Get Wisdom!

Friday, July 1st, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Kings 10:1-13
Memory Verse: 1 Kings 10:9

My nephew is so funny.  He's a teen-ager now, so you know what he's going through.  Little girls whisper things when we're out in the community.  He just smiles and waves.  My kids relish the opportunity to make fun of him.  I guess it's good in that it's actually giving me a glimpse of what my pre-teen sons are headed for.

Solomon was a young king.  When a person is as young as he was, so many things can have influence over you.  Remember the music, the people, and the clothing styles that filled our lives everyday?  Despite all the parental advice we got, we still ran after the things we thought were validating us.  So, here comes the Queen of Sheba.  She had heard about Solomon's wisdom in her home land.  Being skeptical, she set out to come meet the "wise king" for herself.  

Have you ever had someone come into your life just to test you?  That's what I tell my nephew.  "It's just a test, kid".  The enemy wants to know if you are who you say you are.  He wants to see if you'll give in at the first sign of weakness.  Solomon, however, didn't.  He stayed true to the wisdom God gave him.  Because he did, Sheba showered gifts of wealth on him.  We need to understand that the finer things in life don't come without wisdom.  We have to be true to it.  Often times, we already have the answers inside us for everyday circumstances, but we make them worse by ignoring wisdom.  God knows what the devil intends for us.  That's why He gave us a tool that nullifies all his traps.  That tool is called wisdom.  Do you want to have a good relationship?  Get wisdom.  Do you want your money to stop slipping through your fingers?  Get wisdom.  Do you want people to trust you more?  Get wisdom.  Do you want to experience God in a way you never have before?  Get wisdom.  It's the most valuable thing you can possess.  Walking in it will solidify your place in a life of blessing.  It'll also assure your safety.  God knows some people don't mean you any good.  How do you keep them at bay?.......Get wisdom!           

Prayer: Father, You are so worthy to be praised.  I gladly take my place in Your shadow.  I will live by Your Word and grace.  Guide me with Your loving hand.  My heart is singing out to You today.  Let me sit at Your feet and be in Your presence.  I am Yours forever more, in Jesus' name. Amen

Play Ball!

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Kings 3:1-28
Memory Verse: 1 Kings 3:9

Solomon asked God to give him a "God-listening heart".  I've always thought that was an awesome request.  The reason for that is if we are to be more like Christ, we have to have a heart like His.  Do you remember the Wizard of Oz?  The Tin Man Dorothy found on her journey sang a song that said he could do all these extraordinary things if he only had a heart.  What amazing things could you accomplish for God if you had His heart?  It's worth some thought.

In contrast, the heart I had before the Lord saved me was a bad one.  It was selfish, and only wanted to make "me" feel valued and accomplished.  Its main goal was self.  It didn't want me involved in relationships or activities that didn't make me the focus.  It reminds me of a game of baseball I played in one summer.  I had been the starting 3rd baseman the whole season, but on this particular day, the coach told me to play center field.  See, I didn't know the team we were about to play hit the ball really well and were fast on the bases.  All I could think about was having to play center field.  My heart immediately became angered and rebellious.  It led me to strike out on purpose in the 2nd inning, even though we had a man on 3rd base waiting to score the tying run. 

My heart also told me not to hustle or encourage my teammates during the game.  It had total control of me.  Then, something happened in the 5th inning that would forever change me.  While standing in center field (sulking of course), the other team managed to get a man on 2nd base with two outs.  Just then, the batter hit the ball straight at me.  By the time I got to the ball, the runner had rounded 3rd base and was heading for home.  I couldn't let that happen.  So, I picked up the ball and hurled it toward home.  The catcher caught it and tagged out the runner.  As I ran into the dugout the coach called me.  "You were mad at me when I put you in center, but there's no-one else on the team who could've made that throw.  If you're going to be successful in baseball, or life, you're going to have to have a GOOD HEART about whatever you're doing".  I sat on the bench and cried my eyes out.  How could I have been so selfish?  Friends, your purpose and your desire may not be the same thing today, but if you have a God-listening heart toward your purpose, you'll soon have your desires.

Solomon seemingly had no desire for the material things that came with being a king, but he was serious about his purpose.  He was intent on having a heart for God.  Okay, so you're not the 3rd baseman today, so make the most of being in center field.  Appreciate the fact that you're at least in the game.  Find peace in being part of a team; a member of the body.  Ask God today for a heart like His.  That way, you can see others the way He sees them, and you can also see yourself.

Prayer:  Father, turn the light of Your love on me so I can be more like You.  Remove all the selfishness and pride from my life.  My desire will forever be to bring You pleasure by faith and devotion.  I'm Yours forever, in Jesus' name.  Amen   

Wisdom: The True Gift!

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Today's Passage: 2 Chronicles 1
Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 1:12

I was in the video game store with my sons the other day and it was a circus.  They were salivating at everything they saw.  Well not really, but they were definitely having a good time.  I took them to the store because they were getting a reward for having good grades for the school year.  So, the fact that they knew they were getting something just added to the excitement.  It was after they made their final decisions that a profound statement was made.

I'd noticed my oldest son didn't have the game he wanted.  Instead, he had chosen an older, less expensive one.    As we walked to the counter, I asked him why he had chosen that game.  He said, "I chose it because I knew you had two more games to buy.  So, I wanted to be wise about what I chose".  I was astounded!  My son's response was the epitome of a child having the heart of their father.  It was at that moment I learned a valuable lesson.  In our passage today, Solomon(who was now king) chose wisdom as well.  He had favor with God so he knew He was going to bless him with something.  However, what he asked for seemingly took even God by surprise.  Why is it so hard for us to see value in having wisdom?  I mean, we admire people we consider wise, but having wisdom ourselves seems to be more of an ideal than an achievable reality.  An ounce of wisdom, or a boat-load of cash: what will YOU choose?  Patience for saving, or an approved loan: again, what will you choose? 

The problem we have with wisdom is it's not instant.  It doesn't bring an immediate, flashy return.  Wisdom is a harvest that reaps heavy returns in the long run.  That's right!  On the surface, you are nowhere near keeping up with the Jones', but you remain immune to the financial pressures that have become part of their everyday lives.  In Solomon's case, he knew the Children of Israel were not easy people to lead.  After all, he had seen his father struggle with it from time to time.  Inasmuch, he was well aware of the fact that all the money in his kingdom would not make him a good leader, nor would 100,000 warriors standing at attention.  The only thing that would make him an effective leader was wisdom.  So, he asked God for it.  Of all the things you'll ever desire my friends, get wisdom first.  Why?  The reason is if you don't have wisdom, you'll squander what you've believed God for.  That's how millionaires go broke, or lovers get divorced. They possessed everything they wanted, except what they most needed: wisdom. 

Finally my friends, if you first pursue wisdom, God will bless you with all the other stuff.  As you can see, God not only gave Solomon the wisdom he asked for, but He gave him all the money and wealth he didn't ask for.  God has the same plans for you.  He knows that wisdom will unlock incredible blessings in your life.  And when you find it, you'll have everything you need.

Prayer: Father I know You have wonderful plans for me.  So, my plan is do my part to establish Your kingdom on the Earth.  To do that, I have to be the image of You.  I can't make bad choices and allow myself to follow the world.  I must walk in wisdom.  I commit right now to separate myself from my own ideas and totally trust You.  I want wisdom for my life now, and forever, in Jesus' name.  Amen.


