God's Ultimate Will

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Today's Passage: Colossians 1:3-11
Memory Verses: Col.1:9-11

Every believer has asked these questions at one time or another: what is God's will for my life? And how does this "will" affect my daily life? I'm so grateful that God doesn't hide His will from us, but releases it to us through His Holy Spirit. And this is the key: that we be filled to overflowing through time spent in the presence of God Himself.

Paul's prayer to the Colossians was that they would be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. The meaning behind this action of being filled, as Pastors Chad and Antoinette ministered so powerfully this morning, is a continuous process, as though the faucet of the Holy Spirit is left on always, pouring into our spirits at all times so that we are full to the brim, lacking nothing needed to fulfill the Lord's calling in our lives.

Why is it so important that we be filled? So that we might walk worthy of the Lord, carrying His Name in a manner that makes Him proud to call us His own. So that our faith is so strong that we are able to see past our circumstances to His desire for us to prosper HIS way, not ours, which will cause us to constantly please Him through obedience rather than make sacrifices after bad choices.

We must be filled so that everything we do in Christ's Name prospers and is fruitful instead of becoming stagnant because we're not trying to keep it alive through the arm of the flesh. So that our knowledge of Who God is GROWS beyond our childlike understanding of Him that we received when we became saved. We must be filled so that we are not weak, but continually strengthened by the power of His might, fighting with the spiritual weapons we have been freely given, and WINNING every time.

If you are still unsure of what God's will is, make a commitment not to spend another day outside of His presence. Ask specifically to be filled with His Spirit, then remain in the posture to receive it. You will walk out every ounce of His will -- for that is the purpose of the in-filling.

Prayer: Father, Your ultimate purpose for my life today is that I be filled with Your Spirit. Thank You for showing me that I need to make room for Him so that I reflect the very essence of Who You are daily -- for strength, for wisdom, for knowledge, power, and victory. May I not only seek the in-filling for myself, but I pray this for ALL the saints, so that we all can walk worthy of You in these last days. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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