It's become an inspiring example of PERSISTENCE even in the mainstream collection of movies, and it's definitely my all-time favorite.  I can see it now-- the scene in Alex Kendrick's movie " Facing the Giants" where the coach convinces one of his main players to crawl 50 yards with a 150-pound player on his back while blindfolded.  Through the pain, and because of his coach's urging not to give up, Brock manages to crawl all the way to the end zone... And discovers that the player he'd been carrying was 15 pounds heavier than he thought!

 If you're like me, are you tired of coming so close --but not close enough --to walking in ALL the fullness of living the Totally Devoted Life?  Has one disappointment after another convinced you that CHANGE is just a pipe dream?  Read with us this week and discover how attainable it is THROUGH PERSISTENCE...And just how rewarding it will be at the finish line when you STAY IN THE RACE.

 Week of June 24th> A Summer of Change: PERSISTENCE WILL PAY OFF!

 Monday, June 24th> Romans 7: 14-25; John chapters 1-3

 1.  Although the word PERSISTENCE seems difficult when faced with areas of our lives that we need to change, in what ways DO we show persistence?


Tuesday, June 25th> Hebrews 10:23;  Galatians 6: 9; John chapters 4-6

 2.  Why is it important NOT to become weary and give up hope if we want to truly see things change in our lives?


Wednesday, June 26th> Ephesians 6: 16;  John chapters 7-9

 3.  How does our SHIELD OF FAITH operate as our primary weapon in our fight for PERSISTENCE?


Thursday, June 27th> 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; John chapters 10-12

 4.  In what ways do our lives parallel those of runners, and how does PERSISTENCE defeat the enemy's resistance to our success?


Friday, June 28th> James 1: 2-4 NLT; John chapters 13-16

 5.  How has God designed the use of trials in our lives where PERSISTENCE is concerned?


Saturday, June 29th> 2 Kings 2: 1-14; John chapters 17-18

 6.  What could happen "SUDDENLY" when we are PERSISTENT in pursuing Godly covenant relationships?


Sunday, June 30th> Ruth chapter 4; John chapters 19-21

 7.  In what other ways does PERSISTENCE promise to pay off in our lives?


 Always Totally Devoted

Can one man really make that much of a difference in our world?

Is it even worth the headache and heartache to stand and fight for righteousness and Godly families?  Does God really expect us to walk away from the "backup plans" we may have stored deep in our hearts just in case His way doesn't work out to our advantage?
What does a Godly, on-fire, and courageous man look like, anyway?  Well, look no further than the life of Joshua the son of Nun!  Read with us this week and find out how to walk in our God-given authority over the kingdom of darkness as you learn how to DECLARE: "As for me and my house, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!"
Week of June 17th> A SUMMER OF CHANGE: "As For Me and My House"
Monday, June 17th> Joshua 24: 1-13; Luke chapters 4-6
1.  In what ways has God shown Himself to be a FATHER in your life?

Tuesday, June 18th> Joshua 24: 14; Luke chapters 7-9
2.  Why is it of the utmost importance that we commit to serving God in SINCERITY and TRUTH?

Wednesday, June 19th> Joshua 24: 15; Luke chapters 10-12
3.  What are some examples of the "gods on the other side of the River of Life" that we will HAVE TO put away out of total devotion to the One True God?

Thursday, June 20th> Joshua 24: 16-18; Luke chapters 13-15
4.  In what ways have the "gods of the Amorites, in whose land we dwell", influenced believers today?

  Friday, June 21st > Joshua 24: 19-31; Luke chapters 16-18
5.  What characteristics of Joshua the son of Nun do Godly men need in order to take a stand for the kingdom of God in the face of so many challenges?

Saturday, June 22nd> Matthew 11:12 (NIV); Ephesians 6: 12 (MSG); Luke chapters 19-21
6.  What MINDSET SHIFT is expected among Godly fathers that will make the most impact on our homes, neighborhoods, and eventually our society?