Not Age, Just Wisdom!

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

Today's Passage: Proverbs 4:1-13
Memory Verse: Proverbs 4:6

When I was a kid, I used to look at older people and think "He/she must be wise".  See, I was taught old age and grey hair were signs of wisdom.  Many of us still make that assumption.  Truth is, you don't have to be a senior to be wise.  Granted, most seniors are wise.  However, having wisdom is something God wants for all His children, regardless of age.

Grey hair is not a sign of wisdom.  It is in fact a sign of the gift of life given over a long period of time, which in itself deserves our respect and admiration.  But we must find wisdom through righteous living.  Wisdom is defined as having the power to discern and judge what is right and true along with having the character to choose it.  Most of us have the background by which we can recognize what's right and wrong. However, most of us also lack what is needed to choose what is right on a consistent basis.  And this is not something that is added to our lives after an extended period of life.  If you want proof, ask a 8 year-old if he/she wants a stalk of broccoli, or a candy bar.  That child may know full well that the candy bar has no nutritional value, yet he or she'll choose it everytime. 

Adults without wisdom struggle with the same types of choices.  Choices like: Do you get the loan, or save to buy it?  Should you pay attention to the red flags, or keep him/her around because they're cute?  The choices we make are also the differences between candy and broccoli, my friends.  Let's see how God feels about wisdom.  His word says "Never walk away from wisdom--she guards your life; love her--she keeps her eye on you".  This verse prompts me to ask myself how many bad situations I could've avoided had I walked in wisdom.  God loves us so much He gave us a weapon that keeps us from trouble.  Think about some of the things wisdom provides.  It gives immediate access to the Word of God.  It gives us supernatural vision.  It's a background screening system for new relationships, a financial advisor, and a messenger from God.  It's a parent's guide book, a husband's most expensive tool, and a wife's best friend.  Wisdom unlocks authority in the life of the beliver and is a paralyzing agent to the devil.  As a bonus, it drives a person to want to know God more, then becomes the bond that holds the two of them together.

In conclusion, there are few things that are more important than having wisdom.  Our survival depends on it.  If we want to achieve the goals that we've set for our lives, we must have wisdom.  It is truly a guide and a weapon we can use no matter hold old or young we are.

Prayer:  Father, I have given my life totally  over to You.  Leaning on my understanding has led to so many pitfalls and mistakes.  Therefore, I choose now to walk in Your ways.  I choose wisdom to get me through this life.  Whatever it takes for me to become more like You, I'll gladly do, in Jesus' name. Amen    

A Journey Into Wisdom

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Today's Passage: Proverbs 3: 13-26
Memory Verse: Prov. 3: 13-14

Who wouldn't jump at the chance to have a million dollars deposited into his or her bank account?  I can tell you right now that only a small percentage of believers would turn down a lot of money that promises to change their lives forever.  But here's how I know that so many are not ready for it.  At all times of the day, people of all ages and backgrounds can be found at a Handy Way, pouring their hard-earned money into buying lottery tickets, hoping to win big.

Some say the likelihood of winning millions may not be that great.  But most are willing to spend a minimum of five dollars every couple of days in hopes of winning even a couple of hundred dollars in the latest lottery.  And do you know the crazy thing?  A financial advisor would tell you that if you were to put that money into some sort of tax-sheltered annuity, the returns would be much greater than you could imagine.

I'm no expert, but it seems to me that anything we want quick returns on, not willing to wait for more fulfilling results over time, is not a wise investment.  I read a book once in which the author said that Wisdom was looking at a situation in terms of the consequences in the near future rather than the instant gratification it would bring.  And that's what today's passage is expressing to us.

Blessings attach themselves to those who are willing to let Wisdom and understanding  be their companions.  No amount of money can replace the contentment that comes with choosing to live in a place of wisdom  where no quick-fix mentalities are allowed. Every area of our lives as believers can be applied to the use of Wisdom.  As a matter of fact, God expects us to be like him in this regard.  If He could create worlds with wisdom, why can't we?  Long life, peace, blessings, no fear, and every good thing you could desire await us.  Let's commit to embarking on a journey into wisdom today.

Prayer:  Father, how amazing that You mapped out this journey to blessings for Your children millions of years in advance.  Now we want to walk in Your footsteps and taste of the good of the Land.  Please fill us with the grace to walk in wisdom so that we can please You.  There's nothing we want more ... And we can count on You to get us to our destination.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Prayers That Prevail!

Sunday June 26, 2011

Father, You are the Most High God.  We stand in awe of You.  Your love, mercy, and grace remain evident in our lives day after day.  My prayer is that we don't take that for granted.  We have become so "self" conscious that we've convinced ourselves this life is about us.  It's not about us.  It's about You.  Your will has to take precedence in our lives.  Let us produce on Earth what You have spoken in Heaven.  Let us be Your hands, feet, and voice.  Let the world see Your unfailing love through us.

As we fill Your sanctuaries today, we will bring our offerings of praise, worship, and devotion.  We will be open and prepared to hear, recieve, and apply Your holy word.  Change us.  Transform us.  Don't let us be the same people we've always been.  Let the fragrance of an intimate touch from You be on us as we leave Your house.  We place a demand on the heavens for a tangible encounter with You.  Let our shouts be so loud they confuse our enemy.  Let our worship be so passionate we move Your heart.  Then Lord, give us a heart for the broken.  Let us see them the way You see them.  Blind eyes of judgement and give sight to eyes of compassion.  Let the lonely be conforted, the sick healed, and lost found by You.  We rejoice in You.  We love You.  And we give You praise, in Jesus' name. Amen.     

God Has a Plan!!!

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalm 37: 1-15
Memory Verse: Ps. 37: 12-13

When you're in the middle of crisis, you find yourself asking God, "Why me?  Why now?"  You ask yourself over and over what you could've done to prevent what happened.  Most of all, you can't seem to get over the hurt from the one(s) who inflicted it, especially if they were close friends or loved ones.  The last thing you can think about is the condition of your enemy.

But today's passage reminds us that, while we're feeling sorry for ourselves, the enemy of our souls is capitalizing on the fact that we are taken aback and blown away by the FACE of the one(s) sent to attack us.  While we're agonizing on who they are and why they of all people could do this to us, satan is hoping we never get the revelation that it's THEM we need to be feeling sorry for.

You see, while plans are being made in secret to take down the people of God, He Who sees all hearts and will judge every man according to his intentions AND his works also has a plan.  The Word says He laughs at our enemies when they get ready to come against us.  He knows that, if they do not repent of their wicked ways, they will be swept away in a tornado of their own, never to be seen again.  

But how is God going to be able to distinguish US from THEM if we don't renew our minds quickly in the midst of the storm?  He knows that we will struggle with bitterness and unforgiveness, which will then turn to hate.  And before we know it, we're plotting retaliation, which is only God's to use.  Then, when it's God's turn, we will be lumped in with the wicked and receive their punishment.  That's why God's Word to us is trust God and continue doing things HIS way.  The way of the wicked is sure, and while we're on our way to healing and victory, only wrath is being held up for them.  This knowledge should cause us to change our attitude towards the wicked.  Imagine what would happen if we even started to pray for them?  God only knows.  Look up, men and women of God.  He DOES have a plan.

