Living Bibles

Today's Passage: Matthew 4:1-11
Memory Verse: Matt.4:4

Today, I happened to watch a movie that made a tremendous impact on my life as a believer. It was "The Book of Eli", in which the main character's mission was to get the only remaining copy of the Holy Bible to the West, where it could be preserved. For thirty years, he had watched over it, protecting it from anyone who would try to take it away. The events that followed astounded me (I won't spoil it for you if you'd like to go see it). After seeing this movie, I began to ask myself some questions.

Question number one is this: what if there came a time in our world where there were no more copies of the Bible available? Would I have enough of the Word on the inside of me to sustain myself and others in times of trials and temptations? Question number two: although that time has not yet come, am I consuming enough of the Word daily to be a "living bible" for others to see? Jesus was our perfect example of the Word made alive, combatting every temptation of the enemy with "It is written..."

People of God, the perilous times spoken of in The Word are here. Many will shun the written Word, often not even wanting to hear it from us. But they will never be able to stop us from living it before them, so we must live the Word -- not to hear them praise us for being so holy -- but so they can see what we do and glorify the Father. After seeing the movie, I was truly inspired to want to stay in the Word for the treasure it is, and for the life-transforming power it has.

As the ones called out of darkness into His marvelous light, may we make the Word our daily bread, not living on natural food alone, but by every word that proceeds from God's mouth. And may our faithfulness turn us into "living bibles" fit for the Master's use.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your Word. So often,I am reminded of how vital it is that I stay connected to You by reading and consuming Your Word. May I not take it for granted, but commit to making it such a part of my life that it will flow out of me in every situation. Cause me to become dependent on it, and always stand for You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow....that truly hit home for me! most of us take for grantide that we "know" the word of God, but we would be in serious trouble "remembering" all of it that we say we know if something happened and there was no way to look up scripture. thank you for this. it has motivated me to begin memorizing more scripture!