God Has a Plan!!!

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

Today's Passage: Psalm 37: 1-15
Memory Verse: Ps. 37: 12-13

When you're in the middle of crisis, you find yourself asking God, "Why me?  Why now?"  You ask yourself over and over what you could've done to prevent what happened.  Most of all, you can't seem to get over the hurt from the one(s) who inflicted it, especially if they were close friends or loved ones.  The last thing you can think about is the condition of your enemy.

But today's passage reminds us that, while we're feeling sorry for ourselves, the enemy of our souls is capitalizing on the fact that we are taken aback and blown away by the FACE of the one(s) sent to attack us.  While we're agonizing on who they are and why they of all people could do this to us, satan is hoping we never get the revelation that it's THEM we need to be feeling sorry for.

You see, while plans are being made in secret to take down the people of God, He Who sees all hearts and will judge every man according to his intentions AND his works also has a plan.  The Word says He laughs at our enemies when they get ready to come against us.  He knows that, if they do not repent of their wicked ways, they will be swept away in a tornado of their own, never to be seen again.  

But how is God going to be able to distinguish US from THEM if we don't renew our minds quickly in the midst of the storm?  He knows that we will struggle with bitterness and unforgiveness, which will then turn to hate.  And before we know it, we're plotting retaliation, which is only God's to use.  Then, when it's God's turn, we will be lumped in with the wicked and receive their punishment.  That's why God's Word to us is trust God and continue doing things HIS way.  The way of the wicked is sure, and while we're on our way to healing and victory, only wrath is being held up for them.  This knowledge should cause us to change our attitude towards the wicked.  Imagine what would happen if we even started to pray for them?  God only knows.  Look up, men and women of God.  He DOES have a plan.

Prayer: Father, thank You for reminding me that my focus should never be on myself or my situation.  You are calling me to a place where things are being stored up for me, but my mind and heart MUST be right.  You care about the condition of ALL our hearts.  So please fill me with the desire to see even my enemies blessed.  They, too, have souls.  Let my compassion for them overflow as Yours did towards me when I turned MY back on You.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

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