Prayer: Father, thank You for reminding me that my focus should never be on myself or my situation.  You are calling me to a place where things are being stored up for me, but my mind and heart MUST be right.  You care about the condition of ALL our hearts.  So please fill me with the desire to see even my enemies blessed.  They, too, have souls.  Let my compassion for them overflow as Yours did towards me when I turned MY back on You.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

A Glimpse of God's Glory

Friday, June 24th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 12- 24
Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5: 19-21

Last night, at the SonShine Network Ministries, the Holy Spirit literally arrested Abundant Life Ministries and took us to another level in His will.  We had a wonderful service, and began to worship as we usually do afterward.  All of a sudden, there was a shift in the atmosphere, and we went from pressing in the spirit for pastors and their ministries to pressing for a greater manifestation of God in our own lives and ministry.

The awesome part about it was that we didn't manufacture that moment.  All we did was flow in worship, feeding off of one another's passion for the presence of the Lord.  Then, when our pastors took a bold step by tapping into the overflow of the Spirit, without hesitation we followed.  Now mind you, service was officially over.  Anything more was sure to be seen as being over-zealous.  But when Pastor Chad took his wife's hand and ushered her to the platform, beckoning to the members of the praise team to follow, every single member jumped at the chance to experience what God was about to do.

When I read today's passage, I felt as if God had taken our already great love for our pastors and swapped it out for something even more precious. And because of the "one accord" that we had to see God manifest Himself in such a mighty way, the Father responded with such a sweet visitation.  Without even realizing it, we were all on our faces, being shown a glimpse of what God's perfect will and glory looks like.

As He put His personal stamp on our worship, I felt myself being filled with an even greater compassion.  It was almost as if God took all our concern for things that don't matter and replaced it with such a heart for God's heart-- souls.  After it was all said and done, Pastor Nette said she felt like this was what the saints in the upper room had experienced.  Nothing else mattered but what God wanted to do.  May we live in this place of being hungry for Him to speak and move like never before.

Prayer: Father, You always give conditions before laying out the blessing attached to those who are obedient.  As we obey Your command to uphold our pastors' vision, and intercede for one another out of just a sheer love for Your will to be done, we're believing for You to manifest Yourself in such a powerful way.  Thank You for trusting us with the seed of Your destiny in us.    Let it be unto us exactly according to Your Word.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

A Holy and Healthy Balance

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1- 11
Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5: 6 & 8

We live in a society where some believers feel pressured to loosen up and be more "user" or "seeker- friendly" in order to help make non- believers more relaxed around us.  Many make reference to the scripture in which Paul says he must be all things to all men.  Maybe some have been called to minister in that way-- I can't judge their motives.  Yet, somehow I can't reconcile that gospel with the gospel of being completely obedient to the voice of God in a  world where conformity is so common.

On the other extreme of the matter are believers who can't seem to relax at all.  They see the devil behind every tree, and are convinced that any attempt to mix Christianity with technology is from the pit of Hades itself.  There's even the argument being held that any church using a translation of the Bible other than the King James version is not of God.  Their stance is deliberately controversial and judgmental in nature.

Somewhere in between the two ideologies is the fine balance where kingdom- minded believers need to dwell.  I agree that we should be mindful of those who are not saved.  We should tap into resources such as the Internet where Facebook and other social networks are connecting people worldwide.  I am convinced that the technology involved has a huge role to play in the Great Commission.

But even while we beckon them to the cross with a sensitive heart, we cannot afford to compromise by adopting their lifestyles under the pretext that we're trying to "reach" them.  I don't believe they will be drawn if they don't see a passion in us for His presence rather than the distractions they surround themselves with.  I guess the question that should be at the heart of the matter is this: when people see us, what do they see?  Do they see people trying to fit into the world?  Or do they see passionate people who are also filled with compassion for the brokenhearted?  The answer must be found at the feet of the Master.  All WE have to do is be willing to seek Him for it.

Prayer: Father, I thank You that You haven't left us in the dark concerning Your Will.  Your Word says that Your Holy Spirit reveals secrets from Your heart to ours.  Fill us to overflowing with the grace to stand, wait, and be willing to listen.  You know exactly what Your plan is for drawing the lost.  I stand together now with my brothers and sisters in Your kingdom, believing for a mighty harvest for our cities.  May all we do serve only to bring You glory.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.


H.U.M.P. Day!!!!!

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

Today's Passage: 2 Timothy 2: 1-13
Memory Verse:

There's an old song that goes, "God don't need and He don't want no coward soldier." Which makes a lot of sense, considering the fact that we're always in a war, and there is no de- militarized zone. For believers, the sooner we realize this, the better. Perhaps it would do some good to revisit the life of a soldier. Sworn to defend the rights and privileges of the nation he represents, even if it costs his life, the soldier knows that every minute of the time he is on duty must be spent watching out for the enemy, and being ready to take him out at any given moment.

I'm sure that soldier doesn't need to be reminded that his focus must never shift from defense or offense to the affairs of this life. He doesn't have time to be worried about hurt feelings, disappointing past events, or even desires that haven't come to pass yet. He certainly can't afford to worry about whether or not his fellow soldier has his back. All soldiers must protect friendlies and destroy foes. If any soldier does the opposite, he is not worthy to wear the colors of the nation he swore to defend.

Do you see the picture? We became soldiers the moment we gave our lives to the Lord. If you think you have a choice in the matter, consider this: we became enemies of Satan, and his goal is to take us out before we do the same to him. That just makes me want to fight all the harder.

Our challenge for today is this: TOUGHEN UP! Yes, we have trials. Yes, the world hates us. Of course, it doesn't feel good to the flesh. But we all must share in the Lord's suffering if we are to be truly considered soldiers. And we are always victorious. So encourage yourself or someone else to take your suffering like a good soldier today. Remember: the kingdom of God benefits from your dedication to the fight. Happy H.U.M.P. Day!!!

A New Season For Words

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Today's Passage: James 3: 1-12
Memory Verse: James 3: 2

The tongue. Something so small, yet so deadly. Sometimes it amazes me how quickly a perfect morning can be ruined by just opening my mouth. Of course, when it happens, I immediately pull this "What'd I say?" line out of my hat. But later on, when the Holy Spirit and I are alone, I have to admit that I allowed something to come out of me because of something I was thinking.

Since Adam and Eve sinned, we've inherited this ability to conceive thoughts that are sure to become concrete once we let them escape out of our mouths. And yet, time and time again, we use our tongues to speak things that create nothing but destruction. If we were given a fast-forwarded view of what our words created, we'd be terrified of the fruit we've borne.

People of God, we throw our words around carelessly, as if they simply fall to the ground and carry no impact. But we know differently. Whenever we become frustrated or upset, we think we're just venting our feelings. In reality, we speak things that are not as though they already were. Rather than our words lining up with the Word, we become puppets and let our tongues pull us around. Exactly as it says in today's passage, we seem to be completely aware of how destructive our tongues really are.

