Prayers That Prevail!

Sunday June 26, 2011

Father, You are the Most High God.  We stand in awe of You.  Your love, mercy, and grace remain evident in our lives day after day.  My prayer is that we don't take that for granted.  We have become so "self" conscious that we've convinced ourselves this life is about us.  It's not about us.  It's about You.  Your will has to take precedence in our lives.  Let us produce on Earth what You have spoken in Heaven.  Let us be Your hands, feet, and voice.  Let the world see Your unfailing love through us.

As we fill Your sanctuaries today, we will bring our offerings of praise, worship, and devotion.  We will be open and prepared to hear, recieve, and apply Your holy word.  Change us.  Transform us.  Don't let us be the same people we've always been.  Let the fragrance of an intimate touch from You be on us as we leave Your house.  We place a demand on the heavens for a tangible encounter with You.  Let our shouts be so loud they confuse our enemy.  Let our worship be so passionate we move Your heart.  Then Lord, give us a heart for the broken.  Let us see them the way You see them.  Blind eyes of judgement and give sight to eyes of compassion.  Let the lonely be conforted, the sick healed, and lost found by You.  We rejoice in You.  We love You.  And we give You praise, in Jesus' name. Amen.     

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