Hope Worth Holding On To

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

Today's Passage> 1 Corinthians 15: 35-56
Memory Verse> 1 Corinthians 15: 52 & 53

There's a powerful statement in this passage that I never really knew was there.  It says, "First the natural, then the spiritual."  All this means is, nothing ever becomes spiritual unless it is first manifested in the natural.  No dream, no vision, no accomplishment ever materializes without making its presence in the physical realm.  This is a spiritual law that God created, so He honored His own law by sending His Son Jesus to take up residence in the body of a human being, and had Him walk this earth.  Why would He go to all that trouble just to send Him back home?  What was the ultimate goal here?

Christ walked out the whole process of breathing our air, experiencing our joys and pains, and being tempted just like we were, yet without sin.  He did all that so He could model for us what life looks like not only here in the natural, but also in the spirit realm that He is preparing for us.  And if you have a problem accepting this, how do you explain what happens when all life begins?  Every living thing starts out in one form and becomes another, then goes back into the earth and dies, but not really.  Life only begins again.  Every plant that dies receives nourishment from other dead things and comes back as a new plant. 

If you accept that this is true, logic should follow that our human bodies, which also start out as one thing and end up as another, will be resurrected by the Lord Who is responsible for setting the example that death is not the end, but a step in the process.  Our hope rests in the fact that our earthly bodies are flawed and tainted with sin.  But because Christ the second Adam, Who passed the test of loyalty to the Father, intervened and stripped the power of sin and death from the enemy, He has given us His Word that we will be given new, incorruptible bodies.  Unlike any other life forms, we have souls.  This is who we really are, and this part of us, in keeping with the natural law, has to live on this earth and follow Christ's example of loyalty to God.

Only a loving God would leave clues as to how our earthly bodies will be transformed into heavenly ones.  Everytime we see a bird, a flower, or any other living thing, we know that if God has made provision for life to begin again, why not with us?  We are of more importance than any sparrow.  We can trust that we WILL live again because Jesus lives again.  Prepare to exit this treacherous body, but not for good: there is something better to come.  No more headaches, heart problems, or surgeries to fix those things.  But even more than that, we will have access to the Father Who loved us unconditionally.  We long for the day when we will not only sing of and pray to Him, but will see Him just as He is.  That in and of itself is hope worth holding onto.

Prayer: Father, only You could demonstrate love for Your children that You would fix everything we messed up, then give us something extra that we could never deserve.  You've given us salvation to keep our heads up while walking on this earth.  But then You promise us eternity after our resurrection.  I just want to thank You for all You've prepared for me and all those I love.  May all those who don't know You be drawn to this love, and to the wonderful promises You are sure to keep.  Be glorified in our lives in Jesus' Name, Amen.

I Believe it ALL!!!

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Corinthians 15: 1-34
Memory Verses: 1 Corinthians 15: 13-14

There are millions of people in our world today who do not accept the Christian faith, and they do this for many reasons.  Their rejection of our faith primarily stems from the high standard of morality, namely the Ten Commandments, which they claim is hypocritical since it is not humanly possible to fulfill all of them at the same time.  Another reason is the promise of eternity to those whose lives are dedicated to the obedience of these commands.  So rather than taking God at His Word and allowing Him to give them the grace to follow, they simply decide it must all be hogwash.

But in today's passage, Paul is addressing another group of people -- not unbelievers at all, but some who had actually accepted the faith.  Everything, that is, except for the resurrection.  They were okay with the fact that Jesus came to show us a new way to live.  He took the commandments to a whole new level, making it personal rather than some mechanical response to God's will.  They even agreed with His death, which gave them the right to see Him as a martyr, a sure sign that He must be worshipped.  But this group of Corinthians who called themselves believers stopped short at the resurrection.  They absolutely refused to believe that it was possible for a man -- even Jesus -- to be raised from the dead.  They obviously bought in to the lie that the Roman soldiers told when they claimed that Jesus' body was stolen by His disciples, although there was no way for anyone to roll away that humungous stone that blocked the door of His grave.

And so Paul took the time to write to these Corinthians that if they took away the resurrection from what we believe, we have nothing by which to declare that salvation is possible.  Jesus wasn't just a good person Who came to show us how to live on this earth, but gave His life so that we could live with Him in the next.  If no-one rises from the dead, there is no heaven or hell.  That would give credibility to those who have decided to live anyway they want to now, for there is no accountability.  There would be no Judge Who will review the motives, intentions and actions of every day that we lived on this earth, so there would be no need for a Savior to rescue us from our miserable sinful existence.  Basically, there would be no reason to believe, and we might as well give up hope on the rest of the message of the gospel.

Here's a question for you: do you believe in the WHOLE gospel?  Do you believe in Christ's life, death, AND resurrection?  Or do you have a problem holding on to the part that causes you to dig deep inside of you for faith that is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen -- such as eternity?  As for me and my house, we choose to believe it all.  Like Paul, I believe the rest of it is worthless if we're not spending our lives living out the message that Christ died and rose again so that He can one day come back and redeem us not only from this sinful world, but also our corruptible humanity.  If that part's not in the story, I don't want only half of it.  But thanks be to God that He is just, and I stand on His promise that if I live totally devoted to Him, He Who gave up everything to provide a place for me will come back and take me to a place where I can BE with Him.  For me, it's all or nothing.  What about you?

Prayer:  Father, I believe in You and Your love for me.  I believe that You thought I was worth sacrificing Your Son Jesus to redeem.  I believe that He rose from the dead, and is seated at Your right hand, interceeding for me even now.  I believe that one day He will come back, and all eyes will see Him as He cracks the sky.  I dedicate my life to serving You even more deeply so that I can be in that number for whom You will come.  Thank You for the blessed hope!  In Jesus' Name, Amen.      

Prayers That Prevail

Sunday, October 30th, 2011

Today's Passage> Romans 8: 1-17
Memory Verses> Romans 8: 1-2

Father, I am so grateful today for your freedom! Because of what Your Son Jesus accomplished on the cross, I am no longer condemned to live under the law by my own ability, but under a new law. This new law entitles me to allow Your Holy Spirit to breathe Your life into me. By Your Spirit, I now can experience the joy of yielding to Your leading instead of the heartache of failing yet again to live up to Your holy standard on my own.

Today, I choose to come into agreement with Your will for my life. You know the pastures You desire me to feed on, and Your Son's blood purchased the right to drink from pure, clear and still waters. Thank You for the anointing oils and salves that You've made available to bring me relief from the pests that threaten to steal my rest. As long as I'm following You, I have access to the Lamb's inheritance -- provision, peace, and power among other things. No matter what plans are formed by the wolves, lions, and bears that lurk in the shadows, I have no need to fear. For I do not carry the burden of trying to find my own pastures -- You do.

Wherever You lead, I will follow. The hireling's voice I will NOT hear. I'll spend all my days allowing You to order my steps and letting my ways be transformed to Yours. You've introduced to me the life of dying to myself and being content to be with You even through times of suffering -- for that is what gains me access into fellowship with Christ. You will only allow the pains that are necessary for me to be marked and branded as Yours, and I yield to that process willingly, trusting You all the way. Only those who belong completely to You will fully enjoy the benefits of Your ownership.

As all Your sheep arise this day, I pray that we all may respond to Your call and yield to Your leading. May we all recognize the cost of becoming completely Yours as worth the price and stick with it until the process is complete. Your yoke is easy, and Your burden is light. May we all be united in our desire to be so close to one another and to You that other sheep who have not yet submitted themselves will do so freely. In the mighty Name of the Sacrificial Lamb, Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Lay Down the Law!

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

Today's Passage: Romans chapter 7
Memory Verse> Rom. 7: 6-7

It never seems to fail: we operate in a certain degree of responsibility and ability to do what we're supposed to do without having to be told we MUST do it. We take care of our bodies by eating right, getting proper rest, and exercising when we can. But the minute someone lays down the law about it-- say a doctor, for instance -- it becomes one of the hardest things we could ever consider doing. The same thing goes when the word "fasting" is mentioned. All of a sudden, what I seemed to be able to do without any effort (skipping 1 or 2 meals a day just for the sake of it) bturns into an impossible feat.

Sound familiar? This is the same dilemma many believers face whether they are new to the faith or older. What makes the law so hard to follow? Is it because in it's very nature the law is a hard taskmaster that makes us feel as if we're being forced to give up things that we hold dear to us, even if in reality we're really not? I often wonder what I would've done in Adam and Eve's place had I heard these words for the first time: "You may NOT eat from that one tree in the middle of the garden". It seems easy enough to imagine that, if it were I, I would've been content to enjoy all the millions of lush vegetation created with me in mind, taking advantage of every possible fruit I could even dream of.

But before my imagination goes too far from me, I remember that Satan had already made his entrance by the time Adam and Eve were created. He was determined to destroy everything that God had perfectly made. So God in His omniscience created the law to teach us to lean only on our relationship to Him rather than on any created thing. Remember the conversation Eve had with the snake? The moment he made his suggestion, what was her response? She repeated the law("God told us not to eat of that tree"). Now imagine with me how differently things would've turned out if she had responded: "I don't think we'll be doing that, for our Father has provided for ALL our needs!". Better yet, what would've happened to the enemy's plan if she'd realized how incapable she was of handling such a slick talker and just YELLED out for her Creator? She'd received all that love and companionship from God, but when it really counted, all she could focus on was what she was told NOT to do.

