Your truths.  Be with us as we take on the enemy of this age, just as You were with Elijah.  Let Your voice be heard when we open our mouths.  Show Your power so humanity can come face to face with You and; give You praise in Jesus' name. Amen 

H.U.M.P. Day!!!!!

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Kings 8 and 9 (E-100 Reading)
Memory Verse(s): 1 Kings 8:11

 There is nothing in the entire world like the worship experience.  I've been to so many exciting places and seen some pretty interesting things.  I know some wonderful people, and hope that they're glad to say they know me as well.   But there is nothing that can be compared to being in the presence of the Lord with the saints of the Most High God.

When we come together in God's house, no matter what our differences, and begin to worship Him in spirit and in truth, we draw God's attention to where we are and cause Him to want with all His heart to hear our prayers.  When we are willing to sacrifice everything that could possibly stand in our way, the Lord's Presence flows unhindered in our midst.  No problem is too hard for our God, and no enemy can stand in His holy place.

But more importantly than anything, when we press and do everything we need to do to prepare for His presence -- including being in unity with one another and showing each other love -- His glory comes and rewards us with such a powerful anointing that we don't have to operate in the flesh, or "perform" in order to entertain His people.  It's with this heart that our HUMP Day challenge to you comes.

One, begin to prepare for God's presence in your mid-week service by making a commitment not to allow anything to stop you from getting there.  Two, repair any breaches between yourself and anyone else, realizing that if unity is a magnet to the presence of God, strife drives it away like repellent to mosquitos.  Three, once you get there, open your heart and begin to call out to Him like you never have before.  Become one with the other believers in seeking His heart.  Then, when your pursuit is rewarded with His presence,  open your spirit to receive the indwelling and power of Jesus.  I'm looking forward to getting in His presence.  Aren't you?

Prayer: Father, praise is waiting for You in Zion.  To You Who hears prayer, cause all Your people to search for You and become one with You like never before.  Your presence is the most important thing in the world to us, and we long for You to touch us.  May our desire for You become stronger than keeping man-made traditions in our service.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.