A Glimpse of God's Glory

Friday, June 24th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5: 12- 24
Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5: 19-21

Last night, at the SonShine Network Ministries, the Holy Spirit literally arrested Abundant Life Ministries and took us to another level in His will.  We had a wonderful service, and began to worship as we usually do afterward.  All of a sudden, there was a shift in the atmosphere, and we went from pressing in the spirit for pastors and their ministries to pressing for a greater manifestation of God in our own lives and ministry.

The awesome part about it was that we didn't manufacture that moment.  All we did was flow in worship, feeding off of one another's passion for the presence of the Lord.  Then, when our pastors took a bold step by tapping into the overflow of the Spirit, without hesitation we followed.  Now mind you, service was officially over.  Anything more was sure to be seen as being over-zealous.  But when Pastor Chad took his wife's hand and ushered her to the platform, beckoning to the members of the praise team to follow, every single member jumped at the chance to experience what God was about to do.

When I read today's passage, I felt as if God had taken our already great love for our pastors and swapped it out for something even more precious. And because of the "one accord" that we had to see God manifest Himself in such a mighty way, the Father responded with such a sweet visitation.  Without even realizing it, we were all on our faces, being shown a glimpse of what God's perfect will and glory looks like.

As He put His personal stamp on our worship, I felt myself being filled with an even greater compassion.  It was almost as if God took all our concern for things that don't matter and replaced it with such a heart for God's heart-- souls.  After it was all said and done, Pastor Nette said she felt like this was what the saints in the upper room had experienced.  Nothing else mattered but what God wanted to do.  May we live in this place of being hungry for Him to speak and move like never before.

Prayer: Father, You always give conditions before laying out the blessing attached to those who are obedient.  As we obey Your command to uphold our pastors' vision, and intercede for one another out of just a sheer love for Your will to be done, we're believing for You to manifest Yourself in such a powerful way.  Thank You for trusting us with the seed of Your destiny in us.    Let it be unto us exactly according to Your Word.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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