Can You Hear Me Now?

Friday, May 28th, 2010

Today's Passage: Numbers 22
Memory Verses: James 1:22-25

When I was growing up,I had to receive "physical" reminders from my mom to do things exactly the way she said to do it. The reason for this was that I was truly what you would call an absent-minded child. If I wasn't doing something that completely interested me -- like reading books, writing, or listening to music -- anyone who was trying to give me instructions had to repeat them several times if they wanted me to complete the task correctly. I even remember my mom's hand having to make contact with my skin to "wake" me up when she was trying to get me to listen to what she was saying. Then, when she had my attention, she would ask this question: "Can you hear me now?"

I was reminded of this time in my life when I read today's passage about Balaam. For a moment there, I couldn't figure out if he was one of God's prophets, or if he was just a man who was sensitive to the voice of the children of Israel's God. Whoever he was, it was awfully hard for him to remember what God told him NOT to do. I actually got the impression that he was deliberately trying to do the exact opposite of what God said. It got so bad that God had to send an angel who gave Balaam's donkey the ability to talk before he even got a clue what his purpose was.

It would be so easy for me to sit here and laugh at Balaam, thinking about how terrible he was at listening to God. But as ridiculous as it seems, believers often need a "reality jolt" from God every now and then, too. Look what happened when Adam walked away from Eve for just a moment. And remember the disaster in Lot's life when his wife did the opposite of the angel's instructions in Sodom and Gomorrah? Don't even get me started with the story of Jonah. Three days in a stinky, wet fish? What about King Saul? He lost his entire kingdom over disobedience.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. God means business when He tells us "do this", "go there", "don't say that", or just "be still and know that I am God". There's nothing we could gain from being unwilling to completely obey God except pain, heartache, and a whole lot of wasted time. If we truly want to see God move miraculously in our lives, we're going to have to trust that He is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent of what He said (Numbers 23:19). If He said He'll do it, you'd better look for it to happen. In the same manner, if He told you to do it exactly this way, do the best you can to comply. After all, obedience is far better than sacrifice. And Daddy would much rather reward us for doing it the first time He told us than to spank us to get our attention the second time around.

Prayer: Father, I repent for the times I've been so absentmindedly focusing on my own goals and desires that I didn't hear or obey You. Help me today to walk after Your heart, doing it the way You said the first time. Thank You for never giving up on me, but I'm even more grateful that You've given me the authority to be obedient. Be glorified forever in my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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