Obey Your Thirst II

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm 63:1-8
Memory Verse: Ps.63:1-2

Everytime I watch animal and plant life on television, it always amazes me how all of God's living creation has one major purpose. To stay alive and thrive, plants and animals will do just about anything to find water. Some animals will travel thousands of miles to be near a lake or river, while trees stretch their roots deep into the ground. Critters from the rat family have gone so far as to gnaw through pipes under homes in search of water to sustain them. Built into their physical makeup is the knowledge that they must have access to water, or they will die.

Which brings me to this question: why are human beings (myself especially) the only species that denies themselves water when it is the best thing for us? We have found countless substitutes like sodas and even flavored water, convincing ourselves that we can survive without the real thing as long as we are consuming some type of liquid. As a result, our bodies send pain signals to our brain, attempting to communicate to us that we need to be refreshed with water.

There's no doubt that this is what happens to us in the spirit realm. Even committed believers tend to lose sight of what's important to sustain us in this Christian journey. We look for substitutes to fill the void, not staying near our life source, which is the Living Water Himself. We can't be content with just a touch from God every now and then. To use this analogy of our physical bodies, the more weight we are carrying requires us to consume more water more often. By the same token, the more trials and circumstances that threaten to overburden us, the more of God's presence and the infilling of His Spirit we must have.

Today, get as much of the Lord's presence as you can. Go out of your way to find "God moments" where You can be with Him. And when it is time to assemble with other believers in corporate worship, don't miss the opportunity to go, expecting "to see His power and glory", just as you have seen Him show up before in the sanctuary. Lift your hands and bless Him with abandonment, knowing that you will certainly be filled to overflowing. Obey your thirst, saints.

Prayer: Father, You are my God. Early will I seek You. My soul thirsts for You in this dry and thirsty land where no water like Yours can be found. I choose to be filled by Your Spirit today and everyday. May my soul follow hard after You all the days of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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