A Promise Yet to Be Birthed

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Today's Passage: Genesis 18:15
Memory Verse: Gen. 18:14

This particular devotional is dedicated to women who've been waiting a long time for a special promise from God. You may find yourself without a child for years; or maybe, you've had your children, but they're all grown and gone now, and you find yourself in a place where you're wondering whether there's any more purpose to your life.

Perhaps you've even had to wait so long that,like Sarah, you've begun to doubt that God can do anything about your situation. But hear the Word of the Lord today: "IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR ME? BEFORE I FORMED YOU IN THE WOMB, I KNEW YOU, AND ORDAINED YOU A PROPHET TO THE NATIONS." To you Sarahs, God is saying, "At the appointed time, I will come to you, and according to your proper season in life, you SHALL give birth."

We want to remind you that all things are made perfect in His time. Rather than laughing at the impossibility or unlikely nature of your dream coming to fruition, PREPARE FOR BIRTH. Can dead things live again? Yes, for the One Who raised His Son from the dead has the power to bring to life dreams that have lain dormant for so long. And not only that -- know that this baby you're about to give birth to (whether spiritual or natural, God alone knows)is the answer to prayers prayed by you, your family, and even the generation God is calling you to minister to.

So receive the confirmation today that the promise that seems not to be coming IS on the way. If you asked me why God waited so long for Abraham and Sarah to see the fulfillment of the promise, I'd say He loves to make a grand entrance, and is so good at guaranteeing that all the glory will go to Him and not ourselves. Pray with us today that you'll be ready to carry the weight of such a promise to full term, so that everything God intended for you to accomplish can come to pass. For with God, NOTHING shall be impossible.

Prayer: Father, I pray for all the expectant mothers who have a promise from You that something greater than themselves will be birthed in their lives. May they be flooded with the confirmation of that promise, and begin to prepare for birthing by positioning themselves for something great. Then, Father, may we all shine as the living testimonies of Your endless favor and grace in these last days. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

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