February 3, 2010

Today's Passage: Proverbs 6:16-19
Memory Verses: Prov.6: 16-17

Have you noticed how easy it seems for some people to take innocent lives? Day after day, we hear about how individuals from every age group are being murdered in unthinkable ways. We huff and puff in disdain at the news, spouting out quick judgments about what punishment we think they should receive. But a closer look at this passage, in which God tells us He hates those whose "hands shed innocent blood", suggests we may not be so innocent ourselves.

"Innocent" by its very definition means "not guilty", or "wronged without a cause". How many times have we shed the innocent blood of our brothers and sisters when we spoke evil of them, judging their actions by our intentions? Our tongues cut into their flesh in much the same way that a murderer's weapon slashes into the flesh of his or her victim. And whether we like it or not, we have to face the fact that God sees every type of pain inflicted as wrong. We must be willing to bring ourselves under the loving judgment of the Father, and change.

Prayer: Father, forgive me for the times I shed innocent blood when I used my mouth to backbite and spread evil about one of Your children. May my intentions as well as my words be to edify only and not to tear others down, for it is You Who always hear me. I need You to help me keep my lips from speaking guile, so that I may always please You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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