Not Age, Just Wisdom!

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

Today's Passage: Proverbs 4:1-13
Memory Verse: Proverbs 4:6

When I was a kid, I used to look at older people and think "He/she must be wise".  See, I was taught old age and grey hair were signs of wisdom.  Many of us still make that assumption.  Truth is, you don't have to be a senior to be wise.  Granted, most seniors are wise.  However, having wisdom is something God wants for all His children, regardless of age.

Grey hair is not a sign of wisdom.  It is in fact a sign of the gift of life given over a long period of time, which in itself deserves our respect and admiration.  But we must find wisdom through righteous living.  Wisdom is defined as having the power to discern and judge what is right and true along with having the character to choose it.  Most of us have the background by which we can recognize what's right and wrong. However, most of us also lack what is needed to choose what is right on a consistent basis.  And this is not something that is added to our lives after an extended period of life.  If you want proof, ask a 8 year-old if he/she wants a stalk of broccoli, or a candy bar.  That child may know full well that the candy bar has no nutritional value, yet he or she'll choose it everytime. 

Adults without wisdom struggle with the same types of choices.  Choices like: Do you get the loan, or save to buy it?  Should you pay attention to the red flags, or keep him/her around because they're cute?  The choices we make are also the differences between candy and broccoli, my friends.  Let's see how God feels about wisdom.  His word says "Never walk away from wisdom--she guards your life; love her--she keeps her eye on you".  This verse prompts me to ask myself how many bad situations I could've avoided had I walked in wisdom.  God loves us so much He gave us a weapon that keeps us from trouble.  Think about some of the things wisdom provides.  It gives immediate access to the Word of God.  It gives us supernatural vision.  It's a background screening system for new relationships, a financial advisor, and a messenger from God.  It's a parent's guide book, a husband's most expensive tool, and a wife's best friend.  Wisdom unlocks authority in the life of the beliver and is a paralyzing agent to the devil.  As a bonus, it drives a person to want to know God more, then becomes the bond that holds the two of them together.

In conclusion, there are few things that are more important than having wisdom.  Our survival depends on it.  If we want to achieve the goals that we've set for our lives, we must have wisdom.  It is truly a guide and a weapon we can use no matter hold old or young we are.

Prayer:  Father, I have given my life totally  over to You.  Leaning on my understanding has led to so many pitfalls and mistakes.  Therefore, I choose now to walk in Your ways.  I choose wisdom to get me through this life.  Whatever it takes for me to become more like You, I'll gladly do, in Jesus' name. Amen    

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