God used the opportunity of the fall to teach us that as long as there is sin in the world, we will side with it when we're required to choose. As long as we live in our flesh suit, which is patterned after the first Adam, we cannot depend totally on the law to be obedient to God. We must be willing to lean on what Christ did for us on the cross. Here's an easy way to remember this: when we depend on do's and don'ts, walking in condemnation of anyone who doesn't measure up, who gets glorified? Certainly NOT God. But when we realize our frailty and total dependence on the Good Shepherd, calling out for Him rather than walking away and foolishly thinking we can handle sin on our own, all we're doing is repeating the pattern and opening the door for the accuser of the brethren to condemn US before God. Why not lay down a NEW law and start a revolution of walking in total dependence on His will for our lives?

Prayer: Father, I look over my life and see how many deadly mistakes I made by trusting the law to make me obey Your will for my life. I turn from those ways now, and make a commitment by Your Grace to trust You completely. Through Your process of renewing my mind, I will be transformed from the inside out. And You alone will get the glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Forgiveness & Consequence!

Friday October 28, 2011

Today's Passage: Ezekiel 18:24-32
Memory Verse: Ezekiel 18:24

It's not fair!  That's what the kid on the t.v. show yelled after her parents grounded her for disobeying them.  When it happened, my daughter said "Awww, that's so wrong".  That, of course, sparked a family discussion. 

Since grace abounds, should there be consequences for our disobedience?  Is it fair to have to endure chastisment when we make the wrong choices?  When we make bad choices (and get caught), we all want the same reward....FORGIVENESS.  In our minds, we think if (or when) we recieve forgiveness, we should not have to deal with consequences.  However, the truth is forgiveness and consequence are two different things.  Forgiveness is pardon or remission.  Consequence (in this case) is the immediate response to a particular event that keeps that event from being repeated.  Therefore, by definition, just because we recieve forgiveness doesn't mean there shouldn't be consequences for what we've done.  For instance, The girl in the t.v. show was forgiven by her parents, but the consequence for what she'd done was still relevant.  How?  Being forgiven will give her the second chance she'd need to do better (we've all needed that right?),  but the consequence will act as a reminder that doing better is the expectation.  Moral?  We have to DO BETTER. 

One of the great arguments in the church is the 'once saved, always saved' principle.  It's supporters say once you've given your life to Jesus, His blood washes away your sins, your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, you "join" a church and you are in essence,  saved.  Whereas this stance has it's support from the word of God, it puts no emphasis on the "everyday walk with the Lord', which is the proponent's stance.  To find out how God feels about it, let's of course turn to His word.  Ezekiel 18:24 says "But when a righteous (saved) man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live?  All the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; because of the unfaithfullness of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed, because of them he shall die".  Enough said.  We have to relieve ourselves of this mind-set that we can live by "natural" law, yet recieve "spiritual" benefits.  God expects us to walk uprightly before Him everyday.  And although grace and forgiveness abounds, righteous living should still be our passion.  We're not perfect, so grace and forgiveness come when we have a bad outcome (i.e. saying the right thing the wrong way, or omitting something we should've been doing or saying), but we can't expect it to be applied when we "choose evil".  At the sentencing phase of a murder trial, families sometimes stand before their loved-one's killer, express their feelings, and offer forgiveness.  After they do, the judge still pronounces sentencing.  The judge doesn't let the guilty one go free just because the family offered forgiveness.  God, who is our judge, will do the same in our day of judgement.  Jesus will offer us His undying forgiveness, but if we've lived lives in contrast to Him, God will pronounce judgement (depart from Me.........I know ye not).  So don't be fooled.  Live life out loud.  Declare your faithfulness to God in the way you walk, talk, and live.  He deserves it.....and so do you.

Prayer:  Gracious Father we thank You for being our Redeemer.  If it weren't for Your compassion, we'd still be lost.  Help us now Lord God to stay on course.  We don't want to just settle in the fact that You saved us.  We want a relationship with You that goes beyond that.  So, from now on, everything we do and say will be a reflection of the One we serve and love, in Jesus' name.  Amen.   

A True Horror Story

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

Today's Passage> Ezekiel 18: 1-23
Memory Verse> Psalm 103: 9-10

In keeping with the season most Americans insist on celebrating, here's a true horror story for you: you're trapped in a time warp and have no way of getting out. Your ancestors embraced various practices such as witchcraft, human sacrifices, and the worship of animals as well as other forces of nature. Upon your birth, you were indoctrinated into these practices. But even more than that, your father and grandfather dedicated you to the "god" of the mountain (which was actually a demon), promising that your life would be lived in devotion to it. There's no earthly way out of this, because this way of life is all you know. Covenants have been signed and sealed in blood.

Scared yet? It gets worse. Upon your 11th birthday, you are told it is time for you to enter into the agreement that was made on your behalf. You are informed that you're getting ready to meet the god your ancestors have been worshipping all this time. You're made to stand in front of this mountain and chant certain words, and after a while the base of the mountain lifts and you're allowed in. The god your ancestors have been worshipping introduces himself to you, and passes on to you the requirements of your devotion. Cowrie shells are sewn into your skin, and you are given powers that will extend your life and allow you to be practically invincible. But in exchange for these powers, you must pledge to make a certain number of human sacrifices every year, and there are also kinds of foods you are forbidden to eat.

After several days of receiving your "training", you are released from the base of the mountain, and you begin to live your life as the new high priest of this god of your ancestors. Years later, when you think you have killed enough people to satisfy your god's thirst for blood, you find yourself in the middle of the civil war. You find out that you can become a soldier and help avenge your people. This will be a faster way to receive your supply of human parts -- and you take full advantage of it, working your way through the ranks of the rebel army until you become a greatly-feared general. All's perfect in your world: until the day you encounter Jesus Christ Himself in much the same way as Saul did in the book of Acts. He asks you this simple question: "Why are you slaving when you were created to be a king?" The bottom line is you catch a glimpse of true love, and you reach for it.

Here's the question: even after everything you've done to break God's heart, should He refuse to write your name in His Lamb's Book of Life just because of everything you were born into? What if you asked God to come in and forgive all the evil things you did in your past, but He decides to hold all the sins you and your ancestors committed against you? What kind of God would He be to ignore your earnest attempts to accept redemption? Praise Him that He's not at all that cruel! The young man I'm referring to, who is now a minister in Liberia, obtained his freedom from the forces of darkness after many days of fasting and prayer. The same thing can be done for anyone, no matter what web of sin he or she has been tangled in, or for how long. No principality or power is strong enough to overcome the power of the blood of the Lamb. Long story short, this young man is now ministering to other trapped souls and giving his testimony to the saving power of THE God of the Universe. For with God, nothing shall be impossible. How will your horror story end? Is it still ongoing, or will you allow the truth to set you free?

Prayer: Father, You are my Hero Who came in and saved the day, delivering me from the chains of my past as well as those imposed upon me by myself. Thank You for the blood of Jesus. May my life be the testimony You desire it to be. May I always make You famous, telling of Your saving power wherever I go. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.

You "WILL"ing?

Wednesday, October 25th, 2011

Today's Passage: Proverbs 8
Memory Verse: Proverbs 8:11

Will- the intent, expectation, and/or requirement to do what one is compelled to.  How is life lived?  A person lives by what they're compelled to do.  It's a constant movement from one decision to another.  There are very few things in life one is MADE to do.  They may feel they have no choice, but there's always a choice.  Making the right choice?  That's where the rubber hits the road.  But as we no, the ability (or inability) to make good choices goes right back to our will.

Let's face it, we all follow our own passions from time to time.  As people of God however, those passions should have been traded for the "will" of God when we accepted Jesus as our Savior.  Paul said it best when he wrote "It's no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me".  What an awesome exchange!  This statement provoked two thoughts: 1) There's no man-made plan to follow Jesus.  The selfishness of the flesh will simply not allow it.  If a man is going to follow Jesus, his will has to be replaced with the will of the Lord.  2) You can't follow the will of the Lord without wisdom.  Wisdom is the thing we need to keep God's instructions before us.  Without wisdom, trials, mishaps, losses, pain, lack, and other distractions, will call into question our reasons for following the will of God.

Can we truly yield to God's will without wisdom?  Many have tried.  However, in the midst of trying, all they've done is create religion.  Religion is defined as man's idealogical attempt to get to God.  That's why we have so many religions.  We have this guy who says it should be done this way, and that guy who says it should be done that way.  While at the same time, very few are listening to "The Guy" (Jesus).  So, what we have is mankind trying to do the will of the Lord without wisdom.  Wisdom compels us to do God's will with extreme fidelity (total devotion).  In our passage today, God's word says "Wisdom is better than rubies".  God is telling us in His own words that being wise is more beneficial than being rich.  Essentially, a wise man can find a way to make riches, but a rich man can never buy wisdom.  So, doing the will of the Lord (which is wise) will offer more favor and contentment than money could ever buy.  That being said, if you desire God's will for your life, let go of your ideas, habits, and traditions.  Allow God's will to become your strive.  You should also know that you can't have both.  If you try to follow God's will and yours at the same time, you'll soon discover one will give in to the other.  It's impossible for them both to equally exist.  So let the wisdom of the Lord lead you to trust Him even more today.  There's so much He wants to share with you.  Blessings...

