Wisdom: The True Gift!

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Today's Passage: 2 Chronicles 1
Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 1:12

I was in the video game store with my sons the other day and it was a circus.  They were salivating at everything they saw.  Well not really, but they were definitely having a good time.  I took them to the store because they were getting a reward for having good grades for the school year.  So, the fact that they knew they were getting something just added to the excitement.  It was after they made their final decisions that a profound statement was made.

I'd noticed my oldest son didn't have the game he wanted.  Instead, he had chosen an older, less expensive one.    As we walked to the counter, I asked him why he had chosen that game.  He said, "I chose it because I knew you had two more games to buy.  So, I wanted to be wise about what I chose".  I was astounded!  My son's response was the epitome of a child having the heart of their father.  It was at that moment I learned a valuable lesson.  In our passage today, Solomon(who was now king) chose wisdom as well.  He had favor with God so he knew He was going to bless him with something.  However, what he asked for seemingly took even God by surprise.  Why is it so hard for us to see value in having wisdom?  I mean, we admire people we consider wise, but having wisdom ourselves seems to be more of an ideal than an achievable reality.  An ounce of wisdom, or a boat-load of cash: what will YOU choose?  Patience for saving, or an approved loan: again, what will you choose? 

The problem we have with wisdom is it's not instant.  It doesn't bring an immediate, flashy return.  Wisdom is a harvest that reaps heavy returns in the long run.  That's right!  On the surface, you are nowhere near keeping up with the Jones', but you remain immune to the financial pressures that have become part of their everyday lives.  In Solomon's case, he knew the Children of Israel were not easy people to lead.  After all, he had seen his father struggle with it from time to time.  Inasmuch, he was well aware of the fact that all the money in his kingdom would not make him a good leader, nor would 100,000 warriors standing at attention.  The only thing that would make him an effective leader was wisdom.  So, he asked God for it.  Of all the things you'll ever desire my friends, get wisdom first.  Why?  The reason is if you don't have wisdom, you'll squander what you've believed God for.  That's how millionaires go broke, or lovers get divorced. They possessed everything they wanted, except what they most needed: wisdom. 

Finally my friends, if you first pursue wisdom, God will bless you with all the other stuff.  As you can see, God not only gave Solomon the wisdom he asked for, but He gave him all the money and wealth he didn't ask for.  God has the same plans for you.  He knows that wisdom will unlock incredible blessings in your life.  And when you find it, you'll have everything you need.

Prayer: Father I know You have wonderful plans for me.  So, my plan is do my part to establish Your kingdom on the Earth.  To do that, I have to be the image of You.  I can't make bad choices and allow myself to follow the world.  I must walk in wisdom.  I commit right now to separate myself from my own ideas and totally trust You.  I want wisdom for my life now, and forever, in Jesus' name.  Amen.


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