#1 in Coverage! (H.U.M.P. Day)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Today's Passage: Matthew 28:19
Memory Verse: Same

I saw a cell phone commercial the other day that got me thinking. The ad was trying to convince me that they were #1 in coverage. Hmmm, I thought. They may have more coverage than their competition, but they're a distant second compared to the Body of Christ; or they should be.

Our assignment this H.U.M.P. Day is to 'extend the coverage'. Make sure someone around you knows how much Jesus loves them. Call an old friend who lives out of town and tell them Jesus loves them. You can even communicate that love via an act of service. The important thing is to do whatever you can to make God famous. Let's go Td (totally devoted) nation, we've got work to do. More coverage!!!

Prayer: Father, You've already given us the command to go and tell others about You. Give us Your heart, and help us make sharing the news of Your Son our number one priority. For the harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few. May we live only to bring You glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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