H.U.M.P. Day!!!!!

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

Today's Passage: James chapter 2
Memory Verse: James 2: 14 and 24

FAITH. What a powerful word. Without it, we can never please God. With it, nothing is impossible for us to accomplish in this world. Every trial and contrary circumstance that comes against us is for the purpose of building this great virtue in our lives. But James makes a profound statement in today's passage that we must consider: FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD.

What?! So I can possess all the faith to move mountains, but it profits me nothing if I DO nothing to put that faith into action? This statement takes away every excuse that we are insignificant, and have not been given free will to RESPOND to God's commands. Let's face it: if Abraham had not OBEYED God and moved when he was told to do so, He wouldn't be called the Father of faith today. And do you know what gave Him the grace to be called "friend"? His obedience when God required His son as a sacrifice.

Faith may be the substance of all things that we hope for, and the evidence of things that we do not see. But OBEDIENCE is the vehicle that moves faith and causes it to bring into fruition what we are dreaming of. And here's the thing many of us don't want to face: if we don't SHOW God that He can trust us to obey Him WHEN He says move, how can we expect Him to open windows for us to operate in greater levels of influence?

That said, our challenge for today is this: MOVE! There's no such thing as WAITING on God to open doors for us. He did everything He was supposed to do. He destroyed the works of the enemy through the blood of His Son, Jesus. Then He showed us how to defeat satan by obeying and selling out to Him. So when He tells you to do something, stop making excuses and calling it "standing in faith." Get in God's face and get behind what He's blessing. He loves the poor and broken. When you begin to do your part to bless them, He'll move on your behalf. Let's make this really practical. Whenever you hear the words "outreach" or "missions", your baby should leap. Do whatever you can to support those who are reaching the lost for Jesus Christ. Put your money and resources behind it. If you want to be a believer in action, this H.U.M.P. day challenge is for you. MOVE, and watch God respond.

Prayer: Father, thank You so much for Your Word. Our desire is to obey You unflinchingly. Whatever moves You is what we want to be involved in. Give us the grace to not be more focused on our goals than we are on touching Your world one act of obedience at a time. If you don't only look at faith, but are moved by our works as well, we will combine our faith with our works -- for Your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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