Sunday, June 23rd> Hebrews 8: 10 (MSG); 2 Corinthians 3: 2-3; Luke chapters 22-24
7.  Where has God placed the MARK of His covenant with us that serves as a REMINDER to us as well as a LIVING LETTER of Christ to the world?

Always Totally Devoted

A Summer of Change: Want Fruit? Something MUST Bloom!



Pastor Yassah Po...sted:

Roses, carnations, hydrangeas, oh my! Peppers, cabbages, spinach-- yum, yum! Plums, oranges, tomatoes-- oh, wow! The list goes on and on of the Father's colorful AND delicious display of His purpose for our lives. Did you know that your life is DESIGNED to bloom, produce seed from intimacy with the Father, then bear fruit that will attract others to Him? Have you ever considered the contrary winds and pests in your life as ASSISTANTS to the pollination that is necessary for reproduction?

Are you ready to push past all the distractions and hindrances to maturity so that YOUR ULTIMATE PURPOSE-- to bear fruit that remains and reproduces-- can manifest? Read with us this week, our second week in A SUMMER OF CHANGE, and find out how God has set us up to be fruitful and multiply for His kingdom.

Week of June 10th> A Summer of Change: Want Fruit? Something MUST Bloom!

Monday, June 10th > Romans 1: 20; Matthew chapters 26-28

1. How does God use His creation to model what the believer's life should look like?

Tuesday, June 11th> Genesis 1: 11-12; Mark chapters 1-3

2. In what way do the reproductive organs INSIDE the flower parallel that of the body of Christ?

Wednesday, June 12th> John 15: 1-7; Mark chapters 4-6

3. Although inside of EACH of us has been placed the necessary parts for reproduction (GIVER and RECEIVER), why WON'T we reproduce without INTIMACY?

Thursday, June 13th> Galatians 5: 22-23; Mark chapters 7-9

4. What is God's ultimate purpose for wrapping His seed inside of the fruit we produce, then making it attractive and irresistible to others?

Friday, June 14th> 2 Corinthians 4: 7-11; Mark chapters 10-12

5. Contrary to what many of us would like to believe, in what way do winds and pests ASSIST the POLLINATORS (the Holy Spirit, the Word, and Godly relationships, etc.) in depositing the seed of life into us?

Saturday, June 15th> Jeremiah 48:32-33 (NLT); Mark chapters 13-16

6. How does the destroyer use SIN, IMMATURITY, and LACK of COMMUNION to steal our fruit before reproduction takes place?

Sunday, June 16th> John 15: 15-17; Luke chapters 1-3

7. What do we as believers need to do in order to reproduce after our own kind in this season of fruit-bearing?


Week of June 3rd> A Summer of Change/BIBLE READING PLAN
Monday, June 3rd> Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8; Matthew chapters 5-7
1. Although everything in creation displays God's intention for change to be NATURAL and CONSTANT, why do we resist change in our lives?
Tuesday, June 4th> Matthew chapters 8-10
2. In what way does God reward us when we dare to INITIATE the change needed in our lives rather than become unwilling participants?
Wednesday, June 5th> Matthew 24: 32; Matthew chapters 11-13
3. In order for change to begin, why is it important for us to resist the urge to remain hard and unmoving after going through disappointments and heartbreak?
Thursday, June 6th> John 15: 5; Proverbs 11: 30; Matthew chapters 14-16
4. Just as Jesus exemplified in His ministry, what is the first and foremost RESULT of allowing God's will and purpose to abide (live and remain) in us?
Friday, June 7th> Luke 13: 6-9; Matthew chapters 17-19
5. What does this passage in Luke 13 reveal about the TRUE heart of God towards His children who may have missed seasons of productiveness for one reason or another? How should we respond to God's compassion and mercy?
Saturday, June 8th> Romans 12: 1-2; Matthew chapters 20-22
6. Unlike many fruit trees whose flowers "show" on the outside, what does God want us to learn from the fig tree whose fruit IS the flower?
Sunday, June 9th> Psalm chapter 1; Matthew chapters 23-25
7. Although God has promised to make us fruitful in the spring AND in the fall, what attitude must we be mindful to have if we want our fall harvest to be different?