A Journey Into Wisdom

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Today's Passage: Proverbs 3: 13-26
Memory Verse: Prov. 3: 13-14

Who wouldn't jump at the chance to have a million dollars deposited into his or her bank account?  I can tell you right now that only a small percentage of believers would turn down a lot of money that promises to change their lives forever.  But here's how I know that so many are not ready for it.  At all times of the day, people of all ages and backgrounds can be found at a Handy Way, pouring their hard-earned money into buying lottery tickets, hoping to win big.

Some say the likelihood of winning millions may not be that great.  But most are willing to spend a minimum of five dollars every couple of days in hopes of winning even a couple of hundred dollars in the latest lottery.  And do you know the crazy thing?  A financial advisor would tell you that if you were to put that money into some sort of tax-sheltered annuity, the returns would be much greater than you could imagine.

I'm no expert, but it seems to me that anything we want quick returns on, not willing to wait for more fulfilling results over time, is not a wise investment.  I read a book once in which the author said that Wisdom was looking at a situation in terms of the consequences in the near future rather than the instant gratification it would bring.  And that's what today's passage is expressing to us.

Blessings attach themselves to those who are willing to let Wisdom and understanding  be their companions.  No amount of money can replace the contentment that comes with choosing to live in a place of wisdom  where no quick-fix mentalities are allowed. Every area of our lives as believers can be applied to the use of Wisdom.  As a matter of fact, God expects us to be like him in this regard.  If He could create worlds with wisdom, why can't we?  Long life, peace, blessings, no fear, and every good thing you could desire await us.  Let's commit to embarking on a journey into wisdom today.

Prayer:  Father, how amazing that You mapped out this journey to blessings for Your children millions of years in advance.  Now we want to walk in Your footsteps and taste of the good of the Land.  Please fill us with the grace to walk in wisdom so that we can please You.  There's nothing we want more ... And we can count on You to get us to our destination.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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