Well, I say it's high time to turn things around. Is that moment of disappointment with our loved one(s) or whomever, we immediately put them in the path of an oncoming truck. Every word we speak is a prayer, especially fueled by emotions. No longer should we let our tongues be in control, but exercise the discipline made available to us by the blood of the Lamb. Rather than destroy, why not begin creating new realms of possibilities for ourselves and our loved ones? Let's give the enemy a headache for once, rather than each other. Let's begin to walk in a new season as a result of speaking what we DESIRE -- not what we dread. That would really make Daddy proud He gave us such a creative force.

Prayer: Father, please forgive me for using my mouth to destroy what You gave me. I repent and turn from this pattern. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Let my words be spoken from a place of Your love rather than mine. I truly desire to please You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Effectual, Fervent Prayer Avails Much

Monday, June 20th, 2011

Today's Passage: James 5: 13-20
Memory Verse: James 5: 16

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a lot of music that's supposed to be passing for "Christian" is straight depressing.  It seems that many of the songs are designed to keep us defeated when we are already struggling to get victory in the physical realm.  In a 30-minute segment of music on a radio station called "praise", I could not believe how situational the songs were-- not focusing on God, His kingdom and righteousness at all, but on how bad and sad everything I'm going through was.

People of God, we were meant to be overcomers, not barely being able to make it at all.  What and who we surround ourselves with makes the difference between living victorious or defeated lives.  In 1st John 4:1, we are reminded to test the spirits to make sure they are from God.  We cannot allow just anything to be deposited into our spirits and expect to walk in victory.

So here's where the true test comes in: if you take a look at the people around you, the music you listen to, and even the elders in the church you attend, you have to be certain that everything being spoken into your life DOES bring you life and not death.  God has made provision for everything we may go through by giving us the Holy Spirit.  But if we're not doing things exactly the way God prescribes, we won't have the victory He made available.

Today, as you go about your day, remember that prayer is the most important weapon you could wield against the enemy.  Individual and corporate prayer brings us smack dab in the middle of God's will.  Whether we are praying alone or with other saints, our goal should be to see God's kingdom come and His will done in our lives.  And we have God's assurance that He WILL answer.  The effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous never fails in warfare -- except when not used effectively and fervently.

Prayer: Father, thank You for reminding us to pray when things aren't lining up in our lives.  I take this opportunity now to lift up my brothers and sisters to You. May they bring victory rather than defeat to this earth.  And may all our lives reflect that You have made us victorious for life, no matter what the challenges.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.  

Prayers That Prevail-- Fathers' Day Edition

Sunday, June 19 th, 2011

Today's Passage : Malachi chapter 4
Memory Verses: Mal. 4: 5 & 6

Father, You are the most amazing Father there ever was. Your desire for fellowship with us drove You to sacrifice One that You may gain many others. I stand in awe that You loved and wanted me so much, You would be willing to do this. Thank You for counting me worthy in spite of my sin.

Today, I stand align with my other Christian brothers and sisters, praying for the fathers and children of our land. I know it grieves Your heart that many do not have a relationship with one another the way they should. So I begin to lift them up now . I pray that You will truly turn the hearts of the fathers back to the hearts of their children, just as You promised in this passage.

I pray that fathers everywhere on this Fathers' Day will be broken to the extent that they would be willing to humble themselves and sacrifice their pride. May they begin to draw near to You that You might draw near to them, helping them see the worth in themselves as well as their children. I cry out along with many others who are interceding for fathers.

As we enter Your house this morning, may we be so filled w ith the desire to carry out Your will that we begin to lay aside every evil thought and will. All honor and glory belong to You this Fathers' Day. In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.

Our Father's Inheritance

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

Today's Passage: Jeremiah 1:1-10
Memory Verse: Jer. 1:10

Imagine you had a father who died before you were born. He was one of the most wealthy men on earth. In fact, he was so wealthy that everything He left to you had to be put in a book thousands of pages long. It would literally take you the rest of your life to discover everything you inherited.

Well, praise God that we DO have a Wealthy Father, a King, Who has left us rich promises to claim. Among them is the promise of our nobility. Before we were even born, He ordained us to be victorious over the evil one. He then gave us His Word that we would use it to destroy all the power of the enemy. Today's passage is evidence of something great that he can never take away from us: our authority.

With our mouths, we can exercise our authority to speak God's will not only over our own lives, but over nations, kingdoms, principalities and powers. With our mouths, we can declare that every root of iniquity planted in our family line through generational curses be uprooted in the Name of Jesus. We must learn to pray without ceasing like never before. We must boldly declare God's Will over our lives until we see His will fulfilled.

Not only can we uproot infirmity, perversion, failure, and all other twisted forms of iniquity designed by the enemy, but God has also given us the power to plant the will of God in the place of what we've uprooted. Healing, righteousness, success, and virtue of God can be spoken to replace every ugly thing. But we must not be deceived: the enemy will tempt us to use our mouths against ourselves and those we love the most in the battle. We must keep our hearts free from bitterness, unforgiveness and malice. Only then will our authority be truly released, and we can pull down the enemy's kingdom. And then we will fulfill our Father's inheritance.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for the authority You provided for me to walk in. I use that authority now to root out the spirit of religion and fear of intimacy with You. I replace that spirit with a heart of total devotion to You and everything You are. I speak the same in the lives of my loved ones, sisters and brothers. For Your glory and in Jesus' Name, Amen.

God's Gotcha Back!

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalms 3
Memory Verse: Psalms 3:8

I was watching a movie the other day about some guys in a war.  Throughout the movie, they had experienced success, so they were very confident in their abilities.  Spiritual battles occur in our lives everyday, therefore, like the guys in the movie, we must be confident in the abilities God has given us.  However, sometimes we have a "Gideon" experience. Gideon was fighting a battle also.  However, his battle was quite real.  It wasn't a headache or heartache; it was a real war, and he was sorely outnumbered. 

What do you do?  What do you do when there's more enemy than fight?  What do you do when things seem to go from one disaster to another, before you have time to recover?  It seems the easy thing to do is give up.  If you throw in the towel, the enemy will feel sorry for you, back off, and leave you alone.  WRONG!  The enemy's agenda is not only to steal your destiny, he wants to destroy it.  Subsequently, after he destroys your destiny, he wants to kill you (eternally seperate you from God).  So don't get it twisted because there are no timeouts, resets, or do-overs once that happens.  You have to make up your mind that no matter what, you're going to stand.  

I'm believing God even now that your faith is becoming stronger than ever before.  As you read this devotional, confidence and boldness is returning to your spirit, and you again realize that all things are possible through Christ Jesus our Lord.  Just make sure you stay on the right side; on God's side.  You should know from Jesus' experience that things may look bad at first, but they always work out in the end.  Nobody can promise that on the devil's side.  In fact, he knows before going into the battle that he's already lost.  Our passage today tells us that God shields us on all sides.  He grounds our feet and lifts our heads high.  It also says real help comes from God.  His blessing clothes His people.  What a comfort!  How can you lose with that?  Let's commit ourselves right now to cling tightly to Him because that's where our protection is.  That's also where our confidence is.  We don't have to back down in the face of adversity.  God's got us.  Even if you're surrounded on every side, God's got you.  If your battle is a physical one and seemingly out of your hands, God's got you.  If you're fighting a spiritual battle, know that true life only comes from God.  False gods (money, relationships, material possessions, other religions, etc.) can't replace Him.  There's no one or nothing stronger or mightier than He is.  He's everything you need. 