Prayer: Father, thank you for Your divine instructions.  We couldn't make it through this life without them.  We desire Your will more than anything else.  So lead us Lord.  We'll take the background.  What You say, we'll say.  Where You go, we'll go.  For the rest of our lives, we'll cling passionately to You and only You, in Jesus' name.  Amen            

The Proof's in the Lifestyle!

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Today's Passage> Psalm 19: 7-14
Memory Verses> Ps. 19: 10-11

What do you say to a person who asks the question, "What are the benefits of yielding to God's ways?". Only if you have actually been on the receiving end of these benefits can you give an answer, first of all. If you've had the privilege of being in the safety of the Shepherd's pasture, you should be able to rattle off a list off the top of your head. As we've already stated this week, it's a privilege to have the God of the universe set guidelines and fences to keep His sheep protected from attacks of wolves, but the sheep have to see the guidelines as a lifeline.

I love the way this passage reads in the Message Bible: "The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together. The signposts of God are clear and point out the right road. The life-maps of God are right, showing the way to joy. The directions of God are plain and easy on the eyes." There's no set of rules anywhere on the face of this earth that is more perfect than God's ways. We come into the faith with no clue how to conform to the will of God. But rather than condemning us for what we DON'T know, God lovingly draws us in and inspires us to be more like Him. So great is His love for us that we are compelled to follow His heart. When I look back over my life, I rejoice that God took me in when He did. I see how warped my thinking was about -- well, everything. I guess that's why they call it the carnal nature. But since I said yes to His will, I can truly say that He has not guided me down any wrong paths.

Another thing I love about God's ways is that there are no hidden messages. Even when I walked in sin, I knew that something about the choices I was making wasn't right. There was never a time when I thought I was being lied to and misled. I never once thought my life was complete and there was nothing lacking. But the moment I let Christ in, I knew what I'd been missing all along: the loving guidance of a Father Who sacrificed everything to protect me from the enemy of my soul. Now, with the Word in my heart, I KNOW when I'm going against the Shepherd's clearly- marked guidelines, and I jump at the chance to get back into right standing with Him again.

Finally, there's nothing like the wisdom of knowing my life was created for a purpose-- not to do whatever I desire, which is a pretty hit- and- miss way to live, but what I was created to accomplish on this earth. I don't have to live in fear of the unknown, but walk in true joy daily because I've laid my future in the capable Hands of the Good Shepherd. He knows the plans He has for me, but these plans can only be executed if I yield to the leading of His Spirit: "Stay here. Go there. Don't do that; act now. Get up and pray. Release him or her. Ask forgiveness for what you said/ did..." all the knowledge in the world cannot compare to that gained in God's Presence. The only enlightenment I've received is that I need a Savior, and can do nothing without Him. To the question, "What are the benefits of yielding to God's ways", need I say more? All the proof you need is in the lifestyle.

Prayer: Father, I love the way You Shepherd me. Your protection over me is not a burden, but a blessing. You've set me free, changed me, and make me wiser everyday. I desire Your ways more than gold and sweet honey. Because of You, I can spot danger a mile away. I just want to thank You and declare my total devotion all the days of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Side With the Shepherd!

Monday, October 24th, 2011

Today's Passage> Psalm 119: 1-37
Memory Verse> Ps. 119: 1-3

There's a scripture in Proverbs that says a man's ways seem right in his own sight, but only God can weigh his intentions. In other words, if we're left to figure out on our own what's right and what's wrong, we'll get it wrong every time. So the Shepherd has put a fence around us to let us know what's acceptable and what will lead us away from Him. But what often happens is we, even the very elect of God, become tired of doing things God's way when certain circumstances arise. Let's be honest: no matter how long any of us has been saved, we find the Shepherd's statutes hard to live up to when our backs are against the wall.

The question that we must get settled in our hearts is this: is it REALLY possible to live life God's way? When He tells us to bless those who persecute us, do we really believe that He gives us a way to walk it out? When He says be angry and sin not, do we take the time to understand that it's ultimately for OUR good? Here's how we can begin to yield to His leading on a daily basis. First, we must accept the fact that, as sheep, we have no clue how to find our own way (although we do try sometimes). We need the Shepherd because He is the only way to righteousness. We can't fall into this deception from the kingdom of darkness that we can discern for ourselves which decisions are best for us. We MUST settle in our spirits that we NEED the Shepherd to lead us, and His paths are always right.

Secondly, we have to seek God with a desperation that communicates to Him how important we know He is in our lives. He promises that we will find Him if we seek Him with all our hearts. It's at that point that He shows us what He wants us to do. His Will is found between the pages of His Word, and we must hide it in our hearts so that when the time comes to choose His way, we can make that decision wisely. This next part is especially hard for our flesh, but today's passage says to REJOICE in God's laws. I can tell you right now that if you don't see His laws as your protection, you will find yourself resenting God's ways. Check your attitude during praise and worship: are you committed to worshipping God with a sincere heart even though He requires you to be the one to humble down and die to yourself? That's a simple way to know whether you're ready to yield to the Shepherd's leading, or if you just want to choose your own way.

Which brings us to the final point. At the end of the day, all God can do is speak softly to you and use His staff to lead us where we can find green pastures, and where He can protect us. But He has given us free will. So will you use yours to choose His paths of righteousness-- which gives us access to His blessing and authority over the enemy? Or will you choose your carnal solutions to the situations you face? If experience hasn't yet taught you that it's in your best interest to side with the Shepherd, it ultimately will. But I hope you'll just take God's Word for it and watch your life blossom in the Shepherd's care.

Prayer: Gentle Shepherd, come and lead us, for we need You to help us find our way. Gentle Shepherd, come and feed us, for we need Your strength from day to day. There's no other we can turn to, who can help us face another day; Gentle Shepherd, come and lead us, for we need You to help us find our way. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Prayers that Prevail

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 25: 31-46
Memory Verse: Matt. 25: 34-36

Father, You are truly a Good Shepherd.  You have given me everything I could possibly need.  I rest in the safety of Your arms on a daily basis.  I never have to fear the terror that strikes in the day or at night.  I know that Your thoughts towards me are thoughts of peace and not evil all the days of my life.  I trust that, even through the valley of the shadow of death, You are with me.  I praise You for already making a way out of no way for my desires to be accomplished on this earth.

So, with all that You have done, what do You require in return?  You've made quite an investment into my life, and You expect that it be used to bring others into Your kingdom.  Your heart is for my heart to be broken over the brokenness of those who cannot stand up to the tyranny of satan.  You expect me to bear them up and lift them where they're torn down.  You don't expect me to merely say with my mouth that I love the least of these; You expect me to demonstrate Your love whenever I see those who are in need.

Today, I pray that You will use me and others who have heard Your voice to reach out to the lost wherever they are.  You expect us to leave no stone unturned -- just like You did for me.  Please fill us with Your grace to visit the sick, pray for those who are hurting, clothe those who have no clothing, and feed those who are hungry.  May we fulfill Your calling not for gain or for man's praise, but for Your glory.  As we draw closer to You, may our hearts be filled with the joy of knowing that we are doing Your will on this earth.

As we arise to enter Your house, let us all be drawn to hear Your Word.  We ask for one accord with our brothers and sisters so that when we begin to worship, strongholds that have held us back for so long will be broken.  May nothing stop us from going forth to be who You've called us all to be.  In the mighty Name of Jesus, we declare this day to be a day of destiny in all our lives.  Amen. 

'Tis So Sweet...

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Today's Passage> Ezekiel 34: 26-31
Memory Verse> Proverbs 3:5

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
And to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, “Thus says the Lord!”


Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust Him more!

O how sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to trust His cleansing blood;
And in simple faith to plunge me
’Neath the healing, cleansing flood!


Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just from sin and self to cease;
Just from Jesus simply taking
Life and rest, and joy and peace.


I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee,
Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
And I know that Thou art with me,
Wilt be with me to the end.

This hymn was written by a lady named Louisa M. R. Stead (1850-1917) who went through some heart-wrenching situations, as we all ultimately do. Born in England, she felt a strong urge to be a missionary. This urge became stronger when she attended a camp meeting after moving to the United States, but due to health issues, she had to lay those dreams aside. She met and married a Mr. Stead, who died in a drowning accident after only five years.

After heartache, we tend to harbor resentment against God. We may never say the words out loud, but He Who knows our thoughts can tell just where we are. God will allow us to go through the worst case scenario for a twofold purpose. First, He has to put our faith to the test, because only then will we be able to truly trust Him no matter how bad things get. I personally saw Him keep me from so many dangers when my life was not even submitted to Him. By the time I finally gave Him my heart, I realized He would still be the same God-- faithful no matter what. Second, He must develop in us the endurance to go as far as He needs us to go in order to get His glory out of us.

Although there were times after my conversion that I didn't see Him move with my natural eyes, I knew enough to hold on and never let go. It was in those moments when I didn't feel Him that I learned to trust that He was there. I've learned to walk by faith and believe that He will finish the good work He began in me and my loved ones. Louisa went on to do the very thing she never thought her health would allow: she was sent to South Africa to minister to the lost. If we can just stand on God's Word long enough for Him to prepare us for what we know He's put within us, He will bring our dreams to fruition. Did she even know that, more than 140 years later, God would still use her song to encourage believers to trust Him above all else? That's how serious He is about bringing about His purpose for those who will surrender their lives completely. Won't you trust Him today?

