Yes, We CAN!!!!!

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalm 119: 1-16
Memory Verse: Ps. 119: 9

Who do people see when they see us?  Do they see a bunch of spineless, aimless and wishy-washy individuals who can't tell from one minute to the next whether they're sure about this thing called Christianity?  Or do they see bold go-getters who're head- over-heels in love with their Lord, Jesus Christ, Who is equally worth living for?  

I ask the question because we live in a society where believers are seen in a negative light.  We are even portrayed by other believers as weak and incapable of standing firm and walking out the principles of God's Word.  But in today's passage, the believer I want to be is one who has confidence only in the Word of God.

Not only are we required to completely obey God's every Word, but we're expected to live it out  loud.  Why else would He have sent His Son if His blood only partially covered our failure?  No matter the struggle, the answer is cleaving to HIS way of doing things.  From relationships to health, answers can be found in the Word.  Whether or not we take heed will determine our success or failure.

Today, whether you're a brand new Christian, a backslidden one, or a sold-out veteran, rejoice in the fact that obedience to the Word has untold benefits.  He causes His blessings to unfold on our behalf to show the skeptics that yes, the Christian life CAN be walked out in all its fulness.  He overwhelms us with His grace when we fall short, and crowns our heads with glory so that the accuser cannot heap shame upon us.  Be encouraged wherever you are in your walk.  Hold your head up high and STRIVE to go all the way.  Nothing shall be impossible to them that believe.

Prayer: Father, I live, move, and have my being in You.  I rejoice in the hope that I will be like You one day.  In the meantime, I lean on Your grace and receive strength through the Holy Spirit's power to be victorious in my walk.  May I never cease striving to bring glory to Your awesome name.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.          

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