Nobody Like Him!!!

Today's Passage: Psalm 18:30-32

Memory Verse: Psalm 24:7-10

Tuesday February 23, 2010

If you had the chance to meet anyone in the world who would it be? Come on, keep it real. And can't be Rashean Mathis of the Jacksonville Jaguars (you know who)! But who would it be? Would it be your favorite actor, musician, writer/poet? Would you get excited if by some chance you find out that person was coming to your house? I know I would.

Now what would you do if I told you that the Lord Most High was stopping by? Would you get excited? We used to sing a song called "Who is like the Lord" during praise and worship. I remember the excitement we had because truly, there's nobody like Him. Nobody will ever love you the way He does. He'll never let you down and He'll never betray your trust. It's like being personal friends with the most powerful man in the world. How confident in yourself would you be then? Psalm 18:30 says "As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; and He is a shield to all who trust Him". How awesome is that? So let's line them up: Denzel, Julia, Will, John, Cameron, and yes, even Rashean. While they're all great people, none of them can hold a candle to the One who's singing over you right now. He's the most popular person in the universe. But He still wants to have a relationship with you, yes you!

So I challenge you today to do as Psalm 24 says and lift up your head. Because the King of Glory wants to come in. Who is this King of Glory? He's the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. If you know who He is then nothing should cause you to fear, or set you up to fail. He loves you my friends....and we do too! Have a great day.

Father, I thank You for your faithfulness toward me. Although I haven't earned the right to be Your friend, You still call me friend. I submit my life to Your Lordship and I'll never turn back again. Walk with me today. Be my sight and my guide. I'm Yours forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Pastors Chris / Yassah Lee said...

Sure you're right, Pastor Chris! How often we take for granted just how awesome our God is. No-one on this earth or in heaven can compare. I'm a VIP because of Who He is, not because of anything I could've done!

Pastor Yas

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha too funny, And i totally agree Nobody Like Him! and absolutely nothing compares, not ESPN, NFL(network), NBA, NCAA, Sirius(Sports Category)etc. Let's just remove these distractions from our lives and find our "Corner Back" in Him.