Prayers That Prevail-- Fathers' Day Edition

Sunday, June 19 th, 2011

Today's Passage : Malachi chapter 4
Memory Verses: Mal. 4: 5 & 6

Father, You are the most amazing Father there ever was. Your desire for fellowship with us drove You to sacrifice One that You may gain many others. I stand in awe that You loved and wanted me so much, You would be willing to do this. Thank You for counting me worthy in spite of my sin.

Today, I stand align with my other Christian brothers and sisters, praying for the fathers and children of our land. I know it grieves Your heart that many do not have a relationship with one another the way they should. So I begin to lift them up now . I pray that You will truly turn the hearts of the fathers back to the hearts of their children, just as You promised in this passage.

I pray that fathers everywhere on this Fathers' Day will be broken to the extent that they would be willing to humble themselves and sacrifice their pride. May they begin to draw near to You that You might draw near to them, helping them see the worth in themselves as well as their children. I cry out along with many others who are interceding for fathers.

As we enter Your house this morning, may we be so filled w ith the desire to carry out Your will that we begin to lay aside every evil thought and will. All honor and glory belong to You this Fathers' Day. In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.

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