February 1, 2010

Today's Passage: Proverbs 6:12-19
Memory Verses: Prov. 6:16-17

When we walk closely with God, we begin to be sensitive to the things that please Him. One way to find out and make sure we're doing that is to read our Bible, which is our GPS (God's Positioning System).

In this proverb, God is not being vague about what He hates, but literally shares His heart with us on this matter. The first thing He talks about in this passage is "a proud look" (v.17). God doesn't want His children walking around as if we are holier or better than others just because we've chosen to walk in His ways. The quickest way to push away people who don't know Christ is to show them with our haughty attitude that they don't stand a chance of trying to be like us. If a proud look is what our Father hates, then humility is what He wants from us. Let's check our hearts and walk in humility today.

Prayer: Father, You know better than anyone that I have no reason to walk in pride. What You hate, then, is my attempt to pretend that I've never dealt with issues in front of those who may not know my past. May I reflect on just how low You stooped to deliver me from my sin, and keep a heart of humility ever before You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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