Pass It On II

Today's Passage: Hebrews 4:11-16
Memory Verse: Heb. 4:12-13

Friday, February 19th, 2010

Do you remember the moment God's Word "quickened" you? I do. Can you pinpoint that moment when something happened on the inside of you, letting you know that it was time to give your heart to the Father? I can. All my young life, I attended a church where religion was king, but even then I knew there was something more to this God I was singing about.

When I finally heard the gospel of salvation (that Jesus died to bring me freedom from all my sin), and was ready to receive it, I knew at once that I couldn't accept Christ and remain the same. I think about all the people He put in my path -- people who bore witness of His unconditional love for me. To this day, each encounter is engrained in my memory.

Now that we are saved, we must carry on the gospel. God wants us to simply bear witness of what He did for us. Every time I think back to the times of seed-planting God orchestrated for me, I realize that those individuals who came and shared Christ with me didn't necessarily bring Bibles with them. I think what I remember the most is the LOVE which obviously compelled them to approach me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that we need to be more concerned with sharing the gospel than with how people will react to what we have to say. This passage reminds us that God's Word is sharper than any two-edged sword, and can see through to all our intentions and thoughts. Just as Jesus did with the woman at the well, God's Word discerns right where we are (there's no fooling Him, mind you!) Then it draws and compels us into His love. With this in mind, let's pass on to others what we've been given.

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