Obey Your Thirst I

Today's Passage: Isaiah 55:1-3
Memory Verse: Is.55:1

Okay. It's tax time. We've all been contemplating throughout the year what we'll do with the extra income (after tithe and offering, of course). When you finally get the money, you experience a wonderful feeling of happiness at being able to meet your family's needs and even some of your wants. Then something weird seems to happen, though. Although your heart's desire is being fulfilled, an emptiness begins to replace that feeling of euphoria before the money is even gone.

What is that? Why is it that earthly things satisfy us for only a short time? Before you become tempted to blame this on the fact that there's always something else you need, look closer. This passage warns us that there is ABSOLUTELY NO pleasure to be found in the things of this world. If you're not convinced, ask any person who has lots of money. Better yet, go back a few books in the Word and learn from Solomon, who set out to discover and enjoy every pleasure possible under the sun. He had been given riches and wisdom unlike any other king in Israel's history. Yet even he came to the conclusion in Ecclesiastes that "all is vanity" (Ecc. 1 an 2).

So what is the solution? How do we manage to live a life of joy and true fulfillment? This, my brothers and sisters, is simply found in the presence of the Lord. In this passage, the Father calls out to us: "Hey! That void you're feeling is thirst for communion and relationship with Me. Your soul longs for it in the same way your body longs for water." He invites us to come and drink of Him, satiating our thirst in a way that nothing earthly can satisfy. He even reminds us that, though it cost Him everything to provide this living water, all we have to do is freely receive it.

Today, as you go about your daily duties in pursuit of your dreams and goals, don't go thirsty. Let the Holy Spirit submerge You in the living water that renews, restores, and flushes out of our spirits the evil influences of this world. Saints, the benefits to consuming this water are endless. Among them is the evidence of your spiritual health, which will be seen in the juicy fruit you produce. Obey your thirst!

Prayer: Father, I accept Your invitation to come and buy Your life-giving water. Fill my thirsty soul today and let me overflow with the life others are looking for. Too often, I have wasted time and resources on pursuits that held temporary pleasures. I commit now to seeking Your in-filling for the rest of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so true in that complete fulfillment can only be found in God's presence. No person, no thing has kept me satified as His presence has and does. Just as the deer pant for water my soul pant for Jesus. I will obey my thirst, and not attempt to satisfy it with substitutes. Thanks!