February 5, 2010

Today's Passage: Joel 2:28-32
Memory Verses: Joel 2:28-29

To many, these last days seem so full of evil that there is nothing to look forward to. On the contrary, though, we have a promise from God that believers ought to be holding onto like never before. He says that He will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh; our sons and daughters shall prophesy. Old men shall dream dreams, and young men shall see visions. Also, upon His menservants and handmaidens He promises to pour out His Spirit as well.
Why is this important, you may wonder? The outpouring of God's Spirit is what we need to fuel this end-time revival. Acts 1:8 clearly says that we shall receive power when the Holy Ghost is poured out. This power convicts us to live holy, to share the Word with others, and to be the salt and light for a thirsty, dark world.
The outpouring was necessary to transform a roomful of terrified disciples into the bold witnesses we read about in the New Testament, and it's even more necessary now in the midst of subtle persecution.

Brothers and sisters, let's not let another waking moment go by without allowing God to pour Himself out on us. Furthermore, let's not allow another service in our churches where He is not welcome to dwell and inhabit our praises. As we take Him at His Word, we will see revival break out in our homes, workplaces, and most of all, among our children.

Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit. You're welcome in my life. Pour out Yourself all over and within me. Renew my heart, my thoughts, my intentions, and my actions. I make room for the will of the Father. Let the kingdom come and God's will be done always. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

1 comment:

Abundant Life Ministries said...

This was right on time!!! Pastor Nette and I had already been discussing this subject and begun preparing a message, then we read this devotion later on the same day.... Great Job Pastor Yass!!!