February 8, 2010

Today's Passage: John 3:13-18
Memory Verse: John 3:16

Love is in the air! A few days before Valentine's Day, you can see symbols of love everywhere: hearts, the color red, chocolates, teddy bears, and Cupid with his arrow, among others. Lovers will be expected to give one another things to show just how much the other person is loved. But as believers, our greatest example of love is Jesus Christ, who gave up Himself as the very best sacrifice for our sins. Because love is a giving word, we are expected to give our very best to our loved ones year round. Don't get me wrong -- the flowers and candy once a year are a nice gesture, but how much does it really mean if we're not showing that same love all the time?

The full measure of how much of a sacrifice love really is can be seen in what Christ did for us, knowing before the foundation of the world that we wouldn't readily accept His love. He decided to love us even while we were yet sinners (Rom. 5:8). Too often, our love is based on how much our spouse or children please us. I wonder just where we would be if Christ's love were that conditional. But praise be to God that He doesn't give up on us when we drop the ball, but continues to hold up His standard of love everyday that we live. May we be so steadfast and dedicated in our love walk.

Prayer: Father,if I praised You for the rest of my life, I would still never be able to adequately show my gratitude for what You did through Your Son for me. Let my willingness to walk out the same sacrificial love be a beacon of light to those who may not yet know Your love. Help me never to take Your sacrifice for granted, but keep it ever before me to remind me of what my love towards my spouse and children should look like. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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