A Holy and Healthy Balance

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1- 11
Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5: 6 & 8

We live in a society where some believers feel pressured to loosen up and be more "user" or "seeker- friendly" in order to help make non- believers more relaxed around us.  Many make reference to the scripture in which Paul says he must be all things to all men.  Maybe some have been called to minister in that way-- I can't judge their motives.  Yet, somehow I can't reconcile that gospel with the gospel of being completely obedient to the voice of God in a  world where conformity is so common.

On the other extreme of the matter are believers who can't seem to relax at all.  They see the devil behind every tree, and are convinced that any attempt to mix Christianity with technology is from the pit of Hades itself.  There's even the argument being held that any church using a translation of the Bible other than the King James version is not of God.  Their stance is deliberately controversial and judgmental in nature.

Somewhere in between the two ideologies is the fine balance where kingdom- minded believers need to dwell.  I agree that we should be mindful of those who are not saved.  We should tap into resources such as the Internet where Facebook and other social networks are connecting people worldwide.  I am convinced that the technology involved has a huge role to play in the Great Commission.

But even while we beckon them to the cross with a sensitive heart, we cannot afford to compromise by adopting their lifestyles under the pretext that we're trying to "reach" them.  I don't believe they will be drawn if they don't see a passion in us for His presence rather than the distractions they surround themselves with.  I guess the question that should be at the heart of the matter is this: when people see us, what do they see?  Do they see people trying to fit into the world?  Or do they see passionate people who are also filled with compassion for the brokenhearted?  The answer must be found at the feet of the Master.  All WE have to do is be willing to seek Him for it.

Prayer: Father, I thank You that You haven't left us in the dark concerning Your Will.  Your Word says that Your Holy Spirit reveals secrets from Your heart to ours.  Fill us to overflowing with the grace to stand, wait, and be willing to listen.  You know exactly what Your plan is for drawing the lost.  I stand together now with my brothers and sisters in Your kingdom, believing for a mighty harvest for our cities.  May all we do serve only to bring You glory.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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