H.U.M.P. Day!!!!

Today's Passage: Matthew 5:13-16
Memory Verse:Matt.5:16

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's H.U.M.P. Day! Yes, H.U.M.P. (His Ultimate Mission & Purpose) Day. Each Wednesday, the writers of this devotional page will challenge its readers to engage in one H.U.M.P. activity. We can offer ideas, but ultimately we want you to be led by God. So whether you pray for a co-worker's marriage, or buy food for a hungry family, it doesn't matter. Just get out there and do something radical to expand the kingdom of God!

Okay, here are some ground rules. First, you have to show the love of God to someone you don't normally have communication with. Second, let what you do "stretch" you to some degree-- you know, get you out of your comfort zone. Last, post your ministry act in the comment portion of this blog.

So let's get going!!! God's image is waiting to be seen by someone without hope today. We are His body, His image, His voice, and the manifold demonstration of His love. Altogether now....Hooray for H.U.M.P. Day!!!

Buy someone a meal
Give a child a blanket/coat
Visit the hospital/nursing home and pray for 1 person on your lunch break
Pray with a classmate at lunch

Father, You are so awesome. This day is going to be ALL about you. Show me who you want me to minister to today. Show me where you want me to go. Let me be the salt and light you called me to be...especially today!
In Jesus' Name...Amen

1 comment:

Billie said...

I spoke to Pastor Chris this morning does that count lol...seriouly you have challenged me. I will be looking for opportunities all day!