Prayer: Father, thank You for every valley experience. You taught me how to trust You when nothing seemed to go right. I ask now that You touch Your people who may be going through hard times. Cover them and let them know that You are there, and let the warmth of Your love reach them wherever they are. May this season of pain bring about Your plan and purpose in their lives forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Turn That DVR On!!!

Friday, October 21st, 2011

Today's Passage> Ezekiel 34:26-31
Memory Verse> Ps. 23: 2 & 5

Before you read this blog, you have to take a vow of silence. Promise me you won't tell my husband that I used this analogy. Really... I'm not supposed to be paying that much attention to the game of football (lol). Well, anyway, I noticed something my hubby does that I'm sure he doesn't do alone. First, he records all the games his favorite teams play. Then, he goes through and picks the ones in which they're victorious over the other team. After that, he plays them over and over again, no matter how old those games are. Once, I asked him why he watches the old games so faithfully when newer games are on. He didn't really answer my question, but he did ask, "Isn't it just like the chick flicks you like so much--why do YOU watch them so often?"

It made me stop to consider the point he had made. I realized that there's an expectation that comes with replaying something you've already seen. You can experience the favorable outcome over and over without the uncertainty of whether it'll really happen that exists with new shows. Furthermore, everyone prefers a happy ending to one in which the underdog doesn't win. This attitude keeps sports fans positive about their favorite teams no matter how many losses they have in a certain season, because they can simply turn on the DVR and relive the victory.

I wonder if this is what God's Word means when He tells us to think on things that are praiseworthy, true, lovely and of good report. It seems so easy to replay television shows that uplifted us, but so difficult to do the same thing with praiseworthy acts that God has performed for us in the past. On the way to the things God has promised, we must develop the habit of remembering that God is a Shepherd Who keeps His Word. Not only that, but what He provides while we're waiting for the triumphs, which are sure to come, is satisfying and more than enough... If our attitudes are right. There's nothing more disheartening to a shepherd than watching the sheep stray to what they perceive to be "greener pastures"; they have no clue the sacrifices that have been made to provide the best, and more of the best is yet to come, but we have to be content with the manna now.

As you arise this morning, I admonish you to take a look into your spiritual DVR. Take some time to search among your choicest recordings of God's victories in your life. Has He ever failed you? Has He ever NOT made supernatural provision in the most dire circumstances? When has one letter of His Word not come to pass? If it's been a while since you've seen it manifest, go back through your life and dwell on the goodness of the Lord. Feast on His faithfulness and refuse to allow reruns of anything that looks like defeat. You must line your faith up with His plans for your life, but the requirement for that to occur is that you believe He is everything He claims to be. Still not convinced having faith makes a difference? My husband has lived it concerning his football team-- so much so that for someone like me who couldn't stand the sport, I've seen my husband replay those victories so often that even I have begun to have an expectation. If it works for football, imagine what could happen in REAL life?

Prayer: Father, I take this time to praise You for being a faithful Shepherd. You spread Your provision before Your sheep, even in the presence of our enemies. May we now and forever rehearse Your mighty acts to our descendants, showing them that You are a good Provider so that they, too, can grow up to be grateful and content with what You are providing NOW. We receive all of Your goodness, and thank You for Never failing us. In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.

Aggravations, BEGONE!!!!!

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Today's Passage> Psalm 37
Memory Verse>

Aggravations. Things that rub us the wrong way, irritate or vex us. Things that cause us to be offended and create tension between ourselves and friends, acquaintances, and loved ones. Aggravations appear when we least expect them -- for example, if we were excited about one thing and received disheartening news. They also manifest in areas of our lives that need the most healing, where God is doing the most work and we can see light at the end of the tunnel. Aggravations are especially designed to get us off focus and even have setbacks, with the ultimate goal being to make our Shepherd look incompetent.

One of the areas that cause the most aggravation is financial problems. It seems as though the more we commit ourselves to tithing and giving, the more we seem to fall short of our financial obligations. To add insult to injury, those who openly have no fear of God have lifestyles in which money is flaunted and wasted over frivolous things. People of God take one look at television shows and become frustrated that the world has it easy while God's people struggle. Doesn't the Father hear our prayers? Has He forgotten His promise to make us the head and not the tail, above rather than beneath? Hasn't He said He would supply all our needs according to His RICHES in glory by Christ Jesus? Why isn't it manifesting among God's children?

God's Promise To us is not that He'll take away all our problems in a flash, for He knows that would only cause us to become spoiled and incapable of standing under adverse circumstances. What He does guarantee is that, as we trust Him completely, standing firm through it all, the aggravations will lose their impact on us and we will walk in victory even while we wait for His promises to manifest in our lives. It's all about perspective. Would you rather be miserable, complaining about the issues and being downtrodden until breakthrough comes? Or would you like to keep praising and magnifying God for things He's ALREADY done while you wait? Which victory would be sweeter?

That, my friends, is why we must not allow the aggravations to triumph. Just as the Shepherd has to create a salve for the natural sheep's head to drive away the pests, the Good Shepherd takes the oil of His anointing and soothes us where the aggravations hit the most-- on our heads. As we submit to His calm Voice, singing over us and reminding us that He knows the plan that He has for us, we must be willing to trust Him and release all our doubts and fears. It's only in His Presence that we can get rid of the aggravations and gain a better perspective of what God has in store for us. Only the ones who are willing to allow the loving care of our Shepherd to give them rest will experience the peace that has been made available. Will you be the one to walk in freedom?

Prayer: Father, I receive Your provision of rest. I agree with Your promise that I will have my desires come to pass if I commit my way to You. I release every lie of the enemy that You are not a God of Your Word, and I mKe a decision to wait on You. May all who do the same receive everything You have in store. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Rest Well, My Friends!

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Today's Passage: Ezekiel 34:15-25
Memory Verse: Ezekiel 34:15,17

Picture this: we're all sheep in this awesomely green pasture. Our Shepherd has provided everything we've needed, and it's now late in the evening and He's called us to rest. As we try to obey His command, a few of us decide to use the time to settle debts, establish rank, and/or stir up fear. They decide that their personal strives are more important than the peace of the flock. And because of that, strife and quarrels spread throughout the fold. How does disunity within the flock affect our rest? And does our behavior toward one another matter to God?

It'd be easy to build walls around ourselves or establish unGodly defense mechanisms to help us deal with each other. Problem is, taking the "easy" way rarely brings successful outcomes. As a matter of fact, the quick and easy way only makes the walls thicker (or higher), and further isolates us. If we're going to experience the sweet rest the Shepherd has provided, we not only have to have peace within ourselves, we have to have peace with the ones who are sharing this flock with us. In verse 15 of our passage today, God says He will feed His flock and make them lie down. We have to understand that it brings glory to Him to have His sheep nourished and at peace. But as much as He knows what it takes to get His sheep to "lie down" (peace & unity), He knows what causes fear and aggravation (strife & disunity). So, in verse 17 He says He will judge between sheep and sheep. God watches His flock with incredible detail. It matters to Him if rams won't let ewes or lambs feed. It bothers Him if ewes shun other ewes. When strife is in the sheepfold, the sheep won't rest, and that causes the Shepherd to look incompetent.

So, in conclusion, try not to live in self-awareness alone. Pursue peace with those in your pasture. When you pray, ask God to give you a heart for others. Tell members of your sheepfold you're praying for them. And if they ask why, tell them because when they are at rest, you are at rest. Oh, and make sure you do it with a pure heart, because you know the Shepherd's watching. Now picture this: we're all sheep in this equally awesome pasture. We're nourished, so no one is worried about bills or finances, and we're at peace, so everyone is walking in love with one another. As the Shepherd prepares us to rest, a calming atmosphere takes over the pasture and soon, all achieve undisturbed rest. Aaaaaah (sighing restfully)! What a time of sweet refreshment!

Prayer: Lord, You are our Shepherd, so we don't need anything. You make us to lie down in green pastures. So all we can do is thank You. Thank You for Your peace. As You establish it by taking care of us, we share it with our neighbors. As we have peace one to another, let all the Earth see what a great Shepherd You are. Let this day be another journey with You as our Guide, in Jesus' name. Amen.

No Ordinary Love!!!!!

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Today's Passage> 1 John 4: 9-18
Memory Verses> Psalm 91: 5-7

At ALM, we get excited about the song "This Ain't No Ordinary Love" by Toby Mac. And it really isn't. The love we operate in is predicated upon how far out of our comfort zones we're willing to step. We're okay with doing things for others as long as we don't get stretched to the limit. But the minute the person we're trying to help hurts us, we're done. Our expectations of the one we're making the sacrifice for are extremely high with no room for error.

But our God is not like that. First of all, He KNOWS how sinful we are, and He gave up His only Son to pay the penalty for our sin. Second, He forgives us constantly, which shows He also has high expectations for us. But His expectations are that we will ultimately choose His way and not our own. So, with all that in mind, what causes a breakdown in our trust? It's the uncertainty of the day- to-day runnings of being on this earth. But here's the amazing thing God's love does to make our fear obsolete.

