H.U.M.P. Day!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today's Passage: Matthew 18:21-35
Memory Verse: Matthew 6:33

Praise God for another HUMP Day! God's ultimate mission and purpose is our daily motivation. Through the acknowledgement of HUMP Day, we are able to show total devotion to our Holy Father. Today, let's focus on the Kingdom of God. This is the place where our destiny and purpose lives. It's the place where blessing derives, and it should be our daily focus.

Our mission today is "forgiveness." In Matthew 18:21, Jesus tells the disciples that the kingdom is like a king who wanted to settle his accounts with his servants (those who owed him). A man who owed him 10,000 talents was brought before the king, and he could not make payment. He begged the king for another chance, and the king forgave him of all his debts. After this, the man had a servant who owed him a debt thrown in jail. This made the king very angry. The king asked: "After I forgave you of your debt, should you not have had compassion on your servant?" He ultimately sent him to be tortured and imprisoned.

So Friends & Lifers, if there's someone who owes you, forgive them. Jesus paid a great price for us, and we'll never be able to pay it back. Besides, if they were able to pay you back, they would have already. Also, place yourself in position to recieve forgiveness by paying back debts "you" owe. If you owe someone (in the body of Christ especially), have enough integrity to discuss the debt with them in all humility. Offer what you can and ask to be forgiven. Fulfilling this mission will teach you kingdom citizenship.

If you'd like to share a "HUMP Day" experience (testimony), don't forget to do so on our blog! Be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I travelled to work this morning, I conversated with my prayer parner/best friend (as I do practically every morning). I discussed a sitution of unforgiveness. She said: "When you get to work, read your H.U.M.P day blog." I did, and I say Thank you Lord! He knows just what we need & when we need it.