The Pleasure Principle

Today's Passage: Psalm 147:11

Memory Verse: Hebrews 11:6

Saturday February 27, 2010

Hi Friends & Lifers! It's the weekend again. Most people like weekends because they offer time for rest, relaxation, and maybe a moment to do something for themselves. As we all must be aware, sometimes finding the simple pleasures of life can be a hand-full. A moment of quiet, a favorite meal, that date with your spouse you've been planning for weeks, may all be forms of pleasure that make the end of a week so nice.

While studying to prepare for this devotional, I realized our feelings may come directly from the heart of our Father. He's always watching over us. He's diligent in the way He cares for us. His "days" seem to be filled with providing for us. So where does He find pleasure? He finds it in our worship. Worship is defined as reverent honor and adoration to God. It's a lifestyle that says we fear Him enough to know He's Lord, but we can still come before Him boldly as His children. Psalms 147:11 says "The Lord takes pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy". It pleases God that we fear Him. It pleases Him that we don't take Him for granted or try to use Him like some "lucky charm". He also takes pleasure in the fact that we trust Him and put our faith completely in Him. Hebrews 11:6 says we cannot please Him without it.

So as you try to find those simple pleasures this weekend, remember God is looking for a little of His own. Let your life reflect a healthy fear of Him. Love Him in the good times and trust Him in the bad. Walk by faith an He'll always find pleasure in you. When you're in worship on Sunday remember it is "His" time. After all He's done for you through the week, He deserves it.....don't you think?

Father, I love You so much. Find pleasure in this life I'm living for You. Forgive me for the times I've taken You for granted or not believed You. You are my hope and peace. And You'll reign as Lord and King of my life forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

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