Mothers of Destiny

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Today's Passage: Exodus 1:15-22; 2:1-10
Memory Verses: Ex. 1:17; 2:3

The more I read about the lives of people in the Bible, the more I get the feeling that I'm in the middle of an action-packed adventure movie. But each account fills me with faith nevertheless. Today's story is no different. Imagine yourself as a midwife in ancient Egypt, having just been given a command from the Pharaoh to snuff out the lives of all the male babies born to the Israelites. Under a heavy penalty of severe punishment by the highest earthly power in the land, what do you think would have possessed these women to disobey, choosing instead to keep the male babies alive?

The answer, my sisters and brothers, is destiny. These women had to have been filled with a holy reverence for God's creation, which caused them to obey Him rather than man. In fact, Scripture tells us that these women feared God, and therefore refused to do as the King commanded. The commandments had not even been written yet, but they knew that there was something special about their people, the Israelites, which had to be preserved.

Fast-forward to a few scenes later in this story where a Hebrew woman gives birth to a son. She is able to hide him, and later on places him in the Nile River, propelled by the same desire to preserve the life of this precious Hebrew child. You know the rest. The baby is discovered by none other than the daughter of Pharaoh herself, and adopted as her own son -- but not before being nursed by his very own mother! This baby, who miraculously escapes Pharaoh's wrath while growing up in his palace, is Moses, the deliverer of the children of Israel. How can events so seemingly random be so connected?

Beloved, our God is a God of destiny. Every single event in the lives of His children is pre-ordained to produce the greatest good. Be not deceived, for God sees the end of a thing before its beginning is even established. God knew He would need a deliverer for His people long before Joseph's brothers even betrayed Him and sent him in the direction of Egypt. So how could He trust His plan into the hands of a few lowly women? He placed inside each one of us a deep desire to obey Him, even in the face of great persecution.

Be assured today that your babies are children of destiny. God has already seen a need years into the future that He has chosen each one of them to meet. If you're not sure I'm right, you may want to ask a worship leader by the name of Israel Houghton. He'll be happy to tell you that his mother was disowned by her parents because she refused to abort him. Consequently, she raised him, scared and alone. But oh, how God watched over them! He knew the world would need to be brought to its knees through true worship to Him in the 21st century. Whatever you're facing, know that it's included in the plan. For you are right where God wants you: on the path to destiny.

Prayer: Father, I praise You for orchestrating our steps to fall in with Your plan to bring answers to this troubled world. I pray for every Mother who reads this message, even some who may be second-guessing their decision to carry their babies or raise them. Give them Your Grace to stand up against the persecution around them, and obey You rather than man. Then, Lord, use us all to bring forth Your end-time harvest on this earth. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen!

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