In conclusion, I know battles can be scary.  Nobody wants to lose.  Losing anything is hard to deal with.  But God didn't create you to be a loser.  He placed a champion inside you.  You just have to access that champion through the Word.  The men in the movie faced their fears, believed in what they were trained to do, and ended up winning the battle; suffering only a few scars.  You have to trust in what the Word has taught you.  When you do, there won't be anything you can't face.  God's gotcha back, and so do we!

Prayer: Father, thank You for being our shield and defender.  Without You, the fiery darts of the enemy would consume us.  Therefore, we place our lives in Your capable hands.  We will no longer walk in fear.  We'll always be confident in You.  Now finish the work You began in us, and we'll forever give You praise, in Jesus' name. Amen 

Friend... Or Foe?

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

Today's Passage: James 4: 1-10
Memory Verse:James 4:1

Lately I've been asking myself a question that the Holy Spirit asked me: why is it that people of God have such a hard time fighting the good fight of faith? Why is the enemy seeming to win every battle against us in so many areas? Our families appear weaker than ever before; the marriages of believers have a divorce rate as high as that of non- believers. In our health, finances, and other relationships, the verdict is just as discouraging: FAILURE.

So why are our enemies having the last say? The answer is found in today's passage. The reason we're not winning is because our desires for the things of this world are greater than our desire to see God's will done in our lives. To be honest, we are more content to acquire temporary pleasures -- no matter how bad they are for us. From unhealthy foods to possessions that trap us under a mountain of debt, we ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit, our Guard and Teacher.

Here's the crazy thing: we know that God's ways dictate that we walk a certain way. So when we disobey, not only are we choosing to walk away from God; we're also opening ourselves to attacks by the enemy. How do we turn this around? By returning to God's ways and renouncing or falling out of agreement with the world's ways. Are we really that willing to make ourselves enemies of God just so we can be friends of the world?

As we begin to turn away from the things of this world, our love for God will become stronger. The passion that should only be reserved for Him will manifest itself in us once again. We must then draw ourselves to Him, repent for our selfish desires, and humble ourselves before the Lord. Those things are the opposite of what the flesh craves. And for that, there is no defense... Every knee will have to bow.

Prayer: Father, there have been times when I've chosen to turn my back on You so I can fulfill my own desires. I repent and ask You to burn off anything that would alienate You from me and make me Your enemy. I love You forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

The Best "You" Ever!

Wednesday June 15, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Peter 5:5-11
Memory Verse: 1 Peter 5:6

Geez!  The world can really put pressure on a guy.  People often say it's hard to live the Christian life, but I beg to differ.  I personally think living by the world's standards is the difficult thing.  That life is literally like chasing a shadow in that you can see it but you'll never get your hands on it.

My heart goes out to my neighbors who strive to live without Christ.  The struggle can be seen everywhere.  For example, sit down and watch a reality show.  The people being featured seemingly have everything they want, yet they live in such misery.  Although they have unlimited resources, they have the same problems people with limited resources do.  Anyway, no matter the socio-economic status, life without Christ is nothing to play with.  What can people in the world hang their hat on?  Who can they identify with?  By the time one settles in to a certain identity, it's no longer the popular one.  It's hard to be proud of who you are if who you are is always being pressured to change.  Verse 5 of today's text says "So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs.  God's strong hand is on you; He'll promote you at the right time".  Imagine that!  God's wants you to be who you are.  You don't have to look like them, or act like them.  God loves you because you're you.  No pressure.  When God made you He broke the mold.  There's no one else like you.  So if you spend your life trying to be someone else, who's going to be you?  The world needs you.  There's a purpose and a plan for your life.  Don't throw away your destiny in order to try to live out someone else's.  Everyone has their own place to fill.  Therefore, let your plan consist of being the best "you" you can be.  With God's word, you can maximize every gifting you have, and become the person you see in your dreams. 

Finally, stay on guard My Friends.  If you allow your gaze to be moved away from God you'll get off the path.  Know that the devil is always looking to destroy your relationship with the Father.  Question things that don't line up with God's commandments.  If you live this way, you'll never have to be pressured to improve yourself; you'll already be the best "you" God ever made!!!

Prayer:  Father, we like who You made us to be.  We will never again question Your creation.  If we want to be better, however,  we'll choose to be better in You, not the world.  We fall out of agreement with the world and its standards in order to become more and more like You, in Jesus' name. Amen

Make War!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Today's Passage: Ephesians 6:10-18
Memory Verses:Eph. 6: 11-12

The lyrics to Christian rapper's long "Make War" express perfectly our message for today's blog:

" I hear so many Christians, murmuring about their imperfections, and their failures, and their addiction, and their shortcomings. And I see so little war! Murmur, murmur, murmur. Why am I this way? Make War!

Verse 1 (Tedashii): Bang with me/ba-bang bang, ba-bang with me/ No more playing games man/cause this thang can get risky/ So man if you in Christ/TAKE UP!!/your cross quickly/ Stand fearless on the frontline/time to come with it/ Do the right thing/WAKE UP!!/and lets get it/ I ain't even in the ring/they throwing blows like Riddick/ Persistently attacking me/they're even in the back of me/ It's either fight or lose my life and I can't take this passively/ So what you think I'm bout to do/I'm bout to do what I can do/ Trust the ONE who got me through/and fight like it was after school.

Never giving up/steady, standing on the battle field/ Feet firm to the ground like I stepped on Chappel Hill/ Flesh feeling frisky, sin persuades and tempts me/ Satan cheers me on/guilt followed by conviction/ It's the same ol' trap/and we fall like we defenseless/ Work your senses/grow in wisdom/stand firm and be relentless/ I MAKE WAR!/Cause sin never sleeps/ It's got me in a trance/you can see it in my dreams/ I MAKE WAR!/Man I beat my flesh/ to the death/every breath/like I beat my chest/ I MAKE WAR!

Well, TD Nation, there you have it. Two words that do NOT go together are "believer" and "coward". We've been equipped with armor that makes us literally invincible. But the enemy we need to watch out for is OURSELVES. Our thoughts, our feelings, and our desires can be the things that the enemy uses to put chinks in our holy armor... if we let them. But when put in their place, they only serve to be used to defeat the enemy. As we pray boldly, exposing whatever lies within that gives the devil a foothold, and putting ministering spirits on assignment to fight forces on the outside, we really ARE invincible. So what are you waiting for? MAKE WAR!!!!!!!

Prayer: Father, You have given us the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, and the sword of the Spirit to protect our heads, hearts and lives. We have the belt of truth , the shield of faith, and the shoes of the gospel of peace to keep us firmly standing against the enemy's tricks. We stand now with the whole armor, declaring that we are victorious over every attack of the enemy. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Spiritual Warfare

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Today's Passage: 2 Corinthians 10: 1-7
Memory Verse: 2 Cor. 10: 3-4

Okay. I know that we are not to focus on the flesh or pay attention to it in any way when it comes to spiritual matters. But I have to admit: I find myself eye- balling men and women of God who walk in supernatural power. You know-- not to judge them or anything of that nature; I simply study them out of curiosity to see what makes them tick, and how they are able to command such anointing.

Well, as soon as I start asking those questions, new ones pop up in their place. Questions like -- how come it's so easy for some people to operate in the spirit and win? This time, in response to my questions, the Holy Spirit asks the most obvious question of them all: How come YOU'RE not warring in the spirit realm? What makes you think you're not qualified?

