Pass It On

Today's Passage: Isaiah 59:14-21
Memory Verse: Isaiah 59:19-21

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I remember growing up in a medical family. My parents both practiced general and obstetric nursing, so day in and day out there were patients of every kind coming to our home where my parents had a walk-in clinic. Years later, I always wonder why only one of my sisters carried on the passion for medicine -- until I read this passage.

Looking around us, it's not hard to see how young people can easily be influenced by the world's portrayal of "fun" and the good life. But if we allow the holy standard to be raised in our homes, where they are constantly hearing about Who God is and why we love and honor Him, their passion for Him will grow, and the flood-like influence of the enemy will be rendered ineffective. You see, what I realized about my family is this: although I was constantly surrounded by the medical field, seeing my parents get up every morning to work at the hospital, then come home to attend to their patients until late at night, they never shared their passion with us. On the contrary, every time I recall going around the clinic, I was told to go back into the house. Eventually, whatever interest I may have had in what they did for a living was lost.

Parents, spiritually this is what we must never allow to happen to our children. Psalm 145:4 says "One generation shall praise Your works to another, and tell of Your mighty acts". God has already fulfilled His end of the covenant with those of us who fear Him; He has given us of His Spirit, and has promised to continue to pour Himself out on us and the generations after us. But we cannot simply be content to bring them to church. We must be diligent to pass on our passion for His presence, and teach them to seek after God for themselves.

Because we live in a time when both parents have to work outside of the home, I'll be the first one to acknowledge that there are serious challenges to finding the time it will take to teach our babies to love God and live for Him with a passion. But if we do what our pastors have been declaring over us and MAKE ROOM for His presence in our day, God will honor our desire for Him and give us what we need to raise children who are on fire for His Son Jesus. Let's all make a conscious decision to "pass it on" today.

Prayer: Father, You are a generational God. You desire for us to be successful not only in our personal relationships with You, but also for our children to experience the fulness of Your presence and power. Holy Spirit, fill us with the passion we need to carry on the legacy of righteousness to our children and their children, for Your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

1 comment:

Karma said...

This is AWESOME advice! I know that it is something that God has really been putting on my heart!! Thank you!