Of all the things that threaten to instill fear in us, nothing is more frightening than not knowing what eternity will bring. But because He loves us with all of Himself, He took care of that fear and took the sting out of death. The blood of Jesus provided relief from the only thing that the enemy could use to keep us awake at night. Without this provision, every fear would have a right to take hold of us. But because His love covers us, the Shepherd draws the line in the sand and dares the enemy to oppress us any more.

With eternity taken care of, what other care is there that we can waste our time worrying about? If God can remove a huge burden such as certain damnation, why wouldn't He find a way to deliver us from diverse dangers? Even in the presence of death itself, we should never have fear in our hearts, because God our Shepherd has taken care of it all. His extraordinary, perfect love keeps us steadfast and unmoveable, always abounding in the work of His kingdom. And that's the reason why God wouldn't leave any stone unturned concerning our peace. He wants us focused and kingdom-minded, not tormented with thoughts of whether we will live or die from one moment to the next. How can we go forward in our calling, doing what we were put on this earth to do, if we're constantly worrying about what will happen to us? God's love is too vast to leave us stranded. You can trust the Shepherd to take care of our going out and coming in, our past, present, and future. Fear has no place if you're walking under the shelter of the Shepherd's unconditional love.

Prayer: Father, I praise You for the way You've thought of everything. When I allow myself to be fearful about the future, I'm saying that You, Who flung the stars in the sky and cause the sun to stay in its place, are incapable of taking good care of me. I make a firm commitment now to walk even more closely with You, trusting You like never before. Thank You for Your unconditional love. I accept it and come under its shadow forevermore. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

His Mark and His Voice

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Today's Passage> John 10: 1-18
Memory Verses> Ephesians 1: 13-14

It's interesting to note how much our society is into brands. From a piece of candy to a fancy car, there's always a distinctive mark that shows who the creator is so that no possibility of misrepresentation of a company's product(s) occurs. Yesterday, our pastors shared with us the process of branding or marking the sheep, which is the natural shepherd's first order of business. Immediately upon purchase, the shepherd must subject his sheep to the painful procedure of "earmarking" to distinguish them externally from sheep that belong to another shepherd.

But although this outward mark tells shepherds whom the sheep belong to, how do the SHEEP know whose they are? It's the shepherd's voice that trains the sheep to respond to a certain call. Their shepherd spends quality time using this sound so that, when all the sheep from various pastures are in the same place, each group can only hear their shepherd's voice.

The parallel for us as believers is clear. We are the sheep of the Lord's pasture. He's purchased us with His blood. However, it seems easier for us to identify with every other brand than that which points to Christ. Here's a quick test of what we truly identify with. If someone were to ask us who we are, what comes out first? Does "believer" make the top ten, or does everything else that we do take priority? Our favorite team, the charity we support, or even our college fraternal organization seems to take up more space in our lives than our devotion to God. So when it comes to drawing the line in the sand and declaring our allegiance, whose voice do we listen to?

The important thing to understand is that God wants first place, but He is not a tyrant. He would never force us to be totally devoted to Him, but His love is what draws us. His Holy Spirit, Who is the seal that He puts in us until we are presented spotless before His throne, uses His Voice to train us to listen for the will of the Father. When He calls us, we can choose to allow His Voice to be the authority in our lives, guiding our decisions on a daily basis. Or we can choose to ignore the Shepherd's Voice. But be mindful: the wolves and other predators can also detect the rebellion, and they, too, can instantly discern our disconnection from our only Life Source. This is the sign our enemy needs to confirm that we are really without a Shepherd, and then he closes in. If you need any more evidence to convince you of the importance of identifying with the Good Shepherd, get the message from Sunday. Other than that, all you have to do is align yourself with His Mark and His Voice, and He'll do the rest.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for making a way to keep me safe. I thank You for the Holy Spirit, Who is the guarantee that You purchased me. As I yield to His Voice, may I manifest to the outside world that You are real, and that You are in full control of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Prayers that Prevail

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Today's Passage> Numbers 14:1-25
Memory Verse> Numbers 14:8

Father, You are Jehovah Roha, my Shepherd, the One Who takes good care of me. I acknowledge You as the answer to every question I've ever had concerning my life. You are the Healer of every disease, physical as well as spiritual. I truly find rest in the shelter of Your arms. Whenever I've strayed, I've found out the hard way that finding my own path is not Your will for me.

One of the toughest lessons I've had to learn was that just because a path LOOKED good did not make it so. At first glance, it just looked like it was the road That would fulfill the hunger I had at that moment. But when I actually strayed from You, I found nothing but rocks and thorns. The green pastures I thought I'd seen actually did not even come close to existing on this road. I realized I'd walked away from the most fulfilling nourishment for that which did not satisfy.

Another drawback to walking away from Your goodness is that I opened myself up to condemnation from the enemy of my soul, the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy every good and perfect gift that You have provided. Thanks to Your unconditional love, I didn't have to be subjected to it for long. You cover me with Your grace, and he has to flee whenever he brings up my past failures. I'm so grateful to You for providing a safe haven for me to regain my rest.

Now that I'm coming into the revelation of how awesomely You love and take care of me, I arise today with praise and worship in my heart. I want You to know that my life is completely Yours. And as I join my praise with that of my brothers and sisters in Your house today, may the thief's plans for us all be scattered. May he release his hold on every sheep that You've purchased with the blood of Your precious Son, Jesus. And may none of us stray from Your loving arms again. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Call in the Fall!!!!

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

Today's Passage> Psalm 42
Memory Verse> Ps. 42: 11

In every believer's life, there comes a point when our triumphs are very empowering. They confirm everything the Word tells us about being the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. Through the grace of God, we are allowed to see that no weapon formed against us will ever prosper, and this is such an awesome feeling. But something else happens, too. What we don't realize is that there's this tiny swelling of the head that begins to take place. Rather than giving God all the glory for His victory, we begin taking a bit of the credit for ourselves.

Not only do we start to get the big head about the few issues we think we've got worked out, we begin to look with a little contempt upon those who seem yet to be struggling in their walk. And that's when the enemy pounces. Yesterday's passage tells us to be mindful about thinking we're standing firm, when we're not. And here's why this happens: we're told that the enemy walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. While we're feeling confident that somehow it's because of what we've done that we've gotten satan to flee from us, that cunning fox is setting a trap for us.

The Word also tells us that pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. So all the devil really has to do is set the trap and wait for us to walk in it all by ourselves. A fall can come in several ways. One, we can be so into ourselves that we simply don't see the enemy coming through a loved one or someone else who's really close. When we should be praying, we're too busy gloating. Two, there could be other weaknesses inside of us that we don't see until the fall. Three, our pride could be the reason we may be deceived into thinking we really DO have it all together when we really don't.

So you find yourself in the place of oppression described by David, remembering only the times when all you wanted to do was rejoice in the house of the Lord. Now you are "cast down" or depressed, thinking there's no way God can get any glory out of your situation. But be encouraged. God's love for you is never-ending, and His faithfulness reaches to the clouds. He sees failures from miles away, and will never reject us no matter how disappointing the fall may be. Hope in God and wait for Him to deliver you, as He always does. Don't hesitate to call out to Him, for He is waiting to hear you declare your confidence in His power to deliver. Have confidence also in the Word that says the righteous man falls seven times and gets up from that place. There's no failure in our God. So trust Him to bring you back to relationship with Him.

Prayer> father, I'm a witness that You are a true deliverer. You lifted me out of my place of defeat and discouragement. I pray now for all Your children who need You to deliver them. May Your blood cover them as they call out to You, and may the enemy not be able to stop them from reaching out to You. Be glorified in spite of every trap the enemy sets. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Watch That Hole....!!!

Friday, October 14th, 2011

Today's Passage> 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13
Memory Verse> 1 Cor. 10:12

As I read the accounts of the Old Testament saints, I'm reminded of the parallel between their lives and ours. God walks with us as He did with them. He recognizes us as His people just like He recognized them. And He plans for us to one day share His kingdom just He does for them. By and large, this life is one big journey toward a special place He has prepared for us....sound familiar?

Some see it differently, though. For example, during a family Bible study, my son and daughter were convinced they could never do some of things to God the children of Israel did. They're not alone. Many have shared this opinion. I get it. Who's going to admit they could deny Jesus like Peter did? Which one of us would tell God to take you back to your place of bondage like the children of Israel did? We didn't even mention Jonah, Cain, and Judas. Truth is, none of us would admit to having the potential to do those things....but we do.

Verse 12 of our passage warns us of thinking this way. It says "Therefore,let everyone who thinks he stands take heed lest he falls". That statement came after Paul revealed previous generations, although they were fully aware of God's presence, fell in sexual immorality (v.8), partied too much (v.7), and tempted Christ (v.9). Hmmmm, sound like anyone you know? Yeah, me too. Instead of comparing ourselves to the previous generations, we should see their lives as examples. How else would we learn to avoid the pitfalls that challenge our faith? It would be wise for us to realize we're just as vulnerable to sin as they were. However, thanks be to God, we're just as equipped to live righteously as well. Therefore, there is no temptation we can't get out of. We have the same power and authority to overcome the bondages of sin as the disciples did. So be encouraged today, but don't be over- confident. Temptations are out there, so remain on guard. Blessings!