That's when it hits me: a believer is only as effective as his or ability to see past who and where he/she is at the moment. Those who remember that at any given time, the enemy can influence someone we may know, love and even trust, are the ones who don't lose their calm in the battle. Furthermore, when you find yourself in a flat-out attack, the thing to remember is that the enemy is afraid of something you have on the inside of you. He's also afraid that we'll get to our destination in victory -- which he hates.

So today, know that operating in the spirit realm is just as natural as breathing. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the real forces behind the faces you can see in the natural. And most of all, remember that all we have to do is start to fight with our spiritual weapons-- our own mouths. With them, we can pull down every demonic force that stands in our way. Quite simply, we have a choice: stay on the ground and fight in vain, or be lifted up in the heavenlies and win.

Prayer: Father, so many forget that our weapons are made for mighty warriors. Help us to engage in the battle, rather than get sidetracked into letting people who allow themselves to be used by the enemy steal our witness. We declare that we are warriors, and that the battle has already been won. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Prayers That Prevail

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

Today's Passage: John 15: 1-10
Memory Verse: John 15: 4-5

Father, the more I see Your hand at work in the lives of the people around me, the more I realize how much we all need You.  The more I see how miserably I fail without You, the more I desire to abide in You.  The word "abide" means to continue, to stay, and to remain.  

Today, I determine to continue in Your ways like never before.  Since You came into my life, You've required me to change everything.  My way of thinking has had to go; my attitude of only looking out for myself, my goals, and my dreams.  You've changed my idea of conditional love to that of selfless love, seeking first Your kingdom and its righteousness.

I do repent for the times when I have tried to go back to that person who thought she knew what was best.  I ask You to guide my thoughts and actions as I depend more and more on You.  I will stay in You by staying in Your Word and making it more of a part of my life.  No longer do I have the option to decide when to obey and when not to; it's all or nothing.

As I prepare to worship You in the assembly of the saints, may the fruit only You can produce through me come forth.  As I submit to You will and way, let the creativity and newness flow from me and my brothers and sisters of TD Nation.  Let us produce new songs to invite Your glory into our lives, and may our pastors minister from Your heart to change us even the more.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.  

To The Battle!

Saturday, June 11th, 2011

Today's Passage: Joshua chapter 1
Memory Verse: Joshua 1: 6-7

Every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening before leaving the green room for praise and worship, we shout out: "To the battle!". Earlier this year, we received the revelation that what we were getting ready to do before the Word came was not merely singing songs. On the contrary, it was about going before our brothers and sisters on a spiritual battlefield to take new territory for them and eventually for ourselves.

But what we have found on this journey of fighting with and for one another is that it's very easy to get sidetracked, as today's passage suggests. One of the things that causes a loss of focus is fear of failure. Joshua watched Moses live a very successful life with God speaking to Him and leading him and the Israelites through every battle. Now that it was his turn, it would've been very easy for him to let fear overtake him and keep him paralyzed. Rather than move forward in faith, we may not be able to participate in our victory.

Another thing that we need to watch out for is selfishness. God told Joshua to tell the Israelites from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh that they would have to wait for their portion of the land until all the other children of Israel received theirs. That meant THEY couldn't enjoy wealth and peace until everyone else did. What?! Does God really expect us to leave our place of complacency and war in prayer, praise and worship for others--even those who may not understand what we're fighting for? Yes. It is a requirement.

If I understand this passage correctly, then God is calling us to put away all fear, laziness and complacency in order to go to a new place He's taking us to. The reign of Moses (the old way of accessing God and receiving blessing from Him) is gone. Now He wants total obedience, unity and boldness in order for us to take new territory-- for others as well as for ourselves. This requires the basic understanding that WE MUST COME OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONE. We can't be stuck in the way we've always seen it done. If we let go of the fear, we will see untold growth in this new season of power and anointing. Everywhere our feet tread, God has already given it to us. But we must engage in the battle for one another. So, let's all go... TO THE BATTLE!!!!!

Prayer: Father, You've already prepared us for this new season by making us uncomfortable in the old places. Like a mother eagle that ruffles up the twigs in the nest, we can't stay where we are. We must go and take by force what You've so richly provided for us. May we remember to be strong, courageous, selfless, and obedient, following Your every step into new territories. As we claim them for Your kingdom, may Your great Name be exalted in this earth. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

It's Graduation Time!!!

Friday, June 10th, 2011

Today's Passage: Hebrews 5:12-14
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 14:20

As we enter the season of graduation, we'd like to take time out to acknowledge all our graduates (on every level).  Your hard work has finally paid off.  We, your parents, family members, and friends have watched you grow since your very first day of school.  Now, God has produced in you the maturity we always knew you'd possess.  We're so proud of you.  And we pray you continue to grow while accomplishing everything God has for you!

This is truly a special time of year.  This season is marked by upward movement.  It is the culmination of hard work, diligence, and commitment.  All the challenges have been faced and met.  The hours of homework and study have paid off.  It is now time to recieve the credentials that say you're responsible for what you've learned over the last nine months.  You are either being promoted to new challenges, or you're graduating altogether.  You know Who else likes graduation?  God does.  He has always wanted His children to grow and mature.  God says in Hebrews: "By this time you ought to be teachers yourselves, yet here I find you need someone to sit down with you and go over the basics of God again, starting from square one--baby's milk; when you should have been on solid food long ago.  Milk is for beginners, inexperience in God's ways; solid food is for the mature, who have some practice in telling right from wrong". 

Just like we want our children to grow, God wants us to also.  If you and your wife gave birth to a child five years ago, you wouldn't expect to still be carrying them and/or feeding them with a bottle, would you?  Then what good is it for us not to "graduate" from certain things?  We've been Christians for a little while now, but God has to keep feeding us the "milk" of our faith: love your neighbor/enemies, keep my commandments, and hate evil.  He does that because we continuously love our evil, hate our neighbors, and keep our enemies.  Let's graduate, People of God!  Let's move forward to our next level.  The graduation season is significant in that it shows that you did it.  You passed!  No more falling victim to the devil's traps.  You can now recognize (discern) his games from a mile away.  No more walking around that same mountain over and over again.  Your faith is strong, and you're living in the benefits of righteousness and obedience.  Dah, dah-dah-dah--dah, dah (grad song)!  Remember, 1st Corinthians 14:20 says: "To be perfectly frank, I'm getting exasperated with your infantile thinking.  How long before you grow up and use your head--your adult head"?   The time is now.  It's graduation day!!!!

Prayer: Father, You are so good to me.  Not only do You give me divine protection, You nourish me with Your awesome word.  I never miss a meal.  Day and night, You prepare Your table before me.  All I have to do is come, and You'll give me more than I can handle.  Let me feast on it for the rest of my days, and grow mature enough to bring others to the table. In Jesus' Name, Amen.    


Yes, We CAN!!!!!

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalm 119: 1-16
Memory Verse: Ps. 119: 9

Who do people see when they see us?  Do they see a bunch of spineless, aimless and wishy-washy individuals who can't tell from one minute to the next whether they're sure about this thing called Christianity?  Or do they see bold go-getters who're head- over-heels in love with their Lord, Jesus Christ, Who is equally worth living for?  

