Our Very Present Help

Monday, May 10th, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm 3
Memory Verse: Ps. 3:1-3

Okay, Saints. It's another Monday. The glory cloud seems to have lifted after Sunday's awesome time in the presence of the Lord. Wanna know why it seems that way? By the enemy's design. I'm positive it's not just me, because from week to week, there is a rapidly growing mountain of issues and problems -- finances, health, relationships, or just an inability to find one's place in the world. No mater how much we grow in our walk with God, there's always something.

So today, I just wanted to encourage you by first of all reminding you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE in this battle. Just take a look at David. In this passage, He's faced with the problem of having his own son for a mortal enemy-- one who was about to turn his subjects against him. For two chapters, I tried to see how it was possible for God to allow Absalom to have even the littlest bit of success that he did have before he met his end. The answer He showed me leads to what God wants you and me to get out of this lesson.

I think what God wants us to learn from seasons when the enemy's attacks are increasing against us is not that He wants us to ignore them, or will them to magically disappear. He wants us to see Him and His ability to shield us WHILE we're in the midst of the battle. Did you ever notice the way soldiers continue to advance towards their enemies when they have their shields in place? As long as the shield covers them, they can find strength to keep fighting. David describes God as his shield, his glory, and the lifter of his head. This lets me know that when the attacks get stronger against us, the temptation to admit defeat arises. But if you will only remain in the secret place, in the shadow of the Almighty, His glory will surround you. Lifting your head again has to do with you realizing once more that you're His, your life is in His hands, and no weapon formed against you will ever be able to overcome you as long as you remain in covenant with Him.

When you see trouble arising -- as it so often tends to do on our way to our promise, let your trust in Him arise as well, and watch Him give you His peace and freedom from fear. For He is and always be our very present Help.

Prayer: Father, You have always been faithful to shield me at my most needy moments when the enemy seems to be winning. In You I can find hope for a bleak situation, joy, and victory. I acknowledge You as my answer to every question, and because of You I will not be afraid of ten thousand enemies. I'll rest in Your love and plans for me. Thank You for reminding me that You are all I need. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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