A New Season For Words

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Today's Passage: James 3: 1-12
Memory Verse: James 3: 2

The tongue. Something so small, yet so deadly. Sometimes it amazes me how quickly a perfect morning can be ruined by just opening my mouth. Of course, when it happens, I immediately pull this "What'd I say?" line out of my hat. But later on, when the Holy Spirit and I are alone, I have to admit that I allowed something to come out of me because of something I was thinking.

Since Adam and Eve sinned, we've inherited this ability to conceive thoughts that are sure to become concrete once we let them escape out of our mouths. And yet, time and time again, we use our tongues to speak things that create nothing but destruction. If we were given a fast-forwarded view of what our words created, we'd be terrified of the fruit we've borne.

People of God, we throw our words around carelessly, as if they simply fall to the ground and carry no impact. But we know differently. Whenever we become frustrated or upset, we think we're just venting our feelings. In reality, we speak things that are not as though they already were. Rather than our words lining up with the Word, we become puppets and let our tongues pull us around. Exactly as it says in today's passage, we seem to be completely aware of how destructive our tongues really are.

Well, I say it's high time to turn things around. Is that moment of disappointment with our loved one(s) or whomever, we immediately put them in the path of an oncoming truck. Every word we speak is a prayer, especially fueled by emotions. No longer should we let our tongues be in control, but exercise the discipline made available to us by the blood of the Lamb. Rather than destroy, why not begin creating new realms of possibilities for ourselves and our loved ones? Let's give the enemy a headache for once, rather than each other. Let's begin to walk in a new season as a result of speaking what we DESIRE -- not what we dread. That would really make Daddy proud He gave us such a creative force.

Prayer: Father, please forgive me for using my mouth to destroy what You gave me. I repent and turn from this pattern. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Let my words be spoken from a place of Your love rather than mine. I truly desire to please You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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