Friend... Or Foe?

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

Today's Passage: James 4: 1-10
Memory Verse:James 4:1

Lately I've been asking myself a question that the Holy Spirit asked me: why is it that people of God have such a hard time fighting the good fight of faith? Why is the enemy seeming to win every battle against us in so many areas? Our families appear weaker than ever before; the marriages of believers have a divorce rate as high as that of non- believers. In our health, finances, and other relationships, the verdict is just as discouraging: FAILURE.

So why are our enemies having the last say? The answer is found in today's passage. The reason we're not winning is because our desires for the things of this world are greater than our desire to see God's will done in our lives. To be honest, we are more content to acquire temporary pleasures -- no matter how bad they are for us. From unhealthy foods to possessions that trap us under a mountain of debt, we ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit, our Guard and Teacher.

Here's the crazy thing: we know that God's ways dictate that we walk a certain way. So when we disobey, not only are we choosing to walk away from God; we're also opening ourselves to attacks by the enemy. How do we turn this around? By returning to God's ways and renouncing or falling out of agreement with the world's ways. Are we really that willing to make ourselves enemies of God just so we can be friends of the world?

As we begin to turn away from the things of this world, our love for God will become stronger. The passion that should only be reserved for Him will manifest itself in us once again. We must then draw ourselves to Him, repent for our selfish desires, and humble ourselves before the Lord. Those things are the opposite of what the flesh craves. And for that, there is no defense... Every knee will have to bow.

Prayer: Father, there have been times when I've chosen to turn my back on You so I can fulfill my own desires. I repent and ask You to burn off anything that would alienate You from me and make me Your enemy. I love You forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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