Spiritual Warfare

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Today's Passage: 2 Corinthians 10: 1-7
Memory Verse: 2 Cor. 10: 3-4

Okay. I know that we are not to focus on the flesh or pay attention to it in any way when it comes to spiritual matters. But I have to admit: I find myself eye- balling men and women of God who walk in supernatural power. You know-- not to judge them or anything of that nature; I simply study them out of curiosity to see what makes them tick, and how they are able to command such anointing.

Well, as soon as I start asking those questions, new ones pop up in their place. Questions like -- how come it's so easy for some people to operate in the spirit and win? This time, in response to my questions, the Holy Spirit asks the most obvious question of them all: How come YOU'RE not warring in the spirit realm? What makes you think you're not qualified?

That's when it hits me: a believer is only as effective as his or ability to see past who and where he/she is at the moment. Those who remember that at any given time, the enemy can influence someone we may know, love and even trust, are the ones who don't lose their calm in the battle. Furthermore, when you find yourself in a flat-out attack, the thing to remember is that the enemy is afraid of something you have on the inside of you. He's also afraid that we'll get to our destination in victory -- which he hates.

So today, know that operating in the spirit realm is just as natural as breathing. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the real forces behind the faces you can see in the natural. And most of all, remember that all we have to do is start to fight with our spiritual weapons-- our own mouths. With them, we can pull down every demonic force that stands in our way. Quite simply, we have a choice: stay on the ground and fight in vain, or be lifted up in the heavenlies and win.

Prayer: Father, so many forget that our weapons are made for mighty warriors. Help us to engage in the battle, rather than get sidetracked into letting people who allow themselves to be used by the enemy steal our witness. We declare that we are warriors, and that the battle has already been won. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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