Look For the Remnant!

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 John 2
Memory Verse: 1 John 2: 24 & 27

It's the most tired excuse a believer has ever heard, but it's used all the time nonetheless. If you were to ask a person who's flirted with the idea of being a believer why he or she hasn't completely sold out, the most popular response is that believers are "hypocrites". Let's face it, though. Believers have given those who are watching us some powerful ammunition to use against us.

Every now and then, believers are caught in this snare that the enemy sets for us all. Whether it involves adultery or some other sexual scandal, misuse of money within a ministry, or the discovery that someone who was highly respected in the Christian community is not living up to that standard, it leaves a bitter taste in everyone's mouths. It also gives the impression that the Christian life is impossible to walk out.

But this one thing is certain: our role model, Who came in the flesh and lived among us, never let us down. He was in the flesh just llke we are, and did not succumb to sin. Whenever we fall short, it's not because of Him. As a matter of fact, if we want to be honest, we fail lots of times because we choose so many others to emulate rather than Christ Himself. There was no compromise in Him, so where is the compromise coming from?

Verse 15 in John 2 makes it clear. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life stop us short of showing forth God's best every time. When our priorities are on the things of this world, what we will accomplish will end up being the things this world settles for: unfulfilled relationships, a quest for material things that never satisfy, and recognition for being nothing but promise-breakers. But if we keep our eyes on Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith, the anointing of the Anointed One Himself -- Jesus the Christ -- will keep us walking in His ways and obeying His commandments. Next time you talk to one of those people who're straddling the fence because they've not seen the real thing walked out, remind them to look for the remnant... those of us who choose to abide in Him and walk holy... because He did.

Prayer: Father, thank You for sending Jesus to show us that this Christian life CAN be walked out in the flesh. All You require is acts of obedience to Your will because You first loved us. May we be willing to make the sacrifice and stand for righteousness, so that the world will have no excuse but to yield to Your Majesty. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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