I'll Make You Famous!

Saturday May 22, 2010

Today's Passage: Matthew 9:8
Memory Verse: Same

What does Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Brad & Angelina, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, and Wesley Snipes all have in common? They're all famous. They can't go anywhere without someone recognizing them. The "red carpet" is laid out for them whereever they arrive. They are truly the most popular people in the world.

What makes a person famous? Is it the talent they display on the big screen, playing arena, or cd? Fame is defined as widespread reputation; public eminence. To have fame is to have a reputation that preceeds you. People you've never met seem to know everything about you. But how does one become famous? People become famous by the devotion of their fans. That's right, the fans. What kind of success could Will Smith claim if noone came to his movies? Being on the "A" list in Hollywood is all about the size of your fanbase. The fans dictate the demand of the entertainer. That being said, as fans of Jesus, are we doing a good enough job making and keeping Him famous? When a "famous" singer does a concert, the building is packed to capacity. However, there's empty seat after empty seat in arenas (churches) that feature Jesus every week. A famous author wrote a book earlier this year and millions of people bought and read it. Are we buying and reading Jesus' books? Where are the t-shirts? Where are the crowds? Where are screams of excitment for just being in His presence? "Jesus will You sign my autograph?" "Jesus will You touch my hand?" "I want to be You, Jesus. So I'll dress like You, act like You, talk like You, and live like You!" "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!"

I challenge you today to be a true fan of Jesus. Do something today to "make Him famous." Share His love. Get someone excited about Him. Get ready......He's coming to a sanctuary near you!

Jesus I want everyone in the world to know You. I am so excited about Your presence. You have done so many awesome things for me. Let my life bring fame to You. Let my attitude bring You glory (defined as fame and credibility). I'll be mindful of everything I do because it's my desire to make You famous....And all His fans said, Amen!

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