Love Actually (Women)

Today's Passage: 1 Cor. 13:1-13
Memory Verse:1 Cor. 13:4-5

This Wednesday night, Pastor Chad was ministering about what a difference it makes when we approach what we do for God with passion rather than seeing it as an obligation. Not only are we exceedingly blessed, but there will also be the evidence of our relationship with Him. Which got me thinking: what kind of relationships would we have with our spouses if we actually loved with a passion rather than just out of an obligation?

Ladies, I'll be the first one to take the mask off and say we are often guilty of this. God has given us such a capacity to love. We are the ones who are the nurturers, who can take little or nothing and multiply it. And yet, when it comes to showing love to our husbands, we hold back in the very area we were meant to flourish. Why do we do it? Because we're waiting for our husbands to show us some sign that they are worthy of that passion.

We do carry a lot on our shoulders -- that is true. Many of us work outside the home as well as in ministry, then come to our homes knowing the work is not yet complete. So when it comes to performing acts of love, which the Word says is not to be done for selfish gain, we often wonder what's in it for us. We feel as though somehow we're being cheated of our share of the deposits in the love bank. If these thoughts are not checked and cast down, we will soon find ourselves dreading moments of intimacy that were meant to be fulfilling.

So, in the words of Pastor Chad, I ask again: what if we woke up everyday looking for ways to touch our husbands' hearts without expecting anything in return? What if we showed the longsuffering, kindness, humility, and -- dare I say it again -- passion in our marriage rather than seeing it as one more sacrifice we have to make just because God requires it of us? Before long, we will truly begin to see the BENEFITS of being married blooming everywhere. Due to the seeds of love we've planted (without strings attached, girls),we will receive the very things we're looking for: the attention, the tender words, flowers and candy for absolutely NO reason at all, and an equally passionate husband.

I submit to you that we don't HAVE to keep working at this marriage thing, doing all the work seemingly by ourselves; we GET to participate in the most blessed and sacred union ordained by the Father Himself. So ladies, what are you waiting for? Go find a way to show your man that he is THE MAN right now. That's my cue, folks...

Prayer: Father, You have given us women such a deep capacity to love. May we receive a revelation of just how contagious and fruitful that love is, bringing back into our lives a bountiful harvest of every seed planted and watered with passion. Empty us of the spirit of religiously "fulfilling our wifely requirements". Fill us with the passion to give more and meet our husband's needs like never before. And may You alone receive the glory for every couple our relationships inspire to do the same. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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