Prayer: Father, I'm so glad that You're my Shepherd, and You are with me. I don't have to try to live this life in my own strength. Thank You for showing me through Jesus that, though the temptation may present itself, we don't have to receive it. But I also hear Your warning to be more prayerful rather than prideful towards those who seem to be struggling. Fill my heart with compassion to see them overcome. My life remains totally Yours. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Choose the Living Water!!!

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

Today's Passage>  Jeremiah 2: 1-19
Memory Verse> Psalm 42:1

There's an interesting phenomenon inside of me that I'm still trying to figure out.  My body is 80 percent water, right?  All my organs are made up of it and require it to function properly.  My food intake can only be processed properly if I drink a certain amount of water daily.  The cleansing of junk from my blood, which is basically done by my kidneys, is a difficult task if I'm not drinking enough to flush out what my body doesn't need.  Even my throat helps me remember to keep the water coming when it feels parched.

So what makes it so hard for me to do the very thing I need to thrive?  Why is it that, when my body sends signals that I'm very thirsty -- which unfortunately is already too late, and I'm seriously dehydrated-- I still find myself dragging my feet to get water?  On the contrary, I reach for any and everything else that will only make the dehydration worse.  I might get some dried fruit and nuts, which are actually good for you, but not when there's not enough water to digest them.  I might even get some juice, but very rarely will I go for the real thing... the water I need.  It turns out, we're the only species that chooses to give our bodies the opposite of what we need to survive.  Just because we have intellect and creative abilities, we think this gives us the right to have options.

As frustrating as this scenario might sound to someone who drinks water religiously, let me tell you this happens everyday in the spirit realm.  Even though we claim to love God, we have this crazy idea that we can allow Him to only come so far in our lives because WE want control.  So the One Who created us, knows everything about us, and loves us is left outside of the inner workings of our lives because we think He wants to take away from us our individuality.  But just like with our bodies, it'll only be a matter of time before we start to dry up so much that we won't be able to function in what the Lord is calling us to do.  How far do you think we'll go if we don't get a steady refilling of the Living Water that the Shepherd provides?  Not far at all.

If you find yourself not being able to connect with God, you're going to need to trace your steps to the place where you left Him.  Could it be that you began with the assumption that you could handle your life from this point on?  Sure, you needed God to deliver you from satan's grip; you may even have needed Him to walk you through a couple of problems you had while getting on your feet as a baby Christian.  Now that you've got a few battles under your belt, you've toyed with the idea that things should go more smoothly from here on out, right?  WRONG.  There's NEVER a time when we can do without our Shepherd.  We need Him constantly, just like we need to keep our bodies hydrated without fail.  To do anything else would be to deprive our souls and spirits of the life-giving water that only He can provide.  No matter what You try, nothing else will be able to satisfy. 

Prayer:  Father, thank You for reminding me yet again that I need You.  I don't want to be self-sufficient anymore.  My entire life is sustained by You.  I choose to drink deep of Your clear waters that are lovingly provided, not from broken cisterns that hold dirty water.  My life was a wretched mess until I let You in, and I'll always be grateful for the way You take care of me.  May I never stop depending on You for the rest of my days.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.    

Green Pastures, Anyone?

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

Today's Passage> Psalm 121
Memory Verse> Ps. 121:1-2

In a generation such as ours where the end result of almost every career now is performance- oriented, stress seems to come with the territory. I would've never thought that education would be put on that list, but it is. There are more factors that are outside of the teachers' control now, such as a lack of discipline or home support. However, more is required of us than ever before. With the new laws passed by the governor, teachers are among the public servants in Florida who have to pay 3 percent into our own retirement for the first time. More payout from our already low salaries means less money to spread between food, car and health insurance, not to mention other bills.

Couple that with high demands surrounding getting students to pass the FCAT, and you've got a recipe for some really stressed- out teachers. But even that is no reason to doubt our Shepherd, Who has promised in His Word that He will cause us to lie down in green pastures. This image suggests a peace that truly passes all understanding. So how do we walk in that, or is it a far-fetched idea? Today's passage suggests that it's very possible.

The first thing we have to do is LIFT our eyes to the hills, where all our help comes from. Just like it says in the Word, we can't focus on the problems that compile themselves against us. The enemy knows what stress can do to the mind, heart and spirit of a person. Those of us who believe that God loves and takes care of us MUST keep our eyes on Him. He is our Source, not the dried-up resources in the government. He is the Provider of our innovations and our creativity. When everyone else runs out of ways to reach and teach our children, God never will. He's just waiting on us to acknowledge Him and depend on Him for help.

No matter how far away the world is pushing from our Shepherd, I admonish you, the people of God, to come ever closer. There's nothing and no-one that has the answers to all the chaos and anxiety. He is the only One Who gives us that peace that comes from knowing that WE don't have any answers, and that's okay. Why struggle to be in control when, at the end of the day, there's already ONE Who knows all, sees all, and never has to rest from watching over us? All He requires in return is devotion and submission. That's a small price to pay for green pastures, wouldn't you say?

Prayer> My Shepherd, I totally depend on You. Everything possibly needed to sustain all life for me is already provided. Whenever things arise that are out of my control, I remember where my help comes from. You've never gone back on Your promise to take care of me. Thank You for always watching over me no matter what. I give You my yesterdays, tomorrow and my today. Whatever it is, You can handle it. I love You always! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Sparrows & Lilies!

Tuesday October 11, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 6:23-34
Memory Verse:

What in the world are we doing? Now that I have your attention, I need to point out the fact that there are as many stressed-out people in the church as there are in the world. How can that be? We sing of the goodness of God in our sanctuaries every week. Do we not believe it? Make no mistake about it, God has never failed us, nor is He the cause for our mistakes and poor decisions. So when we worry or stress-out, it's because we've once again submitted our lives to the world's influence. And frankly, God deserves better.

Have you ever told someone God was incompetent? Ever thought Him to be a failure? We of course wouldn't say these things outwardly, but our behavior gives our outside world a view of what we feel inside. So when Christians worry, it not only destroys our faith, but it also literally messes up our witness. Worrying is being excessively concerned over what one can't control. It's wasted energy. Biologically, it forces the brain to recognize trauma. When that happens, the "trauma kit" the body has (adrenaline, heart rate, etc) is activated. If there's no trauma, however, the misused kit can cause ulcers, irregular blood pressure, headaches, and heart issues. So don't worry. Worrying says God is not taking care of us. It robs Him of His glory. And besides, if we have the same fears and worries the world does, why get saved? Are there no perks for being in the kingdom? Come on. You know better than that!

God takes meticulous care of us. Meaning, He considers even the smallest detail when He cares for us. He leaves no stone unturned. Consider the sparrow and how God cares for them. Do they ever spend a day worrying? No. Each morning they do what they're purposed to do. And they don't try to be other things, or sit back and wait for something else to provide what they need. They're convinced each day will bring the shelter and nourishment required to make it to the next day. Now, consider the lilies of the fields. God covers them in beautiful array everyday they live. Do they ever worry about what they're wearing? No. They're content with what God has given. They don't fall into the lust of wanting to look like a rose, or a daisy. They, too, are content with the covering God has given everyday they live. In God's eyes, we're more than a sparrow or lily. So if He makes sure the sparrow is fed and the lily is clothed, how much more will He do for us? There's no need to worry when God's in control. Everything He does has a purpose. So, there's a purpose for what He gives and what He takes away. There's a purpose for what He allows and what He hinders.

Worrying doesn't move the Father. It just lets the devil know he's the one in control. Listen: God has the perfect plan for your life. Notice, I didn't say "a" perfect plan. I didn't because there's only one plan. The plan God has is a strategic campaign to expand His kingdom. However, if it has to compete with your plan, "if's" replace strategy. The unknown supplants ordered steps. And that's what gives birth to worrying. So don't worry; submit. Don't stress; believe. God's gotcha. Just like the sparrows and lilies.

Prayer: Father, You are all I want and need. You've taught me that if I just live to the fullest today, being content with the daily bread You've provided, I will not pine after things that don't satisfy. So I meditate on Your goodness and perfect love towards me. Thank You for healing the pains of yesterday, fixing my focus for today, and freeing me to live for only You tomorrow. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Who Do You Belong To?

Monday, October 10th, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalm chapter 23
Memory Verse> Ps. 23:1

Every organization I know spends a considerable amount of time and resources to establish one thing: a sense of belonging among the people who adhere to that particular organization.  There is a process through which this sense of belonging is accomplished, during which time the people who carry on the traditions of that group pass them on to the new "converts", if you may.  Usually this new group is observed to see which ones embrace the expectations that they will behave a certain way in order to show their alliegance.  Those who don't quite "get it" (basically, because they don't conform to the requirements that define this sense of belonging) often find themselves on the outs pretty quickly.

This phenomenon is most clearly seen on the college campus.  During the spring, there's this gathering called a "Rush" during which all persons who are interested in being a part of that particular organization come to see what it's all about, no strings attached.  At the point of giving basic information and expressing that interest, the real work begins.  Converts commit the next few weeks to grueling exercises, both physical and mental.  They subject themselves to emotionally tense situations, called "hazing", during which they're tested to see if they can really stick to the standards set by that organization, or if they cannot stand the pressure.  In the meantime, they memorize manuals that teach the principles of this group.  The process is so tough that those who stick it out until their "coming out", which is when they're accepted as part of that group with all the benefits, usually are loyal to that group for life.