I ask the question because we live in a society where believers are seen in a negative light.  We are even portrayed by other believers as weak and incapable of standing firm and walking out the principles of God's Word.  But in today's passage, the believer I want to be is one who has confidence only in the Word of God.

Not only are we required to completely obey God's every Word, but we're expected to live it out  loud.  Why else would He have sent His Son if His blood only partially covered our failure?  No matter the struggle, the answer is cleaving to HIS way of doing things.  From relationships to health, answers can be found in the Word.  Whether or not we take heed will determine our success or failure.

Today, whether you're a brand new Christian, a backslidden one, or a sold-out veteran, rejoice in the fact that obedience to the Word has untold benefits.  He causes His blessings to unfold on our behalf to show the skeptics that yes, the Christian life CAN be walked out in all its fulness.  He overwhelms us with His grace when we fall short, and crowns our heads with glory so that the accuser cannot heap shame upon us.  Be encouraged wherever you are in your walk.  Hold your head up high and STRIVE to go all the way.  Nothing shall be impossible to them that believe.

Prayer: Father, I live, move, and have my being in You.  I rejoice in the hope that I will be like You one day.  In the meantime, I lean on Your grace and receive strength through the Holy Spirit's power to be victorious in my walk.  May I never cease striving to bring glory to Your awesome name.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.          

H.U.M.P. Day!!!!!

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

Today's Passage: James chapter 2
Memory Verse: James 2: 14 and 24

FAITH. What a powerful word. Without it, we can never please God. With it, nothing is impossible for us to accomplish in this world. Every trial and contrary circumstance that comes against us is for the purpose of building this great virtue in our lives. But James makes a profound statement in today's passage that we must consider: FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD.

What?! So I can possess all the faith to move mountains, but it profits me nothing if I DO nothing to put that faith into action? This statement takes away every excuse that we are insignificant, and have not been given free will to RESPOND to God's commands. Let's face it: if Abraham had not OBEYED God and moved when he was told to do so, He wouldn't be called the Father of faith today. And do you know what gave Him the grace to be called "friend"? His obedience when God required His son as a sacrifice.

Faith may be the substance of all things that we hope for, and the evidence of things that we do not see. But OBEDIENCE is the vehicle that moves faith and causes it to bring into fruition what we are dreaming of. And here's the thing many of us don't want to face: if we don't SHOW God that He can trust us to obey Him WHEN He says move, how can we expect Him to open windows for us to operate in greater levels of influence?

That said, our challenge for today is this: MOVE! There's no such thing as WAITING on God to open doors for us. He did everything He was supposed to do. He destroyed the works of the enemy through the blood of His Son, Jesus. Then He showed us how to defeat satan by obeying and selling out to Him. So when He tells you to do something, stop making excuses and calling it "standing in faith." Get in God's face and get behind what He's blessing. He loves the poor and broken. When you begin to do your part to bless them, He'll move on your behalf. Let's make this really practical. Whenever you hear the words "outreach" or "missions", your baby should leap. Do whatever you can to support those who are reaching the lost for Jesus Christ. Put your money and resources behind it. If you want to be a believer in action, this H.U.M.P. day challenge is for you. MOVE, and watch God respond.

Prayer: Father, thank You so much for Your Word. Our desire is to obey You unflinchingly. Whatever moves You is what we want to be involved in. Give us the grace to not be more focused on our goals than we are on touching Your world one act of obedience at a time. If you don't only look at faith, but are moved by our works as well, we will combine our faith with our works -- for Your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Disappearing Act

Tuesday June 7, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 John 3:16-18
Memory Verse: 1 John 3:18

Ever been to a magic show?  Those things are crazy, aren't they?  The guy comes on stage and starts pulling doves out of his sleeve, and pushing swords through his assistant. It's all entertainment.  Oh, and don't forget the flowers in the walking cane and the old rabbit out of the hat bit.  Success for these guys depends on whether or not they make you believe they can really make things disappear.

If we aren't careful, we can become magicians ourselves.  According to today's passage, if you see a brother in need, and have the means to do something about it but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God's love?  It disappears.  And YOU made it disappear.  Imagine standing on stage before God and saying "Now for my next astounding feat, I'm going to make Your love disappear".  Not you, right? Well, each day God gives us life, we're on stage for Him.  While on stage, we have the opportunity to show His love by caring for our fellow man.  God expects this in His kingdom.   As Christians, we simply cannot allow ourselves to have issues with love.   It's the ONLY way to get to Heaven.  If we see someone in need, and we have the means to help them, what should we do?  We should help them because the adverse would be telling the world God's love doesn't exist.  Christians can spend a lifetime preaching on street corners or singing in choirs; however, all the words they speak or sing mean nothing if they don't show His love.  Truth is, the world doesn't care how much we know - they want to know how much we care.

Finally, we should always seek to make God's love available to others because it was once made available to us.  Giving someone the same opportunity to live that you were once given is the best thing you could ever do for God.  We have to adopt this mindset.  The church can no longer hide behind its walls in obscurity.  It's time for God's love to be put on display.  So, if you have the means to do it, do it.  It's your reasonable service.

Prayer:  Father, so many need Your love.  They're in every city, every state, and every nation.  Help us to see them as You see them.  Break our hearts with the things that break Your heart.  As we strive to be more like You, let us show Your love more and more. In Jesus' name. Amen 

Look For the Remnant!

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 John 2
Memory Verse: 1 John 2: 24 & 27

It's the most tired excuse a believer has ever heard, but it's used all the time nonetheless. If you were to ask a person who's flirted with the idea of being a believer why he or she hasn't completely sold out, the most popular response is that believers are "hypocrites". Let's face it, though. Believers have given those who are watching us some powerful ammunition to use against us.

Every now and then, believers are caught in this snare that the enemy sets for us all. Whether it involves adultery or some other sexual scandal, misuse of money within a ministry, or the discovery that someone who was highly respected in the Christian community is not living up to that standard, it leaves a bitter taste in everyone's mouths. It also gives the impression that the Christian life is impossible to walk out.

But this one thing is certain: our role model, Who came in the flesh and lived among us, never let us down. He was in the flesh just llke we are, and did not succumb to sin. Whenever we fall short, it's not because of Him. As a matter of fact, if we want to be honest, we fail lots of times because we choose so many others to emulate rather than Christ Himself. There was no compromise in Him, so where is the compromise coming from?

Verse 15 in John 2 makes it clear. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life stop us short of showing forth God's best every time. When our priorities are on the things of this world, what we will accomplish will end up being the things this world settles for: unfulfilled relationships, a quest for material things that never satisfy, and recognition for being nothing but promise-breakers. But if we keep our eyes on Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith, the anointing of the Anointed One Himself -- Jesus the Christ -- will keep us walking in His ways and obeying His commandments. Next time you talk to one of those people who're straddling the fence because they've not seen the real thing walked out, remind them to look for the remnant... those of us who choose to abide in Him and walk holy... because He did.

Prayer: Father, thank You for sending Jesus to show us that this Christian life CAN be walked out in the flesh. All You require is acts of obedience to Your will because You first loved us. May we be willing to make the sacrifice and stand for righteousness, so that the world will have no excuse but to yield to Your Majesty. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Prayers That Prevail

Sunday June 5, 2011

Father, You are our peace and our source.  We ask for Your presence today.  More importantly, we can't stop thanking You for Your love.  Mere words can't express how much that love means to us.  Not only is Your love a remedy for us, it's also a perfect example for how we should live and treat others. 

