The Best "You" Ever!

Wednesday June 15, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Peter 5:5-11
Memory Verse: 1 Peter 5:6

Geez!  The world can really put pressure on a guy.  People often say it's hard to live the Christian life, but I beg to differ.  I personally think living by the world's standards is the difficult thing.  That life is literally like chasing a shadow in that you can see it but you'll never get your hands on it.

My heart goes out to my neighbors who strive to live without Christ.  The struggle can be seen everywhere.  For example, sit down and watch a reality show.  The people being featured seemingly have everything they want, yet they live in such misery.  Although they have unlimited resources, they have the same problems people with limited resources do.  Anyway, no matter the socio-economic status, life without Christ is nothing to play with.  What can people in the world hang their hat on?  Who can they identify with?  By the time one settles in to a certain identity, it's no longer the popular one.  It's hard to be proud of who you are if who you are is always being pressured to change.  Verse 5 of today's text says "So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs.  God's strong hand is on you; He'll promote you at the right time".  Imagine that!  God's wants you to be who you are.  You don't have to look like them, or act like them.  God loves you because you're you.  No pressure.  When God made you He broke the mold.  There's no one else like you.  So if you spend your life trying to be someone else, who's going to be you?  The world needs you.  There's a purpose and a plan for your life.  Don't throw away your destiny in order to try to live out someone else's.  Everyone has their own place to fill.  Therefore, let your plan consist of being the best "you" you can be.  With God's word, you can maximize every gifting you have, and become the person you see in your dreams. 

Finally, stay on guard My Friends.  If you allow your gaze to be moved away from God you'll get off the path.  Know that the devil is always looking to destroy your relationship with the Father.  Question things that don't line up with God's commandments.  If you live this way, you'll never have to be pressured to improve yourself; you'll already be the best "you" God ever made!!!

Prayer:  Father, we like who You made us to be.  We will never again question Your creation.  If we want to be better, however,  we'll choose to be better in You, not the world.  We fall out of agreement with the world and its standards in order to become more and more like You, in Jesus' name. Amen

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