Our Father's Inheritance

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

Today's Passage: Jeremiah 1:1-10
Memory Verse: Jer. 1:10

Imagine you had a father who died before you were born. He was one of the most wealthy men on earth. In fact, he was so wealthy that everything He left to you had to be put in a book thousands of pages long. It would literally take you the rest of your life to discover everything you inherited.

Well, praise God that we DO have a Wealthy Father, a King, Who has left us rich promises to claim. Among them is the promise of our nobility. Before we were even born, He ordained us to be victorious over the evil one. He then gave us His Word that we would use it to destroy all the power of the enemy. Today's passage is evidence of something great that he can never take away from us: our authority.

With our mouths, we can exercise our authority to speak God's will not only over our own lives, but over nations, kingdoms, principalities and powers. With our mouths, we can declare that every root of iniquity planted in our family line through generational curses be uprooted in the Name of Jesus. We must learn to pray without ceasing like never before. We must boldly declare God's Will over our lives until we see His will fulfilled.

Not only can we uproot infirmity, perversion, failure, and all other twisted forms of iniquity designed by the enemy, but God has also given us the power to plant the will of God in the place of what we've uprooted. Healing, righteousness, success, and virtue of God can be spoken to replace every ugly thing. But we must not be deceived: the enemy will tempt us to use our mouths against ourselves and those we love the most in the battle. We must keep our hearts free from bitterness, unforgiveness and malice. Only then will our authority be truly released, and we can pull down the enemy's kingdom. And then we will fulfill our Father's inheritance.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for the authority You provided for me to walk in. I use that authority now to root out the spirit of religion and fear of intimacy with You. I replace that spirit with a heart of total devotion to You and everything You are. I speak the same in the lives of my loved ones, sisters and brothers. For Your glory and in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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