Break the Cycle!!!

Saturday, June 4th, 2011

Today's Passage: Proverbs chapter 5
Memory Verse: Prov. 5: 15, 16 & 20

I'm sitting here reading the passage for today, and the one thought that keeps running through my mind is this: WHY WASN'T THIS PART OF THE BIBLE TAUGHT WHEN I NEEDED IT THE MOST? I know that God's ways are perfect, and that He gave us all a will to choose the right, but every time I think of the many wasted years I spent giving away my life to fulfill the enemy's purpose rather than God's, my heart breaks all over again.

Growing up as a pre-teen, with such an impressionable mind, I was sucked into the web of lies and deceit woven by the enemy concerning infidelity. Although my parents were happily married as far as I could see, and we had times of devotion in a Godfearing home as well as attended church everytime the doors opened, there was another message being preached louder than the ones we heard on Sunday. With the absence of the Holy Spirit's conviction, I was buying into the times my father would leave the house on weekend nights when my mother traveled out of town, staying out until two and three in the morning.

And every time another brother or sister was introduced to us from another woman-- siblings who were the same ages as my mother's children -- the message would get louder. Without realizing it, the iniquity of adultery was being passed on to me. Every popular song played on the radio, though it sounded so innocent, sent the message that only stolen or forbidden love was sweet. There was no longer any fun or passion in dull, boring married life. So by the time I was 16, I was content to be the secret lover of a married man.... Until the saving, delivering power of Jesus snatched me from the very depths of hell itself.

Had there been a spirit-filled minister like my pastors today, preaching of the traps set by the enemy, I at least would've known I was being used as a tomb for that man's lost soul. Somehow, when you look at adultery that way, it doesn't seem so exciting, does it? But the flip side of it is that being married to a spouse in love with the holy God Who set us free makes it exciting to wake up every morning with the same partner: no guilt, no secrets, and no lies. And do you know what the crazy part is? Even in godly homes where the Word IS taught, the world's influence is rearing its ugly head to our children through the media and even "Christian" artists. People of God, we must arise and live God's way ALL the way. Let's break the cycle of iniquity that threatens to be passed down to our children.

Prayer: Father, I believe the enemy is crafty, weaving the lies about sin being glamorous right in front of our faces. But even now, You are raising up a remnant who WILL NOT bow their knee to compromise. May Your love shine through, and the enemy's power be broken in our marriages until holiness is once more set as THE standard of our society. We WILL pray Your Will until we see it come to pass. In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.

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