So how is it that when it comes to becoming a "convert" of the kingdom of God, we don't feel as if we can submit to the discipline of becoming a part?  Jesus tells us that we must deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him if we want to be His disciples.  But I think we go in with the mentality of what's in it for us, rather than "Gosh, if God wants me to be His, I'm just grateful to be wanted."  And that's what calling Him Shepherd is all about.  We keep waiting for our flesh to agree with the process of giving ourselves totally to Him... but it won't.  But unlike with a secular organization, we seem to lose sight of the fact that WE are the ones who're receiving the best part of this deal.  Yes, we have to give our all, but He gave far more than we ever did.

If someone were to ask you, "Who do you belong to?" what would you like your response to be?  Would you sell them on the idea that you're just halfway a part of this organization called Christianity?  Or do you think they might at least respect you for being confident in what you believe in?  No matter how people might feel about Christ, they know that living for Him is a big deal.  They just don't like to see half-hearted Christians, because they instantly know it's not for real.  We hurt ourselves as well as potential converts when we don't buy into living for Christ with all our hearts.  Even Jesus says that any lukewarm believers will be spewed out of His mouth.  Nothing should matter more than saying, "the Lord IS my Shepherd."  This means I BELONG TO HIM.  He takes care of me, so whatever He tells me to do, I'll do.  May this be the attitude we develop in God's organization. 

Prayer:  Father, I am not ashamed of saying that I belong to You.  You purchased me when I wasn't worth what You paid for me.  Since I gave You my life, You've never steered me wrong.  Actually, when I've foolishly thought I knew what was best for me and stepped outside of Your protection, the results were disastrous.  Keep me in the shelter of Your loving care.  I'll never stray from it again.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.  

Prayers that Prevail

Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Today's Passage> Psalm 23
Memory Verse: Ps. 23: 4

Father, I've never been so aware of how much You care for me like I do now. From the time I can remember, You've always let me know You were there. Even in times when I doubted Your love for me because of the lies told by those who were being used by the enemy, I knew deep inside that my life had purpose. And if my life meant something, then I couldn't possibly just be here taking up space.

One of the most vivid moments I remember when I KNEW You were with me was during the war, when the bombs were being dropped all around us and we didn't know which moment would be our last. Even then, again I knew You were in control, and that those who lost their lives were not just doing so by chance. You knew each of Your children by name, and not one of them left this earth without Your knowledge and say-so. Before I gave You my heart, I experienced Your love and concern for me in a personal way.

Now that I'm walking with You, how can I ever doubt You? How dare I allow fear to make me feel that You are far away? I choose instead to remember how well You've taken care of me all this time, even when I was lost. I pray now for my brothers and sisters who may be going through a time of great pain. No matter what, may they accept the fact that they belong to You, and nothing they do can keep You from taking care of Your own.

As we all arise to give You praise, may we all remember what a blessing it is to be the sheep of Your pasture. May we sing of Your faithfulness, and inspire others to draw closer to You. Manifest Yourself to us all as our Great Shepherd, and we'll forever stay under Your covering. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Saturday, October 8th, 2011

Today's Passage> Matthew 10: 16-32
Memory Verse> Matt. 10:28

Every day somewhere in the world, Christians are being enslaved and martyred by people of other religious beliefs. In other places, those who have embraced the Christian faith live in constant danger of their lives. In the meantime, lawlessness abounds as the voice of Christianity is silenced. Is it even worth it to BE a believer? Is Christianity worth standing up for? If you're not sure how to answer this question, you're about to take a crash course in Persecution 101.

Since the beginning of time, there has been a remnant propelled by the grace of God to uphold His kingdom at whatever cost. Imagine what life would be like if there had never been an Abraham, a Noah, a Moses, a Joshua and Caleb, and on down to the New Testament saints. There would never have been a lineage to birth the King of Kings, the One Who came to rescue the world from the tyranny of satan. And if those in the Old Testament had to endure many perils, how much more did the disciples, Mary and those who would come after them have to endure? Through the power of the Holy Spirit, they were able to stare death in the face and still declare the kingdom of God. They chose to play the roles they were asked to play by the Father Himself, and they did not hesitate to do so to the death.

Enter those of us who live in the millennial age. God has chosen us to carry the good news of the kingdom to those who have not yet heard it. This is the only way Scripture will be fulfilled that this gospel is preached to the ends of the earth, and then the end will come. But how will that happen if we're too afraid to do our part? So here's where you and I come in. It's time to get past the comfort zone and answer the tough questions. Are we, who are alive and standing on the shoulders of those who sacrificed their lives so we can live for Christ, willing to just stand by and fail to do our part due to the fear of losing our comforts?

So let's face the things that the enemy uses to keep us cowering. As a human being, what is the greatest thing that you think makes you afraid? You'll find that our Shepherd has provided an answer and cure for it. Is it being deprived of food and drink? God's Word says that we should live by every word that proceeds from His mouth. He reminds us that He will provide what we need if we only seek His kingdom first. Is it the acceptance of others? We are not to fear any man -- only God. Is it even death? That, my friend, is at the heart of every person who steps out to live for Christ. Not only did Christ give up His own life for us, but He also demonstrated to us that death, the very thing we think is so intimidating, has been put under His feet. The sting of death is sin, and if we've surrendered our lives to Him, sin has no more hold on us, and we have nothing else to fear. We're going to have to get to the place in the very near future where we are prepared to die in order to truly live, just like Christ and all those who live for Him do. If this is not your mentality right now, you're unfortunately still in the mode of self-preservation, and God's kingdom cannot use you. However, if you realize that nothing else is more important than doing the will of God -- even at the expense of our lives-- you're exactly what the kingdom is looking for. Remember? This world is not our home, but we have been sent here for the purpose of declaring that Jesus is Lord. If you're still walking in fear that you may lose the things you hold most dear, you're of no use in the battle that we're waging against the enemy. Choose life now, but be willing to lose that life so that you may gain eternal life. Everything Christ lived and died for hangs in the balance. And every eternal reward that we never think about is awaiting. This is Persecution 101.

Prayer: Father, even though I had given my life to You, there was always this fear that I didn't need to go all in because I might lose earthly comforts. But now that I've been shown how much You love me, and everything You lost so that I could gain Your kingdom, I've decided to surrender everything -- my will, my home, and even my life. I can truly say that You can use it as You will. I'm living this life in such a way that if my life is required of me, I'd willingly give it up if You will be glorified. Thank You for giving me something worth living and dying for. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Perfect Love Poem!

Friday October 7, 2011

Today's Passage: 1John 4:9-18
Memory Verse: 1 John 4:18

As you rise to see a brand new day
and rub both your eyes clear;
Among your chores and daily plans
will be an urge to fear;

Disease, crime, and calamities
will all flash through your mind;
To steal your promise and convince you
to leave your faith behind;

Don't vent your fears out in the world,
it cannot save the day;
for Christ has come to live in you
and cast your fears away;

The love you've known is not real love
it's only brought fear and doubt;
God offers you His perfect love,
and fear? He kicks it out;

There is no fear for those of us who walk in righteousness,
the sting of death, Hell, and the grave ain't stored up for God's blessed,
So if you find you're not in line to see Jesus when He appear,
Know all you have until your doom is pain and grief and fear.

-Td Nation

Prayer: Father, whenever fear surrounds me, it's crowded out by the love from You that fills me. As I make room for You, I find that there's no room for the enemy's fake darts that have no place to land. Thank You for Your amazing love! May I depend more and more on You and less on the things that only feed into the river of fear. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Don't Cast Away Your Confidence!

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Today's Passage> Numbers chapter 14
Memory Verse> Numbers 14: 9

Recently, we've been learning about how close to terrorists the enemy's kingdom is. These spiritual forces of darkness will use anything to muscle their way into our lives and away from God's plan for us. One fire-sure way of inserting themselves is through fear. Now, God is all for reassuring us that fear doesn't come from Him, and that we don't have to fall into agreement with it. But when we choose to do so, we play a dangerous game of operating as pawns of God's enemy.

As soon as we allow fear to set in, we step into a different realm where we no longer view the Lord as our Shepherd. We make a statement that shames Him and makes Him small in the eyes of the enemy, when it should be the other way around. We begin to complain against Him as if He were a hard taskmaster, expressing our longing for things that the enemy inflicted on us in the past. The children of Israel swore that the Lord, Who moved heaven and earth to rescue them from Pharaoh, had brought them to the wilderness to kill them. Because of fear, we willingly exchange the truth of Who God is for the devil's lie. Everything He ever was fades into the distance as we grasp for the easy way out, choosing to sell our birthright for something so fleeting as a moment's comfort.

Not only will we be deceived into thinking our previous bondage was actually life for us, but we'll go so far as to choose a new leader and return to that place of bondage. Because God's grace was extended to us, we take it for granted that He won't strike us down on the spot. We enter into this stage of outright rebellion against everything godly, just because God required a little discipline from us. God's Word says that no chastisement seems pleasant at that moment, but the last thing we want to do is trade our Shepherd for the tyrant that satan really is. What we'll find ourselves doing is rejecting all the counsel that's coming from His heart, accepting the lie that all we'll ever be good for is what we've always known.