Lord, when we think of love, we immediately think of marriage.  So, as wives, let us be the example You described in Proverbs 31.  Let us be productive and nurturing, bringing increase to our households.  Lord, we desire to be the helpmeet You designed us to be.  So, give us what we need to meet the needs of our homes and communities.  As husbands, let us see our wives as the gifts they are to us.  Our desire should be to love them as You love the church, so turn our hearts back to that place.  No more walls, no more unfair expectations, and no more one-sidedness.  Let us be one in Your presence, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Break the Cycle!!!

Saturday, June 4th, 2011

Today's Passage: Proverbs chapter 5
Memory Verse: Prov. 5: 15, 16 & 20

I'm sitting here reading the passage for today, and the one thought that keeps running through my mind is this: WHY WASN'T THIS PART OF THE BIBLE TAUGHT WHEN I NEEDED IT THE MOST? I know that God's ways are perfect, and that He gave us all a will to choose the right, but every time I think of the many wasted years I spent giving away my life to fulfill the enemy's purpose rather than God's, my heart breaks all over again.

Growing up as a pre-teen, with such an impressionable mind, I was sucked into the web of lies and deceit woven by the enemy concerning infidelity. Although my parents were happily married as far as I could see, and we had times of devotion in a Godfearing home as well as attended church everytime the doors opened, there was another message being preached louder than the ones we heard on Sunday. With the absence of the Holy Spirit's conviction, I was buying into the times my father would leave the house on weekend nights when my mother traveled out of town, staying out until two and three in the morning.

And every time another brother or sister was introduced to us from another woman-- siblings who were the same ages as my mother's children -- the message would get louder. Without realizing it, the iniquity of adultery was being passed on to me. Every popular song played on the radio, though it sounded so innocent, sent the message that only stolen or forbidden love was sweet. There was no longer any fun or passion in dull, boring married life. So by the time I was 16, I was content to be the secret lover of a married man.... Until the saving, delivering power of Jesus snatched me from the very depths of hell itself.

Had there been a spirit-filled minister like my pastors today, preaching of the traps set by the enemy, I at least would've known I was being used as a tomb for that man's lost soul. Somehow, when you look at adultery that way, it doesn't seem so exciting, does it? But the flip side of it is that being married to a spouse in love with the holy God Who set us free makes it exciting to wake up every morning with the same partner: no guilt, no secrets, and no lies. And do you know what the crazy part is? Even in godly homes where the Word IS taught, the world's influence is rearing its ugly head to our children through the media and even "Christian" artists. People of God, we must arise and live God's way ALL the way. Let's break the cycle of iniquity that threatens to be passed down to our children.

Prayer: Father, I believe the enemy is crafty, weaving the lies about sin being glamorous right in front of our faces. But even now, You are raising up a remnant who WILL NOT bow their knee to compromise. May Your love shine through, and the enemy's power be broken in our marriages until holiness is once more set as THE standard of our society. We WILL pray Your Will until we see it come to pass. In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.


Friday, June 3rd, 2011

Today's Passage: Hebrews 13:1-8
Memory Verses: Heb. 13:4 and Gen. 2:25

It's interesting to me that, as passionate as spirit-filled believers are about Christ, many of us are equally ashamed of anything to do with intimacy inside of marriage. Well, you just can't talk about marriage without discussing intimacy. So here goes. Today's passage commands us to honor marriage and keep the bed of man and wife holy (YES, I SAID IT: MAN and WIFE! For this is still God's ONLY definition of marriage no matter what anyone else has turned it into).

So what does "undefiled" truly mean in this passage? Does it refer simply to there being no limit to the types of sexual acts that can be performed between husband and wife? I went to several Christian websites for some deeper insight, and found exactly that on the website of ministers/ marriage counselors Mike and Wanda Collins (check them out at One of the things they explained was that it's very easy for believers to take the Word out of context if not looking at the whole message within a particular scripture.

Having read ALL of verse 4, I understood them to mean that "undefiled" has less to do with how we interact with our spouses on an intimate level, and more to do with the things we MUST not allow to destroy that intimacy. God specifically says in this verse that fornicators and adulterers will be judged by God. That lets us know that God requires us to do everything possible to keep outside influences from defiling our marriage bed and removing the sacredness placed there by God when we said our vows. These influences include pornography, flirting with someone other than our spouses, and entertaining thoughts about others that make them look more desirable than the one God has blessed us with.

With that in mind, the word "undefiled" has taken on a new meaning for me. It helps me to understand that intimacy with my spouse is very much approved by God -- AS LONG AS IT IS NOT DEMEANING TO EITHER SPOUSE and brings no shame in the presence of God. But even more importantly, if I want to experience a deep intimacy and true fulfillment with my spouse like never before, nothing and no-one else can be brought into the marriage bed: not soul ties from past relationships, not fantasies about unholy sexual acts, or physical attraction to ANY other person than our mates. Jesus already warned us that the heart is where sin is committed. We must guard our marriages from the enemy's influence. This is truly what makes "undefiled" possible.

Prayer: Father, thank You for giving us Your Word so that we can walk in the fulness of wisdom and understanding in all things. I repent now and renounce all soul ties from past relationships that may be hindering the intimacy between me and my spouse. As we become more intimate with You, may we be released to walk in the fulness of everything You intended for us when You created us. In Jesus' mighty Name we do pray, Amen.

God's Abiding Love

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Corinthians 13: 1-8
Memory Verse: 1 Cor. 13: 1-2

If I remember anything about our marriage at the beginning, it would be that we were on two absolutely different islands with no clue what was going on in one another's hearts. My idea of love was that of the fairy-tale romance from the soap operas, while he probably just wanted the opposite of what he grew up seeing. As time went by, I would sometimes wonder whether my husband really loved me. I couldn't be sure of his love, because it seemed as if we couldn't agree on anything. It wasn't really until a couple of years later that I truly began understanding what true love was all about.

The first glimpse of God's love at work came when our family moved to ALM. My husband was attacked in the area of his credibility by a close family member, and that's when I truly understood the power of unity. As long as we stood together, nothing and no-one could come between us. I learned the true meaning of "love never fails".

Little by little, I've come to know that God tells us to love HIS way for a reason. The only kind of love that lasts is love that's long-suffering, kind, and refuses to see the other person as the enemy. No matter how we see things, there's only one way-- God's way. There is NO such thing as divorce, because God creates man and wife to fit each other. Never in the body of Christ will there ever be irreconcilable differences between us.

Now, fifteen years later, do we still encounter attacks on our family in one form or another? Of course. Is married life perfect? Of course not. But WE know who we are to each other: God's answer to those questions and problems from outside. Last December, when we renewed our vows to one another, there were none of the illusions from our earlier life. There was only a strong sense of God's deep, abiding love that will accompany us into eternity.

Prayer: Father, I praise You for Your love that has taught me to be selfless. When issues arise, I look for Your answer. May the world --and others in the body of Your Son -- see us walk out this powerful weapon against the forces of darkness. We live to bring glory to Your Name. In Jesus' Name, Amen.