February 6, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm 27
Memory Verses: Ps. 27:13-14

A friend asked this question recently: why does it seem so easy for believers to lose heart or waver, and so hard for non-believers to come to the faith? I couldn't really answer the question at that moment, so I voiced it to God. He reminded me of the vast difference between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. Anyone who has a desire to follow Christ must lose his or her life in order to find it again; the enemy deceives his followers into thinking they are living when really they are dying.
Instant gratification is the main attraction in the kingdom of darkness: if you want it now, all you have to do is this, or that,and it's yours. But when we accept Christ, we're making a covenant to do things His way, and the one thing we must learn to do is WAIT. Nothing happens in a believer's life without walking through a PROCESS. When trials and temptations come, if we would only meditate on the promises of God, resolving to WAIT until He's done preparing us for whatever we're desiring, we will walk in constant victory.
Today, remember that God is the ultimate Father. He knows how best to bless His children, and as we wait on the best He has in store, He's developing strength, character, and our ability to minister to others. Be still, and WAIT only on Him.

Prayer: Father, like a little child I've asked why I can't have what You promised right away. Forgive me for being impatient, and help me re-focus on the purpose for which I was placed on this earth: to serve You and others first. May my praise be even stronger while I'm waiting, so that Your glory is revealed in me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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