When Joshua and Caleb discovered that the children of Israel had turned their hearts from God, they immediately began to intercede on their behalf. Somehow they knew that it wasn't really them, but the fear talking. They knew that all they had to do was take a moment to meditate on the vast goodness of the Lord. No matter how tough things are, how could some of God's children be so disloyal to Him? Had He not already shown them enough proof of His ability to take care of them? Watch the Lord's response-- and this is a place we can never allow ourselves to go. He said: "How long will these people REJECT Me?". You see, we are so familiar with God's power that we forget how jealous He is for us. It hurts Him more than anything to have us look to another for answers that HE should be providing. This breaks His heart to the very core. Although He repented from destroying them, something was destroyed in His relationship with them. And THEY allowed that to happen, all because they gave in to the fear . Saints, in our time of testing, may we NEVER be found in such a state that we're willing to cast away our confidence in the very essence of our God. May every promise He's made resonate within us, doing damage to the devil's kingdom rather than our Heavenly Father's heart.

Prayer: Father, of all the things I'm most grateful for, it's got to be that Your Presence goes before me in the battle. I find peace and comfort in the fact that You are always there. How could I ever listen to the lies from the enemy when You've never let me down? My confidence is always in You, and will always be so. May my loyalty never run out, but may I always be able to find refuge in Your truth. You are my Shepherd, and I'll never listen to the voice of another. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Know God, No Fear!

Wednesday October 5, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalms 27
Memory Verse: Psalms 27:1

Paralysis, hopelessness, and disobedience. These are all results of walking in fear. No wonder the enemy uses it with such frequency. The spirit of fear goes off like a bomb in the kingdom of God. The debris after an explosion sends its victims scrounging for cover. Problem is, that "covering" is usually built on self-understanding, an old relationship, or old habits.

It's kinda funny. I've heard of people running away from the enemy when they're afraid to fight, but I've NEVER heard of folks running to the enemy because they're afraid to fight. Why would you do that? Fear. Fear takes everything you know to be true and makes you think it's a lie. So truths like today's passage become distorted in your mind. It says our enemies stumble and fall when they come against us. How is the enemy going to destroy us when he can't even stand in front of us? We have to stop cowering before defeated foes. Can you imagine how that looks to God? When Moses died, God literally told Joshua about a bajillion times (okay I made that up) to BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS. You see, fear blocks God's power in our lives, it keeps the kingdom from advancing, and it makes God look like a bad shepherd.

If the Lord is TRULY in control of our lives, how do we know to fear? I mean, our faith in Him should be so strong (and we should know Him so well), situations that cause fear shouldn't even register. As His sheep, our focus should only be on Him. We shouldn't be looking around for things to be afraid of. Our role in this life is to move when He says to, speak what He says to, and go where He says to. Sheep don't tell the shepherd where they're going, and chess pieces don't tell the champion where to put them. What I mean is, if you practice obedience and right-living, you'll never be on the wrong side of the enemy attacks that cause fear.

Fear has no place in the heart of those who really know the Father. The first 3 words of David's Psalm is "The Lord is....". What came after the "is" confirmed David's position. It gave him a boldness. "Whom shall I fear" is not a question asked by someone who thinks they're serving a loser. He knew what God was capable of. Although he was thrown into some crazy situations, his confidence in the Lord never waned. And because of that God gave him victories that man even to this day have not equaled. So who is worthy of your fear? The devil? He's got nothing! You can whip him with your eyes closed (prayer). A sincere praise from a true heart (not a faint one) will make his kingdom fall like a bad round of Jenga. He doesn't deserve your fear. The One who deserves your fear is fighting for you. He's the One who loves you. The victory is on His side; not the devil's. As a matter of fact, He (God) tells you not to fear. He just wants your reverence and obedience. And folks, He bought that outright with Jesus' blood. So be encouraged today. Know that fear has no place in your life. As you begin your day, I leave you with a truth to help you remember what you've read: Know God, no fear. No God, Know fear! Be Blessed!

Prayer: Father we are so glad we're on Your side. Your word says many are the afflictions of the righteous but You deliver them from all of them. It's comforting to know there isn't a trap, arrow, word, illness, or tragedy You can't deliver us from. We rest in that comfort, and we'll never doubt You again. No more fear Lord; because You are a competent Shephard. We'll follow You as long as You give us life, in Jesus' name. Amen

Who's With Us?

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Today's Passage: Deuteronomy chapter 20
Memory Verse> Deut. 20:8

Every army probably as far back as the mutiny of lucifer has had to go through a process that I'll call a "weeding". It's where a series of tests are performed to determine who has the heart to be a warrior, and who only has good intentions, but does not have the ability to withstand all and see the fight to the end. Today in the modern military, the weeding process is carried out before the troops begin their serious training. Those not cut out for the military will simply prove so during the simplest of tasks, before the heat of the battle. With all the talk about warfare, it would be appropriate to conduct a "weeding" of our own by asking this question: Who's With Us?

In today's passage, watch how similar the elimination process is to one that would be conducted in God's army. Before assembling the troops for battle, the officers were told to "weed out" all those who were in the following categories: those who just got a new house and would be concerned about dying without having lived in it. Those who just planted vineyards would also be sent home because they would be more concerned with protecting their fields than defending their fellow soldiers.

Thirdly, those who were newly engaged and almost married would be weeded out to avoid someone else marrying their fiancees upon their deaths. And finally, those who were simply too scared (or fainthearted) to engage in battle would be weeded out. This time the reason was a little different. They could not be allowed to contaminate the hearts of the other soldiers who had their hearts sold on bringing the victory. And that's exactly why we must have one accord when we engage in spiritual warfare. Fear is a spirit, and it can spread from one heart to another. If the enemy can infest a brother or sister with it, pretty soon the whole battalion will be infested, and defeat would be certain.

So I ask the question again: Who's with us? If you find yourself at a stage in your walk where other things are just more important right nw, like the things spoken of earlier, it would be best to be honest and say, "Look, it's really hard to focus right now. I 'm in no mindset to fight." The truth is it would be received with much more respect than those who're just plumb scared. Did God ONLY equip SOME of us with the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind, or did we ALL? Is God the kind of God Who plays favorites, or does He give each of us according to the measure of faith? It's time to decide WHO's part of the battle, or who's not ready. If you're with us, then you must also be willing to get on one accord to destroy the enemy's ability to attack the weakest link. Then, together we can destroy the most formidable enemy breathing. I'm ready. Aren't you?

Prayer: Father, You train my hands for war and my fingers to fight. I'm nothing without Your power. But with You, I can run through a troop and leap over a wall. I hear You gathering Your children together in unity against the enemy of our souls. Please strengthen us so that there are no links in between to stop You from winning. Go forth now into battle, and may Your enemies be scattered before You. In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen I love You,

Follow the Signs!

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Today's Passage> Joshua 1: 1-9
Memory Verse> Josh. 1:9

There are a few distinct signs the Lord leaves for us to let us know when we're embarking on a new season in our lives. The first one is this sense of change, sort of like the ending of a chapter and the beginning of another. It's the same way we know when summer is coming to an end and fall is beginning. Somehow, you know you can't do things the same way you've done them for the past year or two. I guess it's like growing out of clothes -- there's just no way you can keep wearing them when they're simply too small. Another clue is this knowing in your knower that the new thing you're walking into is bigger than you. You know it because you can see it in the distance, looming ahead like the mighty mountain it is, insurmountable except for the awesome grace of God.

Here's the sign that instills fear: the enemy knows that we're on the verge of change, too. And since his whole reason for being is to stop us from reaching that next level, you know it's real when things start to stir up all around you. All of a sudden, issues that seemed nonexistent now begin to surface. Problems that you thought you'd fixed ages ago seem to "pop" up from out of nowhere. This is a manifestation of satan's reminder that you can't possibly be thinking of going to a new place in God-- you're not ready, you're not worthy, and you're certainly not able. All of a sudden, we're faced with the possibility that we may not have heard God at all when He said, "Go." And if He didn't really give us the green light, this means certain failure, because He won't be with us every step of the way.

Today's passage is a testimony of God's antidote for fear: be filled with His courage. If you stop for a minute and think about it, you'll see that God's been preparing you for this place before now. He's equipped you to handle the larger demonic forces, so you are not defenseless against them. God had Joshua shadowing Moses from the time he was a young man. He saw firsthand how intimately Moses walked with God, and did his best to obey everything He commanded. He learned how to get results through obedience, and knew that if God told Him would be with him, He was going to keep His Word. In spite of the new enemies on every side, Joshua was very much aware of how none of that mattered because God was in control of it all.

We're privileged to have God's blueprint for conquering fear right between the pages of this book. First, know that He's walking with us every step of the way-- Jehovah Nissi, our banner, before whom no man can stand. Second, never give in to the fear, for it does not come from God and will therefore only be temporary. Third and foremost, obey every command of God. Don't detour to the left or right from it. It's the only way to arrive at our destination safe and complete. If we follow these signs, we are on a collision course to our next level to the glory of God.

Prayer: Father, how awesome You are to leave Your blueprint for us to follow so that we can complete the tasks You have set out for us to accomplish. May we spend our days meditating on Your Word, hiding it in our hearts so that we won't miss the mark. You've commanded us to go; we obey with no reservations. Use us for the fulfilling of Your will on this earth in Jesus' Name, Amen.